Chapter 481 Send someone to supervise
I always feel that this thing is very strange, but I don't know why it is strange.

The emperor himself is not normal, and what he is doing now makes him feel a little weird.

Why do I have to ask myself this recently?

I couldn't think of anything anymore, so I fell directly on the bed and fell asleep thinking about it.

These recent events have really made me anxious, and I don't have much time to rest.

Now when I rest, I am always thinking about various things.


Jiang Chen sighed deeply early in the morning, stretched and sat up.

Looking at the room in front of me, I always feel that there is something strange.

I didn’t know why something was wrong, but I put on my clothes and walked out quickly.

Now I have to investigate this matter quickly, and I can't delay too much.

After I voted in, I started preparing for today’s plan.

"The main thing is to find evidence."

After thinking about this content, I quickly set off and started thinking.

Originally, this matter was a very dangerous matter for myself.

I was careful when walking and doing various things, watching as I walked.

But I always feel that today is a bit strange.

"What's going on? You always feel like someone is following you?"

When I walked out, I felt something was very wrong. I didn't know if it was due to my own psychological factors.

But when he looked back, he felt someone was following him.

The obvious person was already hiding in the corner.

"There is indeed someone!"

Now I have determined this matter in my heart and know that someone is following me behind.

He carefully looked back and saw someone standing not too far away from him.

No matter, so he behaves like this wherever he goes, and his skills look pretty good.

No wonder the emperor said what he said to himself at that time.

Today turned out to be because of this incident.

It was also unexpected. If this is the case, you have to think about it carefully.

After taking a look at the person behind him, he walked over pretending to be nonchalant and very calm.

The current me must not let anyone discover any flaws, otherwise it will be over.

The emperor doesn't know what he will say then, and he has no chance to save Jiang Ziya.

"I have to go back first."

After thinking about it, I changed my route and wandered around the street pretending not to know anything.

I walked back quickly.

However, it seems that there is not only one person following him along the way, but many people seem to be watching him.

As time went by, I felt that it was very difficult to handle.

I originally thought that this matter was just a simple and trivial matter, but I didn't expect that it would be more now.

The emperor should have sent many people to monitor him.

After coming back, I quickly closed the door.

Holding his chest, he took a deep breath.

Only then did I feel a little relaxed for the day, not as nervous as when I went out just now.

Although on the surface he looked indifferent and very casual, in fact he was already sweating in his heart. I don’t know if they discovered some of the things they did.

"You have to tell them first."

After Jiang Chen came out, he directly found Wu Ji and Qiqing and explained the matter.

When the two heard this, they looked very shocked and looked at each other.

I didn't expect this to happen, and I immediately felt particularly surprised.

I thought this matter was very simple, but I didn't expect the emperor to be so suspicious.

So many people were sent over the next day, but they didn't believe it at all.

"It seems that we have to be more careful when we do act, and I feel it too."

Qiqing said it silently, originally thinking it was her imagination.

It definitely doesn't look like this now, and I don't know how much they have done.

But these are not a good thing for you, you can imagine and weigh it.

"Now that you all know it, you must be careful, and I have to tell Ji Fa about it as soon as possible."

Jiang Chen thought for a moment that his side was still more dangerous, and the emperor must have discovered it.

After all, the suspicion is so high, there must be someone involved, and many people are watching.

There may be people watching everywhere in the palace, so you must be careful when doing many things.

"How to tell him that we can't go to them now, it will be more dangerous?"

Qiqing raised her own questions, and now she was quite anxious.

If you go to him directly now, you will definitely be discovered by the emperor, and you won’t be able to explain clearly by then.

Therefore, the emperor will definitely become more suspicious, and he feels very confused now.

"I have already thought about this issue and decided to write a letter."

Jiang Chen said it directly and calmly, and now he had already thought of this method.

Knowing that the emperor was very suspicious, he thought of another way, which was to write a letter.

"This is great. This way we can avoid being discovered by the emperor."

When Wu Ji heard this, he couldn't help but laugh happily beside him.

Why couldn't I think of such a thing? I'm still thinking of other things now.

Writing a letter is indeed a very good way. No one will see it when you send it.

"In that case, I will go back and write. You should be careful."

After finishing my instructions, I quickly went back to do this.

After all, he didn't know what the situation was, so it would be better to tell him as soon as possible.

Now when you go back and write the letter, you immediately pass on your last name.

The moment I saw the carrier pigeon take my heart away, I felt a little more relaxed.

"But this kind of thing is too much. Now my movements have been completely restricted."

When I thought about this, my face showed a very dissatisfied expression, and I couldn't do anything I wanted to do.

And not only because of investigating this matter, but also other matters, it also made me feel more difficult.

From the Internet, it seems that this time it is true. Those who take this matter seriously have sent people to supervise it.

Then some things that happened later, I didn't know even more.

There will also be a lot of problems, and I feel very upset just thinking about it now.

I don’t know if this letter has been sent, or if it will be stopped by those who monitor it, but I am still worried.

(End of this chapter)

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