Chapter 482 Too impulsive
Qiqing stood here silently, lowering her head, becoming even more depressed.

What is going on now is really too much. How can we not talk about this issue?

It's completely like putting people under house arrest. This is similar to that form.

After all, I haven't done anything, and I can't do anything now. Although I can go out, there are restrictions on what I can do.

In fact, this is almost like being under house arrest. This is really too much.

"No, the emperor is going too far. I have to go to him to argue."

Qiqing felt very sad when she thought of this. How could her master be treated like this?
Originally, it was okay to do this, since I was not a person.

But he couldn't bear to see his master being wronged like this, so he felt extremely unbalanced in his heart.

When I think about this thing again, I feel even more uncomfortable. The more I think about it, the sadder I feel.

Now I really can't bear it any longer, so I'm ready to rush over.

"Calm down first and don't act like this again."

Jiang Chen quickly stopped the person and now looked at him and said very calmly.

It's now this time. It's one thing to be unhappy, but it's another thing to find someone.

"If it really passes, then we may really be under house arrest."

Jiang Chen said helplessly, and he was not unhappy because of this matter.

Mainly because a series of things are entangled together, making it difficult for me to solve them.

That’s why such emotions arise, but some things are not that simple, and cannot be done just by saying something.

Besides, there is no need to cause more trouble for this matter now. If you go, you will find more trouble.

These are not good for your own psychology.

"Then how could they do this? Isn't this really wronging you?"

Qiqing said very dissatisfiedly, her mouth already pouting.

His face also showed such an expression, and his heart was also extremely unbalanced.

Now I just can't stand it anymore, why should my master be treated like this?

This has never happened before, so in my heart I have always been fighting for my master.

"It's okay, you're just too impulsive. Let's calm down and think about it now."

"What if you go there and the emperor gets angry and puts us all under house arrest?"

Jiang Chen said it carefully, and what he said now were very practical situations.

After all, the emperor can do anything now, and he doesn't distinguish between right and wrong at all.

I don’t know what kind of things were done, so this was not just a discussion, but an adventure.


Wuji also echoed beside him.

If he really went to find someone, then maybe the emperor would be even more angry.

It was even more difficult to solve before. If you just put it aside and don't care about anything, maybe it will be easier.

"Then I can't stand it."

Qiqing shouted loudly, feeling like she couldn't control her temper now.

Why do I have to do this? Besides, my heart is particularly unbalanced.

Now I have to do this again, so I really can't stand it anymore, and my temper is here.

Even if you can't do it now, you will feel very uncomfortable.

"I hope you can think about this matter carefully. You are too impulsive."

Jiang Chen said it seriously, this matter is not that simple.

He doesn't just do whatever he wants, he still has to take the overall situation into consideration. He is really a bit impulsive. If I could think about it carefully, I would compile it, but now I look at him and he is still angry.

"Wuji, please go and comfort him."

Jiang Chen also felt very helpless and didn't even know what to say.

There are still many things waiting for him to deal with, and now this problem is also a problem for him.

If he went to find the emperor just because of this matter, then he would have no way out at all.

Maybe more people will come to supervise by then.

Then I will have nothing, so I am still quite anxious now.

I don’t know what to do, and now I feel like it’s time to calm down.

Wu Ji looked at the people in front of him and felt particularly anxious.

"If you want to do good for Master, you still have to think about this matter carefully."

Wuji said patiently, after all, they are all very anxious now.

Until now, I can only comfort the person in this way, after all, this is how it is.

There is no other way.

I can only treat them with this attitude and let their suggestions first.

After Qiqing heard this, she relaxed a little.

After seeing this situation, I also felt that I was a little too impulsive and I hadn't thought about it yet.

It is indeed his own actions that may cause greater trouble in his own life.

"I see."

After Qiqing calmed down this time, she followed her own attitude.

This matter now does have something to do with me.

Moreover, he was too reckless and did not consider other people's decisions. His actions would destroy others.

Then there will be nothing to deal with.

"If that's the case, are you sure you're okay?"

Jiang Chen said it seriously.

These are what I want to say, and I hope he can be treated very correctly.

Qiqing nodded solemnly.

"If there's nothing wrong, then it's time for us to investigate."

When Jiang Chen finished saying this, he saw that the two people's expressions looked very normal.

Until this time, it has returned to normal conditions.

If this is the case, then you have to think about this problem carefully.

The expression on Qiqing's face has changed from angry to serious.

You must take care of other people's feelings and not be too selfish.

"If that's the case, then I'll take away those people under surveillance, and you can continue to investigate."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he started to take action directly.

Not wanting to waste too much time, I looked at the two of them and moved quickly.

It’s the same thing I thought before.

After all, some problems still have to be truly faced and solved.

Qiqing, you also quickly adjusted your state so that you could start to calm down and handle things.

(End of this chapter)

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