Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 218 Across eternity!Cut off the long river of destiny with a gun!

Chapter 218 Across eternity!Cut off the long river of destiny with a gun!
Looking at Zhunti who was like a rubber ball in the scene, the monks on Mount Sumeru all had their mouths wide open, their faces full of horror, as if they were being strangled by the neck and could not make any sound.

The sight of all sentient beings being horrified seems quite comical.

Even those saints felt a little cold in their hearts.

Jie Yin's face became even more ugly, and his extremely sad look could make people see the cold murderous intention in it.

It seems extremely weird to have such complex feelings mixed in one person.

Tongtian looked a little surprised. He was a bit too fierce as a stubborn person. The seemingly gentle and clean young man turned out to be so vicious when fighting with others.

However, within a moment, this emotion was replaced by a look of pride.

Daozu Hongjun, who had been hanging in the air, was also surrounded by chaos, and his heart was obviously not at peace.

And the saint Nuwa also covered her delicate lips with her beautiful hands. She was obviously shocked by this scene.

Ping Xin also looked at Jiang Chen who beat Zhunti violently in that battle with a somewhat shocked expression. This kind of fighting power really frightened people. You know, he is still half a saint!
Yuanshi Tianzun had a complicated expression on his face. He recalled that back then, he looked down on Jiang Chen as a mortal, and then Jiang Chen became an Earth Immortal in one step, which shocked all three realms.They all started to snatch disciples.

Now that tens of thousands of years have passed, my nephew has become even more ferocious. He beat Zhunti violently without even a trace of strength to fight back. It is really shocking.

Even though he was such a face-saving person like Yuan Shi, he had to admit that he couldn't do this.

Looking at the proud expression on his junior brother Tongtian's face, Yuan Shi was filled with envy. If he had taken the lead in recruiting this disciple to teach him, then he would be the one with the most glory now.

Feeling the envy of the saints around them, seeing the envy on their faces, the sky is also full of comfort, the whole body is extremely comfortable, I wish I could look up to the sky and laugh three times to show the joy in my heart!
However, he was desperately holding back a smile on his face, but the corners of his mouth that grinned unconsciously truly showed his current mood.

However, envy was envy, and the saints did not take any other actions. After all, with Jiang Chen's current strength, even they could not take any advantage.

Well, to be precise, it's not that you can't take advantage. It takes all your strength to resist his attack.

Except for Ping Xin and Hongjun, no one among the saints present had the full confidence to ravage Zhunti into such a state.

Zhunti's body was constantly being hit by Jiang Chen, and he obviously couldn't bear it. He gritted his teeth, and finally muttered something silently, and he didn't know what kind of strange magical power he used. Zhunti, who was about to be hit by Jiang Chen again, turned out to be It turned into a Bodhi tree.

Then, in the surprised eyes of the monks, a rather staggering figure stumbled out of the void not far from the wooden pile.

Jiang Chen missed his attack and looked at Zhunti in surprise, but he underestimated him for actually having such a method.

Zhunti finally had a chance to breathe. He glanced at Jiang Chen with a horrified expression, and then sacrificed his most powerful spiritual treasure - the Seven Treasures Tree. This Seven Treasures Tree was considered his true body, or half-holy spirit. precious.

It is extremely powerful, and the confinement ability it comes with is also weird and unpredictable.

When Jiang Chen saw this, he sneered in his heart, "Haha, are you competing for spiritual treasures?"

Immediately, he waved his sleeves and robe, and saw a flash of yellow light flashing out. It was the central Wuji apricot yellow flag. The flag was one foot and seven inches long. The flag quickly hung above Jiang Chen's head, with the black and yellow energy protection hanging down. Living around Jiang Chen is the number one defensive spiritual treasure.

However, this was not over yet, and then another aqua-blue light swept out, and soon the blue light reached the sky, and the light was extremely dazzling, illuminating all the prehistoric states.

It was the Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Flag. The flag was seen hovering around Jiang Chen, and then it landed at Jiang Chen's feet and stopped.

Jiang Chen was dressed in a white robe and looked extremely mysterious and handsome, illuminated by the blue light.

Then I saw white air hanging in the sky, golden light, and a blue flag flying over. It turned out to be the green lotus flag of the Western religion? !

Looking at the Green Lotus Colored Flag, Zhunti looked angry. This Green Lotus Colored Flag was originally the spiritual treasure of his western sect, but it was tricked by Jiang Chen back then, which made Zhunti unwilling to accept it.

The green lotus colored flag floated in front of Jiang Chen and bloomed with immeasurable golden light. It obviously had extremely powerful attack power.

All living beings were alarmed. There were actually three flags in Jiang Chen's hands. These were top-quality innate spiritual treasures. Even saints only had one or two. The saint Jiang Chen had just become a saint, and he actually had this kind of treasure. foundation.

