Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 219 Three Jiang Chen saints?The dragon talks about holy war!

Chapter 219 Three Jiang Chen Saints?The dragon talks about holy war!

Many monks in the prehistoric era were dumbfounded, looking at the power of Jiang Chen's spear, and their hearts were shaken with horror.

The long river of destiny that previously traversed between heaven and earth was broken by Jiang Chen's shot.

Although there was no great momentum, just a silent collision, the eye-popping fate of being cut off still shocked their hearts.

Even the powerful monks at the quasi-sage level were so frightened that their souls were dying. Although they didn't know what it was, the magical power that the Saint Zhunti exerted all his strength must have unpredictable power.

"What exactly is this river of destiny?"

"Who knows? It seems to be something related to time and space, right?"

A series of surprised and uncertain voices sounded.

"But I see that the saint who was previously mentioned has used some means, and suddenly countless people in the river of destiny disappeared in an instant. Only three figures are left in the river of destiny. among.”

"Yes, although I am not very clear about two of the figures, the figure in the middle holding a pole and emitting overwhelming demonic power is clearly what Saint Jiang Chen looks like now."

"Then what is the purpose of Saint Zhunti now???"

All the ancient monks were puzzled and had endless curiosity about that scene.

Immediately, a dark-skinned Taoist was seen looking at the monks with a proud face.

It seemed like they were mocking why these monks couldn't see anything.

Smiling and shaking his head.

When the monks saw this scene, they all didn't quite understand why the monk was acting like this.But seeing that the monk's cultivation level was not high, I was quite unhappy with him.

A friend of this dark-faced Taoist came forward to ask. I saw that this Taoist's friend also looked at the dark-faced Taoist with curiosity on his face.

"Brother Tao, why are you acting like this?"

This dark-faced Taoist was originally a Nine Nether Dragon outside the North Sea. Because his body was dark, when he transformed, he directly transformed into a dark-faced Taoist. His original strength was only that of a golden immortal.

But this dragon knows how to seek good luck and avoid evil, and has always been quite envious of the real dragon clan. He wants to travel around the world like a real dragon and stir up waves in the four seas, so he is named Long Tao.

In the heart of this Taoist, it is an existence that will turn into a real dragon sooner or later and turn the world upside down.

Precisely because this dragon's wisdom is extremely extraordinary, it has survived two calamities and remained immortal until later generations.

Seeing his friend asking, the Taoist also suppressed the disdainful smile on his face.

Then he spoke proudly: "The purpose of mentioning the saint is very obvious. I see that you and other Taoist brothers are all puzzled, so I laugh out loud, shake my head and sigh!"

Obviously, this moment aroused the curiosity of these people.

"Brother Taoist, please stop showing off. We are all scratching our hearts like centipede insects and can't wait any longer!"

All the monks looked at Tao Taoist with reflective eyes and curious faces.


The black-faced Taoist cleared his throat and said, "Do you know what the magical power summoned by Saint Zhunti is?"

The monks looked at each other in confusion. You looked at me, I looked at you, but they all didn't dare to speak.

But I was cursing secretly in my heart, this dragon is really good at telling people off. If we knew, could we ask you, a little golden immortal monk?However, he cursed secretly in his heart, but his face showed a very cooperative and serious look of asking for an answer.

I'm afraid that this person will give up his job.

Obviously this effect is still very significant. Taoist Taoist looked complacent and was quite satisfied with everyone's reaction.

"Then do you know who the figure in the river of fate was?"

As soon as this question came out, many monks responded, and the figure in the middle was clearly Saint Jiang Chen.

"Yes, anyone with a brain can know this."


All the monks had veins pulsing on their foreheads, and they wanted to get up and rub the black-faced Taoist on the ground.

"God knows it if he has a brain, so why the hell do you ask?"

He murmured in his heart, but still restrained his impatience and asked with a smile: "Does Brother Dao know what those other two figures are?"

All the monks have made a decision. If this guy is trying to fool them by saying he doesn't know, they must let him know why the flowers are so red.

Tao Taoist did not do what they expected, and slowly said: "If those two figures are not as expected by Ping Dao, they should be Saint Jiang Chen!"

"What? Doesn't that mean there are three Jiang Chen saints among them?"

All the monks were shocked.

"Yes, please listen to Pindao's analysis. Saint Zhunti was no match for Saint Jiang Chen, so he used the most bizarre and unpredictable magical power to obliterate Jiang Chen from the river of destiny. There were three figures among them, It should be the past, present, and future of Saint Jiang Chen!"

Hearing these shocking remarks, all the monks were so shocked that they could not speak completely.

They have never heard of supernatural powers that can connect to the past and the future.

Just when their heads were dizzy from the shock and they couldn't accept the information, Taoist Taoist spoke again.

"The intention of Saint Zhunti can be said to be unseen at this point. It is obvious that he wants to kill Saint Jiang Chen in the past, so as to completely eliminate Saint Jiang Chen in the present and even in the future!"


" this what it's like?"

Seeing that all the monks were shocked and speechless by him, Long Tao was also proud of himself. Although he had just guessed, he was almost inseparable from it.

"Then why was the saint Jiang Chen like that in the past? Did he slowly reach this point from a mortal?"

"Who knows this? How can Saint Jiang Chen judge it with common sense?"

"This is not the point. The last figure turned out to be only a back figure, and it was in chaos. Who can tell me what is going on?"


All the monks were chattering non-stop, and the moment of silence brought about by Jiang Chen's silent offensive was instantly replaced by a commotion.

Even Jiang Chen, who was in mid-air, glanced at the Taoist below with a strange look on his face. This little monk was quite smart.

(End of this chapter)

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