Chapter 444 Secretly crying
Qiqing asked cautiously. After all, he knew that this matter might have a great impact on him.

"No, there's nothing wrong with me. You don't need to check. Let him out quickly!"

Nezha immediately started shouting.

I felt particularly broken, and it seemed that I had not gotten over what had just happened.

Indeed, this matter is also a very big deal for him. A child at such a young age should suffer such a result.

I feel particularly uncomfortable thinking about it, and if I were faced with this matter, I would also feel unhappy, but now I am still quite worried.

If he doesn't check it, it's likely to delay his health, and he doesn't know what's wrong, so he must check it out.

"Can you be obedient? We are just checking casually. If we make sure there is nothing wrong with your body, we will rest assured. You don't want us to worry, right?"

Jiang Chen persuaded him bit by bit.

Because now that the child's mind has been harmed, he doesn't dare to speak loudly. After all, it will make him feel even more uncomfortable, and he is already broken enough.

If he said something else, it might make him feel even more uncomfortable, so now I have to pay good attention to my own life.

"We just knew that, and you also know that we regard your life as a very important thing, and we also saved you, so we don't want anything to happen to you, so just cooperate with the inspection. If nothing happens If so, go back and rest."

Jiang Chen said it again, and it was very simple, so he treated it as a normal person.

He is just a normal person who has some problems and has been frightened. But in fact, if you think about it, it is definitely not a big problem. I believe he will definitely get through this difficulty.

But now I feel very worried. I just checked my body. It is definitely nothing serious.


Nezha finally agreed to this matter.

After all, they won't worry too much only after checking. He is their benefactor, and if anything happens, they will care about it.

They are all particularly worried about themselves, so as long as they check themselves, there will definitely be nothing wrong.

If something really happened, I would find other arrangements, so I don't really care about it now.

"Okay, doctor, you can start checking."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he went up to check, and Nezha was very cooperative and obedient this time.

He didn't say anything, but cooperated with the doctor bit by bit. He did whatever the doctor asked him to do. He looked very well-behaved, just like a very well-behaved child.

Jiang Chen felt even more uncomfortable after seeing this look, because this look of him was the most distressing. He didn't say anything or did anything. This look made him feel even more uncomfortable.

Like a puppet, the kind that is at the mercy of others.

This made me feel even more sad, and I didn't know what to say to him, but I felt very uncomfortable and at a loss.

In fact, this kind of thing should not happen, but if it does happen, you should find a way to solve it. You must not continue like this in the future.

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong?"

After Jiang Chen asked, he confirmed the matter again, and he breathed a sigh of relief after getting the accurate answer. Since there is nothing wrong with his body, this is pretty good. What he doesn't have to worry about is that he may be in a bad mood. This matter must be properly resolved.

I just need to think about how to solve this problem.

"Okay, there's nothing going on now. You can go back and have a good rest."

Jiang Chen said gently to Nezha.

He didn't say anything else, and just watched Nezha walk back slowly and leisurely, and his eyes seemed to be dull.

It seems that it has not returned to its normal state. This situation also makes me particularly worried.

"Qiqing, watch him carefully, and also watch Li Jing and never let him get close to Nezha."

Jiang Chen really said very seriously this time that there must be no accidents in this matter, because Nezha was already like this, and he must not be frightened anymore.

Its appearance is something that will definitely cause Nezha to collapse, so he doesn't want to see this happen, and he doesn't want this problem to arise.

"I will definitely take good care of it!"

Qiqing said solemnly, because she was also very worried in her heart, and she might be one of the people who was very worried.

I will never let him have any problems, and I originally thought that this matter was absolutely impossible, so I will guard him well.

This matter is also a particularly important matter to me, and I don't want Nezha to be hurt anymore.

"Now that something like this has already happened, I still hope you all do your part."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he left here directly. He didn't know what to do now, so he felt that he should be allowed to do something of his own.

It was late at night, Jiang Chen looked at the dark sky outside, and he had no desire to sleep.

Better go for a walk.

While walking, I didn’t know why, but I walked directly to Nezha.

"Why is anyone crying?"

Jiang Chen walked slowly after hearing this. He was very shocked when he walked into Nezha's room.

What he didn't expect was that Nezha was crying secretly in his room, and the sound of sobbing already made him feel uncomfortable.

It never occurred to me that he might have pretended to be calm during the day without showing a single tear, but was just very upset.

But he didn't expect that at this moment in the dead of night, he would hide in his room and cry secretly. It seemed that this kind of thing had a great impact on him.

It turns out that a father's influence on him has brought him to this point of collapse. It's really something that he never thought of.

When I heard this cry, I felt even more uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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