However, before they could wait, they were surprised when they saw Jiang Chen's whole body glowing continuously, and then the twelfth-grade Karma Fire Red Lotus and the twelfth-grade World-Destroying Black Lotus floated out, and there were two more top-grade innate spiritual treasures! !

Fantianyin also flashed out immediately after.

Then the God-killing Spears flew out from Jiang Chen's sleeves and robes one after another, shocking all living beings in the ancient world.

"How many spiritual treasures are there?"

"More than just a spiritual treasure, the God-killing Spear is a treasure comparable to the Chaos Treasure!"

"Well, there are so many spiritual treasures, and they are all top-grade innate spiritual treasures. Even Taoist Hongjun can't match this level of knowledge."

"You will know it just by looking at Saint Zhunti."


Even Duobao on Jiejiao's side was dumbfounded. "Eldest Brother, this collection is too rich!!"

Even though his name is Duobao, he is not as good as the senior brother compared to the spiritual treasures. What's more, the spiritual treasures of the senior brother are all extremely high-grade spiritual treasures. Taking out any one of them can cause commotion in the wilderness.

Zhunti, who took out the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree and attacked Jiang Chen, was actually not close to Jiang Chen. Looking at Jiang Chen's spiritual treasures all over the sky, Zhunti felt bitter in his heart, and at the same time he felt a strong sense of envy.

He originally had a lot of spiritual treasures in his hands, but because the grade was not high, they were of little use to him after his upgrade, so he distributed them to his disciples.

Originally, he still had a top-quality innate spiritual treasure in his hand, but he lost it when he tried to trick Jiang Chen. Now it has become a spiritual treasure used against him.

Looking at his solitary Seven Treasures Tree again, one can imagine the feeling in his heart under the extremely miserable condition of being suppressed.


In his wandering mind, the karma fire red lotus took advantage of the situation to burn a trace of his consciousness, and he was distracted to extinguish the karma fire deep in his soul. He was knocked down by the sky seal again, and another mouthful of blood spurted out.


"Jiang Chen, I want you to die!!!"

The crushing of the physical body and the competition of spiritual treasures made Zhunti lose all hope. Zhunti's face also became crazy, and he looked like a madman!
Sacrifice a part of the saint's luck, and use the magical power that he has studied for many years since he became a saint. His hands touched a strange seal, and then he saw an inexplicable aura pouring out from the sky.

It's like jumping into a waterfall of chaos.

There are life influences of billions of creatures flowing from it in a strange and unpredictable way.

All the sentient beings in the primitive world were a little surprised and confused, not knowing what the method was.

Then Na Zhunti bit the tip of his tongue, spit out a mouthful of heart blood, reached out his hands like lightning, and applied the blood into his eyes, and then his eyes became red.

"The River of Destiny, now!"

Zhunti shouted loudly, and then he saw that in the long river of life where there were countless figures before, now there was only the same figure left.

Among them, a peerless young man appeared. Looking at this figure, all living beings in the ancient world were a little surprised and didn't know why.

However, in the middle of the river of destiny, there is a figure with spiritual treasures tumbling around him, holding a spear with overwhelming magical power, standing alone in the river of life, and he looks like Jiang Chen now.

And at the end of the long river of destiny, there is a vague back figure, sitting cross-legged in a place of nothingness and chaos, but only a lonely back figure can be seen, as if the whole world has ceased to exist, and only that figure remains forever? !

Looking at this strange scene, the monks in the ancient world were all surprised and confused, and some couldn't figure out what it was.

And those saints all looked surprised and uncertain.

Let’s talk about Jiang Chen.

At this time, his expression also changed drastically. The figure at the front was clearly the figure when he had just crossed the wilderness. Even he was a little dazed when he saw that figure.

So... is it your past self?So that lonely figure at the end, could it be my future?

Jiang Chen's mood fluctuated.

Immediately, he saw Zhunti attacking the figure of the peerless young man with a ferocious expression, actually wanting to kill his past self!

Seeing this, Jiang Chen's expression changed drastically. His past self didn't have any magic power. If he was killed, would he also die together?
Jiang Chen was not sure, but he couldn't gamble, and his face showed ferocious murderous intent.

"A short distance away!"

He yelled in his heart, and then his figure stepped out of the void in one step and appeared on the river of destiny. He held the God-killing Demonic Spear tightly in his hand and poured all his Dao Saint Qi into the gun.

I saw the God-killing Spear's light rising sharply, and then under Jiang Chen's wave, it slashed down towards the long river of chaos.


There was no sound from the collision, and the silence was obviously unexpected.

A strange emotion quietly climbed into the hearts of all the monks.

But what was completely different from what he heard was that the section of the fateful river of that peerless young man's figure had already been chopped away!

And the figure of the peerless young man also disappeared, erasing his past from the root!
Make sure no one can kill you in this way again!

This shot cuts across eternity! ! !

From then on, Jiang Chen’s past is no longer the past, and the past and present will last forever! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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