Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 220 Download the Bodhisattva Law of Freedom!Another long river of destiny?

Chapter 220 Download the Bodhisattva Law of Freedom!Another destiny?
In the mid-air, Jiang Chen still held the spear in his hand, maintaining the posture of cutting short the long river of chaos.

He was obviously a little frightened by Zhunti's method.

If it weren't for the magical power of displacement he cultivated - so far away, his speed would still be one step faster than Zhunti's, then it would be Zhunti who reached his past body first.

If Saint Zhunti was allowed to kill his past body, Jiang Chen was not sure whether he would die along with him.

Although he has now become a half-step saint, Jiang Chen does not dare to gamble. After all, according to his original thinking, if his past self was killed, where would the present come from?

Therefore, even Jiang Chen was a little frightened by this, and after being frightened, he became a little scared.

But then, there was boundless rage and murderous intent.

If this Zhunti Saint succeeds to him, then there is a great possibility that his hundreds of thousands of years of ascetic cultivation will disappear, and he may disappear in this world.

Brutal murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and then his cold eyes glanced at Zhunti.

However, Jiang Chen was a little moved by Zhunti's magical powers. Such magical powers simply had unpredictable power.

It is really shocking that one can travel through the long river of history and kill the opponent's past.

Unexpectedly, although Zhunti's combat power is not strong among saints, the magical power he has developed is so strange.

Jiang Chen sneered.

"But this magical power will soon belong to me!"

Seeing Jiang Chen's cold eyes scanning over him, all the hair on Zhunti's body was standing on his head. Just now, his magical power was so weird and unpredictable that Jiang Chen saw the clues in it and destroyed it. .

This move failed, and Zhunti didn't know what other methods could be used to deal with Jiang Chen. He was completely crushed in the previous physical competition and spiritual treasure competition. Now even with magical powers, he is still inferior.
He felt bitter in his heart, but he still kept an eye on Jiang Chen vigilantly to prevent him from getting angry and hurting anyone.

Jiang Chen had a plan in his mind, and it immediately sank into his mind.

"System, can I download the magical power of Zhunti just now?"

"Ding dong! Of course, everything in this system can be downloaded, so the host doesn't have to worry!"

"Okay, then download the magical power that Zhunti used before."

Opening Zhunti's panel, even Jiang Chen couldn't bear to look at it, as a saint.

This panel was a little too shabby. Back then, he saw that his master, Master Tongtian, and his two uncles all had extremely luxurious panels.

When we arrived at Zhunti, it was so shabby and desolate.
No wonder we keep saying that this Western religion is poor. It is really true.

Name: Zhunti.

Cultivation: Heavenly Saint (Second Heaven of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal).

Physique: top innate god.

Miraculous powers: lotus holds sword, Bodhi is at ease with one's heart...

Lingbao: Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree.

No matter what Jiang Chen's temperament was, he could sympathize with this Zhunti for a moment.

As a saint, this panel is really shabby.

There is only one spiritual treasure and two magical powers. It is simply a person with three no abilities!
But then Jiang Chen calmed down his mind, and he retreated but sneaked up on him again and again. If it weren't for his master, he might have died in his hands long ago.

"Ding dong! The magical power used to detect the use of the Saint Zhunti just now is the Bodhi Heart and Freedom Dharma. Does the host need to download it?"

"Yes!" I thought silently in my heart, and then I saw the Bodhisattva Dafa being downloaded quickly.

but a moment
"Ding dong! The download of the Divine Power Bodhi Self-Heart Dharma has been completed."

Immediately, Jiang Chen had a magical power in his mind, and his application of it reached a great level.

The remaining magical power was so useless that Jiang Chen looked down upon it at all. As for the cultivation of Zhunti Saint.

Haha, now my cultivation level is obviously higher than his, so why bother to sacrifice one's strengths and weaknesses.

Besides, the amount of downloads for the saint's cultivation is too huge. Even if he has reached the cultivation level of a half-step saint, downloading it is extremely time-consuming. Besides, the saint's cultivation cannot be superimposed.

Is it fun to download a saint who is weaker than yourself?
Then Jiang Chen sneered, since it has been downloaded, let's treat him in his own way.

Didn't you want to kill me in the past? Haha, then I will use the same method to deal with you.

Jiang Chen's hands were seen forming a strange seal. Seeing Jiang Chen's posture and the familiar seal movements, Zhunti's pupils shrank slightly, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Is this true? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Zhunti was surprised at first, and then shook his head crazily, saying it was impossible, as if he was hypnotizing himself.


When Jiang Chen completed the seal, he shouted loudly, and saw another inexplicable energy pouring down from the boundless sky, turning into another long river of chaos? !


"Isn't this the magical power used by the Zhunti saint earlier? How could this happen?"

"Well, I don't know about this either."

"Could it be that Saint Jiang Chen also happens to practice the magical power of Guo?"

"That should be the case. Otherwise, how could there be two identical magical powers? Could it be that Saint Zhunti taught Saint Jiang Chen?"

I saw a person talking, even himself laughing.

All the ancient monks were surprised, but then they stopped thinking about it. The battle was getting more and more exciting now.

Only Zhunti looked horrified, how could this be possible? This was a magical power that only he could master in the entire prehistoric era. How could Jiang Chen be able to display it.

And it seems that he doesn’t even pay a price?

You must know that this magical power has the power to harm the saint. Tracing back to its origins and going back to the past is a heaven-defying magical power that is not tolerated by heaven and earth.

Even a saint needs to sacrifice his heart and blood to use it. If he uses it once, he has to rest for tens of thousands of years to recover. But Jiang Chen was able to use it without any hindrance.

At this moment, even Zhunti was doubting life. Didn't he create this magical power?

Was it originally supposed to be created by Jiang Chen?
Then by chance, he suddenly realized a magical power, which happened to be the same as Jiang Chen's?
It's no wonder that Zhunti was so shocked. After all, he originally thought that he was a genuine original, but then he saw something that was the same as himself, or even more genuine than his own original.

Even if it is the state of mind of a saint, he feels that his worldview has collapsed.

And the sentient beings in the ancient world looked excitedly at Mount Sumeru. Such weird saints were fighting with the same magical power. It is rare to see them in eternity. I was lucky enough to see them today. It was really a worthwhile trip!
The river of destiny summoned by Zhunti before has not completely dissipated, and a brand new river of destiny has emerged.

This battle between saints is really unpredictable and weird! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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