Chapter 421 The temple was destroyed

After Qiqing came here, she also wanted to check the situation here quickly.

After all, this temple has experienced some unusual movements, so there must be something strange going on, and you have to see for yourself.

After arriving here, I didn't expect a commotion. It turned out that many people outside were pointing and pointing.

After seeing it, I didn't know what it was, so I wanted to go over and have a look.

"What on earth is going on? Why are you all outside and not going in to burn incense?"

When I saw this, I felt very strange. Why did the incense suddenly stop?

And it was at this moment that he had to hurry over and take a look.

Not now. When Baixing asked, he hurried in. When he came to the door and saw the scene, he was shocked.

What I didn't expect was that when I came to the door, I saw Li Jing destroying the entire Nezha temple.

I don't know what this is for. This is really not right. How could he do such a thing?

I originally thought that rejecting him before would make him give up, but I didn't expect that he would still be so clueless.

"How could you do such a thing? Take action quickly!"

Qiqing immediately started shouting loudly, this is his son's temple, how could he be so cruel.

If he could resurrect his son, others might have done anything, but he actually destroyed it.

Li Jing said nothing after these words and continued to destroy them.

I would never let others do such a thing. This is obviously a black art.

"I don't care what you do, but you can't harm my hundreds of stars, and you can't convince the people."

Li Jing refused directly and began to destroy the entire temple and started beating him with a hammer.

This is something I must definitely do, and there is no way I would let my son do such a thing.

Qiqing doesn't know how to deal with it now when she sees this.

Because I have never encountered such a thing, and I can't beat him now.

"What should I do? I can't beat you now, so I'd better go back and report it first."

Qiqing also knew that if he was organizing at this time, he would not be able to solve any situation.

After all, I can't do anything to him now, so I feel helpless now and have to go back quickly.

Let’s talk about reporting this situation.

Jiang Chen is also a little uneasy here now, and he doesn't know what happened.

But I always felt that something was going to happen. After a while, I saw my apprentice running over in a panic.

"Qiqing, what happened to you? Why are you speaking so slowly and in a panic?"

When Jiang Chen saw him like this, he knew something must have happened, otherwise he wouldn't be so panicked.

And it seems that something happened to Nezha's temple, and now I can't even say anything about it.

Qiqing said while pointing in the direction.

"Li Jing is destroying Nezha's temple. I can't stop him, so I can only come back and tell you."

Qiqing was also very helpless. She couldn't stop it at all if she was there.

If I could stop it, I wouldn't have to run back. I really can't do it now.

Jiang Chen really never thought that such a thing would happen, and his whole mind exploded. I had done so much with great difficulty, and I never thought that he would destroy me now, and I would never allow it.

"Then take me with you quickly. I'll go take a look now."

I was very anxious and ran out without taking anything with me.

I will never allow this kind of thing to happen to them. Now I have to protect Nezha.

Even if this is Nezha's father, he doesn't care, and his father won't do this now.

And he won't protect himself, his son, now he has to protect him.

"Stop it now!"

When Jiang Chen came here, he yelled loudly.

I would never allow this, even if he was Nezha's father.

Moreover, this temple was specially built, how could it be destroyed casually?

After Li Jing heard this, he still did not stop his movements and was still destroying.

"If that's the case, then I won't be polite."

Jiang Chen rushed forward in an instant, knocked the thing out of his hand, and also knocked him down.

He fell to the ground in an instant. He didn't want to do it, but he was helpless.

Because this matter is really something that I must solve, and Nezha will be resurrected.

But he always came to stop himself, never giving himself any chance, nor did he give his son a chance.

Then I can only blame myself for being rude. Now I see him falling to the ground with blood still flowing from the corner of his mouth.

But when I saw this, I didn't feel anything at all.

"I don't even know what to say to you. I told you I was saving your son, but you are still destroying him."

Jiang Chen said harshly that he had never thought about how there could be such a cruel father in the world.

I used to find reasons for him, saying that everyone's position is different, but it seems that is not the case now.

Maybe he was in a different mood, but now he still insists on doing this kind of thing.

If he really loved his son, even Uncle Yao would be willing to give it a try.

"If you talk here and confuse people, I won't be polite."

When Li Jing heard this, he immediately began to refute, completely disagreeing with what he said.

"What on earth are you talking about? I never thought you would be like this?"

At this moment, Nezha's mother also ran over and heard about this.

My feelings changed. I didn't expect to see such a scene when I came here. I was also very surprised.

"I don't care what you care about others, but if you prevent your son from being resurrected, I will never be done with you."

Nezha's mother almost yelled when she said this, and now she felt extremely uncomfortable inside.

He originally wanted to save his son, but now as a father, he is always here to stop him.

It was really inappropriate in the first place, but now it keeps causing trouble to others, and it’s hard to be friends with me.

I couldn't help but start to shed tears. Now this was Nezha's father, and he felt like an outsider.

Especially those outsiders, those common people have always helped me do various things.

(End of this chapter)

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