Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 213: All Saints Worship, the Ninth Saint!

Chapter 213: All Saints Worship, the Ninth Saint!

Chaos reigned in the Zixiao Palace, but Daozu Hongjun, the spokesperson of Tiandao, was uncharacteristically, with an extremely wonderful expression on his face.

If this scene were seen by all sentient beings, they would definitely be shocked.

You must know that Taoist Hongjun is the first saint in the ancient world. His fighting power is unparalleled under the way of heaven. Even other saints are disciples in front of Taoist Hongjun.

It can be said that there is nothing in this world that can move Taoist Hongjun's face. When he practiced in the past, he transformed into reincarnation, founded the Nine Netherworld Mansion, and transformed into the Six Paths. Hongjun's expression remained as usual.

In the final analysis, these are all within Hongjun's expectations, and coupled with his superior combat power, he does not care too much about fear. Even if there is no such thing as Hou Tu, there will be others like this, but it will only happen sooner or later. That’s all.

But now, he looked horrified and had an incredible look on his face.

"How is it possible? How can anyone really succeed in proving the Tao with force? The Tao is so far away."

Hongjun's expression changed, and then it turned into a line of blue smoke and disappeared.

A huge storm sweeping across the wilderness was secretly brewing, but Jiang Chen, who was at the center of the storm, was completely unaware of it.

All the powerful monks outside Mount Xumi congratulated loudly.

"Congratulations to Emperor Rensheng Tianqi for becoming a half-step saint!"

Jiang Chen's heart did not waver, and he was still immersed in the power within his body.

Tongtian looked at his disciple with a smile, and then slowly bent towards Jiang Chen and saluted.

"Congratulations to Emperor Tianqi Rensheng for becoming a saint of the Great Dao!"

There was complexity and pride in Tongtian's voice, but it was more of a joke.

Jiang Chen's body is as straight as a spear, with long silky hair draped over his shoulders. His dark eyes are full of plainness, revealing a lazy aura. If it weren't for the extremely powerful power on his body, he would be so clean. His face and gentle temperament looked like that of a pure young man. If he were placed on the earth that Jiang Chen traveled to, he would definitely make many girls feel young and blush.

However, because of the overwhelming power on his body, the pure boy-like temperament and the devil-like aura, combined in one person, it created a strong sense of impact.

It adds a bit of flavor to the young man in white robe.

Jiang Chen, who had a calm attitude before, saw that Tongtian Cult Leader was also like this, and then he saw the teasing meaning in Tongtian Cult Leader's eyes.

He couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly, his master was really naughty.

He seemed to have some helplessness and said: "Master."

Seeing Jiang Chen's helpless expression, Tongtian Cult Leader also laughed loudly. He loved Jiang Chen even more in his heart, looking at Jiang Chen like an old father.

It can be said that Jiang Chen grew up under his own watch. The feeling of witnessing Jiang Chen step by step up to where he is now, and finally becoming so strong that he even needs to look up or even look up at him, made Tongtian feel so comfortable.

And this time.

I saw the space halfway up Mount Sumeru twisting and shaking, and a green bull slowly walked out of the void. The first thing that caught the eyes of many monks was a pair of huge horns, and the big eyes of copper bells were full of It was spiritual energy, and its momentum was extremely strong. Then the cow slowly moved forward, and he saw a figure on the back of the cow.

The figure is wearing burlap clothes, with gray hair and beard. From a distance, he looks like an ordinary old man from the countryside. The old man has a plain complexion. Sitting on the back of a green bull, he looks unhurried and unhurried. There is no trace of mana fluctuations around his body, and he looks like a mortal. Normal, but the strange thing is that this old man came from the void and walked in the sky, how could he be that mortal.

The whole body is sharp and restrained, without revealing anything. Only a saint can do this!
Is this clearly a saint? !

Seeing this figure, the leader of Tongtian Cult took a step forward, raised his hands and called out: "Senior Brother!"

Seeing the behavior of Lord Tongtian, how could the many monks in the prehistoric times not know that the person coming was the saint of Lao Tzu?

I smiled and nodded in response, and then bowed to Jiang Chen.

"Congratulations to Tianqi Rensheng for becoming a great saint!"

"Wow!" There was an uproar on Mount Sumeru.

"The Human Sect has not been around for a long time. It is shocking to send a direct disciple, Xuandu, to help fight against the Jie Sect. I didn't expect that even Saint Laozi is here in person now. How could it be seen that the three Xuanmen Sects have already separated? Such a situation The feelings are really deep.”

"That's not the point, right? This saint is actually a great saint who came out of seclusion to congratulate Jiang Chen on his sainthood certificate?!"

"This face is too great!"

"Hey, I said that fellow Taoists are pedantic and stubborn in their thinking and don't know how to adapt. Do you still regard Saint Jiang Chen as a junior? He is the great path of enlightenment. If he fully steps into it in the future, he will be no less than the great god Pangu. No. 1 between heaven and earth!"

All the ancient monks were extremely surprised, but did not wait for them to discuss it.

Another majestic sound startled everyone. Before anyone arrived, they had already heard the sound.

"Congratulations to Tianqi Rensheng for becoming a great saint!"

Unlike the previous Lao Tzu who appeared quietly, Yuanshi Tianzun appeared with great pomp and high-profile, stepping out of the void.

As soon as he appeared, the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao knelt down to greet him.

"Congratulations, Master!"

Yuanshi was also extremely satisfied with his disciple's performance.

Then he glanced at Jiang Chen somewhat unnaturally, and the satisfaction he felt just now disappeared without realizing it.

This person is dead compared to others, and he must be thrown away if he compares goods with goods!
Then he looked enviously at his junior brother, Master Tongtian.

Yuan Shi was a very face-saving person. He came to congratulate Jiang Chen. Although he received the same response as his senior brother, the indifferent look made him feel a little embarrassed.

After all, he was his uncle, so why didn't he show any enthusiasm at all?

He was slanderous in his heart, but extremely friendly on his face.

His childlike face and fair hair made it difficult for others to see what he was thinking.

However, the subtle change in his expression made Jiang Chen extremely amused. He was his uncle, but Jiang Chen himself had an indifferent temperament. He went out to see him as his own son, the leader of Tongtian, and he would not show too much to the other "elders". of intimacy.

The monks outside Mount Xumi were shocked when Yuanshi Tianzun came to congratulate him, but they could accept it in their hearts. After all, they were from the same sect, but the saints who came one after another shocked the world completely.

"Nu Wa would like to congratulate fellow Taoist Jiang Chen for becoming a great saint!"

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist Jiang Chen for becoming a great saint!"

All the saints came to greet him, and Mount Sumeru was suddenly very lively.

While those ancient monks were discussing one after another, a majestic sky sound sounded.

"Hongjun congratulates Tianqi Rensheng Emperor on his attainment of the Great Dao! The Ninth Saint of the Great Desolate World has finally returned to his throne!"

The mouths of many monks gradually grew larger, and their eyes were horrified!
"Daozu Hongjun?!"

"Who can compare to the pomp and display of Saint Jiang Chen??!!"

"This, the saint of the human race, just entered the holy way, and all the saints came to worship. This ninth saint in the ancient world should be the best saint!!!"

In the midst of a crowd of incredible eyes, a majestic figure could not see the reality clearly, and the whole body was covered with chaos, making it impossible for anyone to see the true expression on his face.

In the chaos, Hongjun looked at Jiang Chen with some curiosity and shock. Jiang Chen responded with his hands raised, seeming to feel something. He also looked at the chaotic figure, as if he could see Hongjun's true body.

Looking at each other, the atmosphere gradually becomes weird
(End of this chapter)

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