Chapter 433 Nezha wakes up

After Qiqing watched him go into seclusion, she began to feel nervous now. After all, she needed to work hard during this period of time.

Nezha needs to be taken care of all the time. After all, his body is quite weak.

And now that he has gone into seclusion, his master has not been working for that long, and he is the only one left.

I have understood a lot of things in a short period of time and have done it many times now.

"It's been such a long time, I didn't expect it's been a week."

After Jiang Chen went out, he felt the fresh emptiness outside, but this time in seclusion did make him feel better.

Moreover, the injuries on his body were almost the same, they were all healed, and they were all out at this time.

It's been a week, and I don't know how they are doing at this time. Have they encountered anything?

I was very anxious, so I came out quickly and quickly found Qiqing.

"You are finally out. Are all your injuries healed?"

Qiqing asked quickly, but she was still a little worried, after all, she knew about it before.

The injuries on my body were also quite serious. I didn’t expect that it would be completely healed in a week.

If something really happened, I would be worried. After all, they are all my masters.

So now I quickly asked all the worried questions.

"It's no problem. My injuries are almost completely healed. How are you doing there?"

Jiang Chen was very moved after seeing Qiqing like this. After all, someone has been waiting for him.

But what I am most worried about now is whether something is happening outside.

Qiqing shook her head directly but still looked excited, because she had already done a good job in this matter.

"I have been taking care of Nezha. Now he has recovered a lot and is fine."

Qiqing said it quickly, and now she was a little excited.

Especially now that there is something very happy that I feel like I have to say it out loud.

"There is another very surprising thing. You will know it when you meet Nezha."

Qiqing said it happily, because she felt very happy about this.

I felt very happy when I first saw it, so now my master will definitely be happy to see it.

He said it quickly, and now the two of them were ready to take a look.

Jiang Chen came over, and now he came to Nezha's side and saw Nezha.


Nezha immediately became a little defensive when he saw the person. After all, he had never seen him before.

Moreover, he had just woken up, and now he could only open his eyes and speak, but his body was not fully recovered yet.

After seeing this, I felt a little panicked and didn't know what to do.

After all, I am still moving now, and I don’t know what other people will do or whether they will come and hurt me.

"Now that I can open my eyes and speak, it means that my recovery is almost complete."

Jiang Chen was in a good mood when he saw this, because his business had improved and Nezha had gained something now.

He is now physically strong enough to open his eyes, and he will definitely be able to recover after talking.

And after returning to consciousness, it was already very good. I feel very good in this state now.

"Don't be afraid. In fact, this is what I told you before." Seeing Nezha's appearance, Qiqing knew that he was scared and on guard.

After all, I had never seen him before, and the master had already gone into retreat for treatment before waking up.

So it's normal to say that I haven't seen it, but I have to talk about it.

"Actually, your life was saved by the master, and he also went into seclusion to heal his injuries, and he only came out now."

Qiqing hurriedly said it. This matter was quite important and she had to explain it clearly to Nezha.

After all, Nezha didn't know anything, and he didn't know that the person in front of him was his savior.

So I had to feel it and speak out, after all, my master had done so many things and healed for so long.

The injury must have been serious, so Nezha must know about this matter.

Unexpectedly, Nezha was very surprised after hearing this.

I never thought that the person who saved me would be the person in front of me, and now I started to look at him.

Looking at the person in front of me carefully, I always feel that he is a bit familiar, but it seems a bit vague.

I don't know what to say, but I started to think about it again. I definitely know this person and have seen him before.

But it seems that the impression is not that deep. I have just woken up, so my memory is not very good.

Jiang Chen looked at the person in front of him without saying anything, and was always observing her subtle expressions.

It seems that he has always clearly known something, and also knows how he woke up and how to be saved.

I also know why I am in the current situation. If the situation continues like this, I should be able to recover quickly.

"You have really worked hard during this period. You have done so many things without me being around."

Jiang Chen saw that Qiqing's face was very tired now. She must have done a lot during this period.

After all, he was in seclusion for treatment, and Nezha didn't know anything, so he needed his care.

No matter what he did, he was definitely very hard during this period of time and did not get a good rest.

"It doesn't matter. I am your apprentice anyway. What I do is what I should do, and this is also your wish."

Qiqing felt that what she was doing was nothing, it was all what she should do, and she also felt that it was not hard work.

Saving Nezha is also one of my wishes, and I also hope that Nezha can wake up as soon as possible.

So after doing this, the moment I saw him wake up, I was very excited.

Now when I see him slowly getting better little by little, I feel like an old mother's heart.

"I seem to remember."

At this moment, Nezha suddenly spoke to these two people.

Master Jiang Chen looked at the Nezha in front of him and it was indeed a little different, compared with before.

"You are the person I picked up at the beach, right?"

Nezha said it quickly, and he remembered it from his own memory. He had seen it at the beach.

And it seems that I have seen them before, but I am a little unclear about these.

You can remember some of the things that happened, it just takes a little time.

(End of this chapter)

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