Chapter 432

"Why are you injured? Is there anything serious? It seems quite serious?"

Qiqing suddenly saw a wound on Jiang Chen's body at this moment. She didn't expect how he could be injured suddenly. Was that done just now?

And I was quite surprised. Seeing this wound was really shocking.

I thought it was nothing serious, but it seemed that the wound had just occurred when Li Jing came over.

"It's nothing. It's just that I relaxed my vigilance when I was just using my internal energy."

When he said this, he sighed deeply because he had already relaxed his vigilance.

So I didn't expect other people to come over at this time, so my mood was different.

If they hadn't done this, this wouldn't have happened.

But it was indeed because they came over that they made me feel very uncomfortable.

"Li Jing's sudden attack was something I didn't expect, so I was injured."

Jiang Chen said it very calmly, because this matter would not have much impact on him.

I just want them to know that they are affected by this incident.

When Li Jing came over, I had completely let down my guard at that time, so injury was definitely inevitable.

After he relaxes his vigilance, he can cause a lot of damage to himself with casual attacks.

"That's it. It's all my fault. I didn't take him seriously and let him come here."

When Qiqing heard this, she felt very sad because she also bore a lot of responsibility.

If I had looked at him earlier, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened. Now let him come over.

It also caused a surprise attack, and now the wounds on his body are quite serious.

After all, when you are attacked without any precautions, you can imagine all this.

"It's no problem. Now that it's happened, there's no need to worry too much. And I can definitely recover."

Jiang Chen didn't say that it would have a big impact, and he would probably know the result.

But thinking about it, it should be fine soon, just take care of yourself.

The injuries on his body are not particularly important to him. The important thing is that he has been resurrected now, Nezha.

This is what I think is the most important thing, and I really used up a lot of my strength today.

Now when I want to say something, I don’t know how to continue.

"If that's the case, what are you going to do next? What should Nezha do now?"

Qiqing also asked, after all, Nezha looked really weak now.

Jiang Chen became even weaker. There were already wounds on his body, and it looked like he had spent a lot of energy.

"I'm going to retreat to recuperate. You must take good care of Nezha during this period."

Jiang Chen brought it up because he could only do this and he couldn't hold it any longer.

This has already caused a lot of trauma to myself, and it is also very difficult for my body to recover.

I still need to retreat for healing, but I don’t want anyone to disturb me during this period.

But there are still some things that I am worried about, and I feel quite uncomfortable in my heart.

Qiqing also nodded after hearing this. She would definitely not be able to find Nezha, but she still felt uneasy with him like this.

"Then what should you do? Are you sure things will be fine here? It seems like your situation is very serious?" Qiqing also had some uncomfortable expressions on her face. She never thought that this problem would arise.

He didn't suffer any harm, but he suffered so much harm.

And now he doesn't know how to deal with it, so he can only let him retreat to heal himself.

"I'm sure there will be no problem. You just need to do these things well, and Nezha is very weak."

When Jiang Chen said it, he was also very worried in his heart. It was because of this that he didn't want to talk.

But there is really nothing he can do. If he doesn't heal his injuries, he may not be able to survive.

So now we can only hand Nezha over to Qiqing.

"It's definitely fine. Don't worry. I will take good care of Nezha and won't let him get hurt."

Qiqing patted her chest and said, because she would definitely do a good job in this matter.

I just don't want anything to go wrong, I feel like I can definitely take care of Nezha.

And they all regard themselves as an important person, and they will definitely complete the task.

"I have nothing to worry about you, but I think Li Jing will still come to cause trouble in this matter."

When Jiang Chen said this, he felt even more uncomfortable because a lot of things had indeed happened to him.

I had been trying to stop myself before, but now I don’t know if I will come over after being resurrected.

But I also felt in my heart that he would definitely come over, and he would not be there during this period of time.

"You must be careful. Li Jing will definitely come back to cause trouble, so you must protect him."

Jiang Chen solemnly reminded that he was most worried about this matter now.

There is nothing else. Actually, I am not worried at all about taking care of this matter. I am just afraid that someone will come and cause trouble.

Li Jing will definitely not give up. If he sees this after going back, he will definitely come here again.

If they come over, it will have a greater impact on me, so I don't want them to do this now.

"I know, I will definitely take good care of him, and I will never let Li Jing come over and hurt Nezha again."

Qiqing also agreed to this matter, hoping that it would not have too big an impact and that she would also care about it.

Now that they have understood these things, they hope to do it well.

I understand that this will be a big problem, but I also have to do this.

"Okay, since that's the case, I have nothing to say. It's just this issue that you must pay attention to."

Jiang Chen also thought for a while, thinking about this matter now. In fact, he didn't worry about anything else.

If you can take good care of Nezha, then you can rest assured that you can recover from your injuries.

There won't be any big problems, that's what I think now.

If it continues, there won't be much loss.

I won’t let many people hurt me, so I have to go back and heal.

"Don't worry, don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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