Chapter 415: Obstruction in every possible way

Li Jing came here again now, because when he saw this, he was really reluctant.

After all, this is his son, and if they do this kind of magic now, it will definitely be bad for their son.

"I'm telling you, don't use black magic to resurrect my son. I will never agree to it. Stop it immediately."

After Li Jing suddenly acted foolishly, this was now clearly a warning.

Jiang Chen didn't say anything after hearing this. He kept doing his own thing, as if he didn't hear it at all.

I don't want to care what he says, but I will definitely do this, and I will never regret it.

After all, he was destined to Nezha, but Nezha was already dead at this time.

There is nothing else to do with them, so you must do this well.

"What do you mean? Are you ignoring me? I told you this is my son and you have no rights."

When Li Jing suddenly said such words, Jiang Chen felt particularly speechless. He didn't expect that he could say these things.

If this was really his own son and he could treat him well, he wouldn't say anything about it.

But he has never treated his son well, and now he doesn't want his son to live.

"If you really liked your son and loved your son, you wouldn't say this."

After Jiang Chen only said this sentence, he didn't say anything else and started doing his own thing.

Sitting there minding my own business, because I really don't want to have anything to do with him now.


When Li Jing heard this, it was as if he had heard a joke. Why couldn't he say that this was his son?

Even though he is dead now, he is still his son and no one else has any rights.

Now he actually stops himself from saying such things.

"What do you mean by this? I have nothing to say to you, I just want you to stop immediately."

Li Jing shouted here, causing everyone inside to look outside.

And the people didn't know what to say. Although he built a temple, Li Jing was indeed a bit unhuman.

He didn't seem to know what this thing was like, and he was unwilling to do it.

"You should get out of here quickly. We don't welcome you here at all. You should leave immediately."

After Qiqing reached this point, she really couldn't bear it any longer.

When I heard those words just now, I was already very angry, but I didn't expect that he would go further and further.

He can do anything. His son is lying here, and he still has the mind to do such a thing.

"I don't know how you deserve to be Nezha's father. You are not worthy at all."

After finishing the game, he closed the door and locked Li Jing out.

Seeing him knocking on the door little by little outside, I didn't want to listen anymore, even though there was a knock on the door.

But I would never open it myself, and now I have finally solved an annoying matter.

But I don't know what to say. He is too lonely and pedantic.

"I really don't know why there are people like this who don't even care about their own son lying here."

Qiqing was really too uncomfortable, and she really didn't know what to say.

This kind of thing has happened and I am already very angry. If it were me, someone would save my son. So I really can't feel it as a human being, but I didn't expect that he would actually stop it now, and I still don't believe it.

"Actually, this is just a different stance. After all, his stance is different from ours."

Jiang Chen also said it after hearing this. In fact, he was helpless about this, so he didn't say much.

Because everyone's position is different, but what you have to do is to save Nezha.

This is the person who is destined to him, and he will never let him die. No matter what others think, he will do it.

"But I really can't understand it. Now that you say the danger is gone, why would he still do this?"

Qiqing really didn't know what to say. She had never encountered these things before.

Now that I have persisted, I really feel like my head is getting bigger and I am frowning.

It's also true, I don't know how to deal with this matter.

I think these things are very difficult for me.

But in fact, I don’t know what to do, and now I feel really helpless inside.

"Actually, Li Jing did this because he had no choice but to protect the people of Qiantang Pass."

Jiang Chen also felt that his position was actually different from his own, because he was dealing with all the people of Qiantang Pass.

But what I have to do is just to save one person. In fact, the relationship is quite big.

What the two people want to do is different, and what they have to face are different, so their current positions are also different.

"But aren't the people still alive now? And they have all returned to normal."

Qiqing is even more puzzled now, as if she doesn't know anything.

But I don’t know what to say. In fact, what he said makes sense. After all, everyone is different.

Li Jing did it for all the people in Qiantang Pass. To the people, he was really a very good person.

He is also a very good manager, so the prosecutor has always been doing well over the years.

Moreover, the whole management is very good, everyone is very prosperous, and the whole street is very peaceful.

"What he said seems to make sense. Now I feel like I understand him a little bit."

Qiqing also felt that it could only be like this. After all, everyone was different, and he was also doing it for the people.

But in fact, he may still have to think about it and not be too selfless. After all, he still has his own son.

In this case, there really won't be anything wrong, and everyone in the family may hate him.

"Now that I think about it, I feel that he is quite pitiful. After all, no one in the family likes him very much now."

Nezha is already dead as a son, and Nezha's mother must think bad of him now.

So now he is probably in a very difficult situation. Thinking about this, I feel he has some understanding.

It turns out that everyone's situation is different, and the situations they face are also different.

Therefore, he probably has his own ideas on everything he does, and there should be no further comment on this.

(End of this chapter)

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