Chapter 416: Accepting Incense

Li Jing is still shouting outside, banging on the door all the time, trying to stop this thing.

But since several people are already wrong, they will never regret it, and they will not let him stop them.

"It doesn't matter what he does now, everyone's position is different, so we just do ours."

After Jiang Chen said it directly, he started doing his own things again. Now it is really difficult for him to do this.

Although it is a bit of a treasure, it requires everyone's cooperation, and Jiang Ziya also helped him.

"This temple is almost ready to be built."

Seeing that the entire temple has formed into one shape, now only the final finishing stage is left.

When seeing this, everyone felt very happy. It was amazing that it could be built in such a short time.

And everyone is working together. After all, it is all for Nezha's sake. I hope Nezha can be resurrected as soon as possible.

"Thank you so much for helping us do this."

Jiang Chen was very grateful. If it weren't for them, he might not be able to do this.

And the temple was built very quickly. It was only possible through the efforts of many people.

"It doesn't matter, our goals are the same, you just need to work hard to save him."

The people also felt very happy. After all, being able to do this has already paid a lot.

And these are just small things. Compared with life, they are very small.

"I'm almost done here. I've collected all his souls. You can start."

Jiang Ziya also came over quickly and now brought these things.

In the recent period, I have really been suffering from such a soul. After all, I am afraid that if he appears for too long, he will disappear.

And within a period of time, these souls will naturally disperse, and now they are almost all collected together.

Not letting this kind of thing leave is already considered very good.

"Okay, thank you so much. I don't even know how to thank you."

Jiang Chen really felt the power of concentration this time, because everyone was helping him do this.

Just because he wanted to save Nezha, he said they were all helping him.

Others also felt that it was nothing. After all, this matter was a trivial matter, as long as the person could be saved.

"Then I'll start taking action now."

Jiang Chen directly took out his treasure and now started to gather all the souls together.

All the fragmented souls flew into the air in this moment, and now they are getting heavier bit by bit.

It has become a whole, and now it has entered into its own treasure.

"Now what are we going to do next?"

Qiqing also felt very magical after seeing this, but she could also ask.

Because now we know that after these souls are synthesized, they must be of some use.

Otherwise, this punch line would not be built, and it is not used yet.

So this is definitely useful, and I’m asking about it now. I hope I can do it in the next step.

"The next step is to bring these together and enshrine them in this temple."

After Jiang Chen said it, everyone quickly started to take action, and some even started lighting incense on the spot.

After all, everyone is here, and the people are also here, and everything they can do must be done. Hope this can be continued.

"I will go back to my family now and ask everyone in the village to come over."

When it comes to this, many people go back to call for help directly after applying incense. After all, this is definitely not enough.

The people from Qiantang Pass in the village directly behind also came over.

"That would be great, the more of these are really the better now."

Jiang Chen was also very happy. After all, if he could get more favors from others, there might be hope.

And it might be possible to collect enough earlier, but I still haven’t figured it out yet.

Because it does take a little time now. There must be very few people at the beginning, and there is not enough incense.

"It's been a few days, and the incense is a little bit lacking now. After all, this is just the beginning, so it's probably not that strong."

Jiang Chen felt a little worried when he saw this. After all, he wanted to settle this matter earlier.

And if it takes longer, it may become more difficult to deal with.

So I feel quite uncomfortable now, because I can’t make the decision myself, I have to let others go.

"What's wrong? Is there something going on?"

Nezha's mother also felt a little embarrassed after seeing this, and she didn't know why.

And these may also affect saving his son, so now he must ask clearly.

"Because the current incense is not enough, it may be necessary to build temples in other places."

Jiang Chen said it quickly, because he couldn't delay this matter and had to say it as soon as possible.

If it can be solved, solve it earlier, and the impact may be smaller later.

It is true that some things are not enough now.

"In that case, I will definitely ask people to build temples in other places earlier."

Nezha's mother quickly agreed after hearing this. After all, this was related to her son.

If there were not enough incense, I would definitely build more in other places.

In this case, a little more incense will be useful later.


Jiang Chen nodded and agreed, because there was nothing else to do now.

The main thing is this. If this is solved, I may collect enough earlier.

In this case, Nezha can be saved earlier, and there is no need to consider other things.

But these do have a certain impact, and now I feel quite uncomfortable inside.

But this is just a matter of time, and it shouldn't be a big problem.

"Then I will send someone to do it as soon as possible, and you will definitely collect enough soon."

Nezha's mother also quickly agreed to this matter, and she must do it.

After all, this matter is a very big problem for me, and I don't want to waste too much time.

And I also want to solve it earlier. Now these are the things I have to do.

(End of this chapter)

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