Chapter 431 Resurrection of Nezha

Li Jing wanted to do anything at this time, but he couldn't do it because he was no match for Qiqing.

There is simply no way I can do this, so when I see this now, I feel quite uncomfortable.

I never expected to encounter this, and it is a very difficult thing.

I want to do something, but I can't do it, and I can only watch them resurrect over there.

Jiang Chen has exhausted all his strength, and now he feels that it is very difficult after arriving here.

"I never thought it would be used so much, and it is indeed a problem."

When Jiang Chen said this, he felt quite uncomfortable in his heart, but he didn't know how to continue.

Now they are all waiting for their eyes to look forward to.

I hope that I can resurrect Nezha, and I also have such a wish in my heart.

He just hoped to be resurrected, but he didn't do anything else.

This matter is also a very big matter for me, and I hope I can do it well.

And when facing this problem now, it also makes me feel very uncomfortable in my heart.

After doing this, I don’t know what to do next.

But I still don’t know what to say in my heart. These things are a big problem for me.

"No, I have to hold on."

Jiang Chen was very firm when he told himself that he hoped he could do this well.

They won't be disappointed, but today is also a big challenge for this matter.

Now all the skills have been activated to start the resurrection, plus this treasure.

It's all going on, and now that this has happened, I don't know what to do.

When faced with this problem, I felt very panicked and at a loss as to what to do.

"Okay, that's all."

Jiang Chen came over weakly, and now nodded when he saw the looks in their eyes.

Knowing that this matter was almost done, I finally completed it.

And they all successfully resurrected Nezha, but there are still a few small problems.

"Can I go over and take a look now?"

Nezha's mother felt very anxious next to her. After all, her son had been resurrected.

I really want to know this question now, because I haven’t found the result yet.

I really want to see what happened to my son, and what will happen after his resurrection?

These people had a lot of anxiety about themselves in their hearts, and their faces were very curious.

I don't know what my son will be like, but now I am anxious to go and have a look.

"No, we still can't pass now."

Jiang Chen refused directly, because there was still a small problem, and even if he wanted to get over it, it would definitely not work.

"Why can't we pass now?"

Nezha's mother also had big doubts in her heart. She didn't know why.

After all, people have been resurrected, why can't I go see it at this time, so I have some doubts in my heart.

There was also a very anxious look on his face. These things were still quite big problems for him.

Wondering why this happens and why they reject themselves.

"Because Nezha is still very weak and cannot get close. If he gets close, it will have other effects."

Jiang Chen quickly said that if it weren't for this, he would definitely let him pass. But now this is indeed a problem, and it is because of this problem that I cannot let him pass.

Obviously this is also a very big thing for me.

After finally getting here and resurrecting, there must not be any accidents.

"In this case, I won't go there yet, but I still thank you very much."

Nezha's mother was relieved after hearing this, and she was saved.

There will definitely be a lot of time to see him in the future, so there is no need to be too anxious now.

I have been waiting for such a long time, and I don’t care about this little time, so it has not passed.

Still afraid of having a great impact on his son Nezha.

After all, these things haven't been decided yet, so I still can't get over it now.

"Why is he still here?"

Jiang Chen also felt helpless when he saw Li Jing here, and he was also in a particularly bad mood.

Li Jing still didn't come at this time, and also disturbed other people, otherwise he would be affected today.

There is still nothing major, but this has also had a big impact on myself.

It would be better if nothing happens after that, but now I hope he won't come over again.

"How did you knock him unconscious?"

Qiqing felt helpless when she saw this, and didn't know why she suddenly did this.

After all, he was still struggling here just now, and he has obviously been resurrected.

"I still don't want him to obstruct me here. After all, Nezha has not fully recovered yet."

Jiang Chen said it out, these are also a big thing for him.

Since they didn't do it, then I wouldn't talk about it, hoping that there would be no accidents.

And now this is also a big deal for me.


After hearing this, Qiqing understood his intention and stopped talking.

It seems that more things will happen after this, but I have to face it bit by bit.

"Take him back first. Don't let him come here again. Don't let him stop this thing again."

Jiang Chen said to Nezha's mother.

Because I don't want Nezha to be affected by this incident, and he is still very weak now.

Once you are affected by something, you may lose your mind again. These are consequences that you cannot wait for.

And I don’t know what will happen in the future, so I have to stop this now.

"I'll take him back right away."

Nezha's mother said firmly.

He will never be allowed to stop this thing again, and his son finally came back to life.

He will definitely not be allowed to appear here again to stop this matter again.

Thinking about it makes me feel very uncomfortable inside. How could there be such a father?

After Jiang Chen saw them leaving, he slowly relaxed a little.

(End of this chapter)

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