Chapter 443 Seek a doctor for examination

After Jiang Chen came here, he also saw Nezha in a daze and didn't know what to say.

After all, looking at it makes me feel very bad. This kind of thing is really a bit uncomfortable. After all, I wouldn't be able to bear it if I encountered this kind of thing.

"What do you think we should do now? He feels very uncomfortable. Why don't you comfort him? You are his mother, so maybe what you say to him will be better, right?"

Jiang Chen, you can only say this. After all, if you go there, you won't dare to say anything, and you don't know what to say. It might be better if his mother goes there.

After all, this kind of thing may require the comfort of his parents at this time, but his father is definitely impossible at this time, and his mother can only come to comfort him.

Others don’t know what to say.


Nezha's mother nodded and walked over.

But they were all cautious when leaving. Maybe they were really afraid of scaring Nezha. He had already been so frightened and he really didn't dare to experience great pain anymore.

What happened this time was really inappropriate. After all, how could his father do such a thing? If he had been present at the time, he would never have allowed such a thing.

But this time it's different.

He has already encountered this kind of thing, that is to say, there must be a result. If he was here at the time, he would not allow this kind of thing to happen.

"go Go."

Jiang Chen turned around and gave Nezha's mother a firm look.

After all, I really can't do this, and I am not Nezha's friend. Although I say I have saved his life, it is definitely of no use in terms of comfort.

So I can only stand in the distance and watch him from a distance, but I can't go out and announce anything, so this kind of thing will make me feel particularly helpless.

If there really wasn't such a thing, I might have done other things, but when I encountered something like this this time, I really didn't want to get through it.

Nezha's mother slowly sat over this time, now looking at Nezha's whole person looking a little melancholy.

I don’t know what kind of thing this is, but actually when I saw this, I felt quite uncomfortable.

Because this kind of thing is also a very bad result for him.

Now that I have encountered such things that I have to face in my heart, it is no longer a very simple matter for me.

"How are you? Is there anything going on?"

I didn't know what to say when I walked over, but that was all I could ask in my first sentence.

Although I am a mother, I don't seem to have fulfilled the responsibilities a mother should have, and I haven't said much about my children.

I didn't protect my child well, so now I feel quite guilty, but I don't know what to say. After all, it was the child's father who did it.

"I...I have nothing to do. You don't need to ask me."

After hearing this, Nezha didn't know what to say. He felt very uncomfortable and didn't want to answer too many questions.

After all, what happened this time was really over, and it was a big blow to me. I really didn't expect that my father would do things so brilliantly, and actually want to kill me. It was the second time, not the first. After his resurrection this time, his father actually killed him. How could such a thing happen? So how could he have such a father?

"I'm a little tired, I want to go back and rest first."

Nezha also came out and said this directly at this time. After all, he had nothing else to say, and he really didn't want to say anything now.

If I were allowed to say it, I wouldn't know what to say. Should I say that I hate my father very much?
Or is it that I have already reached such a situation, and my father has no recognition for doing such a thing? Or maybe it's because I don't want to discuss anything else anymore.

What I want to do is go back and have a good rest and think about this matter. I really don’t know why this happened.

"Well, in that case, you go back and have a good rest. If anything happens, you must tell me."

Although he was extremely worried, he didn't dare to press him again. After all, this was his son, and he was already broken enough.

If he continues to ask, he doesn't know what will happen, so now he has to let him calm down and think about something.

Now I don’t have anything to say, but I feel that I must do something about this issue.

When Jiang Chen saw this, he felt quite uncomfortable. He didn't know why this happened, but he felt that it must be solved.

Once you face this problem, it means that you still have a lot to do, and you have to face a lot.

"I'll take you back first. Don't worry too much about Nezha. I know what you want to say."

Jiang Chen looked at the way Nezha's mother hesitated to speak and knew that he was also very worried, but at this moment, he still couldn't discuss such an issue first.

I will definitely enlighten Nezha after I go back, and I am also worried about this problem, so no matter what happens, I will solve it slowly.

"it is good."

Nezha's mother didn't say anything after hearing this. After all, she believed in Jiang Chen very much.

He will definitely do a great job.

Moreover, these things are also a big problem for me. I have to think about it again when I go back.

"Qiqing, go and ask the doctor to come over and check Nezha's health, otherwise I won't be too relieved."

Jiang Chen told Qiqing directly.

After hearing this, Qiqing hurriedly ran away, because she felt very worried after she came back. He really didn't say anything, didn't eat anything, and just sat here and developed.

I felt very distressed when I saw it, so after hearing this, I hurriedly ran to find a doctor.

Even sleeping makes me feel extremely uncomfortable. I never thought that this problem would arise.

"The doctor is here."

Qiqing quickly called the doctor over without wasting too much time. After all, she was too anxious.

"Would you like the doctor to check your health?"

(End of this chapter)

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