Chapter 422 Renovation

But what I didn't expect was that he, a father, would do this.

"What are you talking about? What you say about me now doesn't matter to me, but what they did is really inappropriate."

Li Jing was still very stubborn and spoke out because he thought they were sorcery.

It's definitely not serious. I have never seen anyone come back from the dead, and I still don't believe it even now.

They would definitely not be able to do such a thing even if they said it. They are just here to cheat people.

"I don't even know what you are thinking. This has already happened. Can't you try?"

After hearing this, Nezha's mother didn't know what to say.

He would never listen to what he said to himself like this. As long as it was about his son, he would definitely do it.

No matter what happens now, no one is allowed to stop it.

"If you come to stop me again, then you should kill me first."

Several people were particularly surprised after hearing such words.

I didn't expect that it was really a mother's love. It was so great that Nezha's mother could say such things for her son.

There are definitely people who believe that those who can do such a thing are doing it for their son's good.

So now I am willing to believe in whatever I do, and I am willing to do it.

Li Jing really never thought that his wife would be like this.

"Oh, I don't even know what to say to you. Why are you so superstitious?"

Li Jing sighed deeply. His wife was like this and he didn't know what to say now.

What should I do if I am really afraid that my wife suddenly dies in an impulsive moment?

Then he not only lost his son, but also lost his wife.

Now I really don't dare to do anything, I can only stop, and the movements of my hands will not destroy these.

It was originally a very big problem, but it has to wait until now to solve it.

"If you stop talking about this kind of thing now, then we will go back quickly."

Nezha's mother said directly that she should pull Li Jing to leave this place quickly. After all, this was blocking people.

With so many people watching from outside, there really has been a lot of incense missing during this period.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't expect that something like this would happen to me. I will definitely watch it carefully in the future."

Nezha's mother came here and immediately began to apologize, because she never thought that such a thing would happen to her husband.

I originally thought there was no problem with this matter, but I didn't expect that he would always come to stop it.

From the beginning to now, he still has no intention of giving up and has been preventing this matter.

Jiang Chen didn't know what to say, because he didn't know how to deal with their family affairs.

I will definitely save Nezha, and I will solve everything about Nezha.

"It doesn't matter. You guys should repair this temple right now, otherwise it will be delayed a lot."

Jiang Chen said this directly, because it was difficult to deal with this broken look now.

Many people have nowhere to go when they want to come and offer incense.

So a lot was lost during this period, and a lot of time was spent.

If it continues like this, it will be a very big problem.

If this continues, I will still be delayed a lot, so now I feel very uncomfortable.

I originally wanted to save Nezha's life, but I didn't expect it would be so difficult. "We'll do it as soon as possible."

Nezha's mother quickly agreed, and she would definitely find someone to do it for her.

After all, this class is about his son. Even if Li Jing disagrees, he will do it.

Now when I go back in the afternoon, I will quickly find someone to come and do this to repair the temple.

After the renovation, people may have to come again, and these incense must be put on.

And it won’t waste too much time, it’s all what you want to do.

"If that's the case, you should help me go back as soon as possible. You have to hurry up."

Jiang Chen didn't say anything else unnecessary, but he actually wanted to resolve this matter quickly.

I didn't expect to find the soul. It was wiped out in this moment. It took a lot of effort to accumulate this soul.

And it also took a lot of time to protect this fragment of soul.

I just don't want any extra time, but now they still see each other.

If that's the case, you might still want to take a look when you go back. After all, some of your treasures have changed.

I still don’t want to have any big problems, and I think the same way.

If there is a chance, it would be better to encounter other things.

"How's it going? Are they coming?"

Jiang Chen quickly asked about this situation in the afternoon, hoping that it could be resolved as soon as possible.

Qiqing nodded directly. In the afternoon, he saw many of their people coming with their people.

"The people from Qiantang Pass came to help, and they all came to help repair this temple."

And with so many people, it is estimated that people can complete this task very quickly.

Qiqing was also very happy after she said it. Finally, there was a time when their people were really enlightened.

And they have really taken action, and have been running around for this Nezha matter.

So now I am really happy to see these, they are really united.

"That would be good. It would be better if it could be repaired quickly."

Jiang Chen also felt very happy, after all, he had encountered such a thing.

If he could get it done earlier, he would be able to resurrect Nezha earlier, which would also give him a worry.

This matter has been dragging on for a long time, and I don’t want to waste any more time.

And I have faced a lot of problems. If I organize it again now, it may become more and more difficult to deal with as time goes by.

If it takes too long, I may not even be able to hold on to the fragments of Nezha.

"What? Why are you repairing this temple again?"

Li Jing also felt particularly helpless after this incident.

Looking at the sky, I don’t know if I have done anything wrong. Why do so many people do this?

I am the only one who is opposing this matter, wondering if I have done anything wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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