Chapter 483: Confused
It has indeed been a few days now, but there is still no news.

Jiang Chen felt very anxious as he walked back and forth in the yard.

But there is still no result.

"This is how to do?"

When I think of this, I feel uncomfortable in my heart.

I didn't expect this problem to exist, and there has been no result recently.

Although they have been investigating, the reason has not been found.

I have been thinking about it in my heart, frowning and not knowing what to do.

When I think about this, I feel that this is already a very big problem.

There is no way to solve this problem.

"How to do it?"

Jiang Chen helplessly kept thinking in the courtyard.

When Qiqing looked like this, she knew what he was worried about.

But there is really no way around this matter. I have already searched carefully.

I have searched for everything I should look for, but it is indeed fruitless.

I have always wanted to do something but I have never been able to do it, so I am very anxious now.

But being anxious is not a solution. There is absolutely no solution.

"Don't worry, we might get another chance."

Qiqing can only say this, now it can be considered as a matter of concern for her own safety.

It was also to comfort his master, he really couldn't think of any other way.

There were no major problems during this period.

There has been no progress in this matter of investigation.

"I know. The main thing is that the people sent by the emperor to investigate are not ready to leave."

Jiang Chen was most helpless at these times.

Not only have these issues of his own not been resolved, but the emperor's side has not relaxed its vigilance either.

In a short period of time, I have been sending people to supervise me and I don’t know what to do.

What I was doing already gave me a headache.

I don't know how to solve it.

"Yeah, why haven't they left after so long?"

Qiqing was also a little confused. Logically speaking, she shouldn't have noticed anything unusual.

During this period of time, I have been quite behaved and have not let them all find out.

But why do they still stay here? The emperor's suspicion has not gone away.

If this continues, I won't know what to look for, and everything will be done under their noses.

In that case, it would still be quite difficult.

"I also know that these are definitely not a solution."

Jiang Chen is quite helpless. He can't find any suitable way to do this now.

I have been investigating for a while, but really can't find it.

Besides, these have not been resolved yet, and the things before us are not over.

The emperor is still very doubtful about these, which would make it even more difficult.

They couldn't find any clues.


Qiqing sighed, not knowing what to say.

I have been very tired during this period of time, and I don't get enough sleep every day.

I slept all day every day and spent the rest investigating, but there was still no result.

After thinking about this, I felt very uncomfortable inside and didn't know what to do.

Still encountering these problems.

Jiang Chen's expression changed slightly, they were already very tired by this time. If you cannot continue like this within this period of time, your body will be unable to bear it.

You still have to think carefully about how to solve this problem.

Moreover, what they achieved were only superficial phenomena, and the rest was difficult to investigate.

"If that's the case, then why don't you guys take a good rest these days?"

Jiang Chen, stop talking and arrange tasks for a few people.

Originally, this matter was not simple, but now I don’t know what to say.

They have done a lot, and they have indeed matched up during this period of time.

Qi Qing and Wu Ji each had dark circles on their faces.

It seems that he didn't get much rest at night, and I don't know if those people will think of anything else when they see this.

Besides, this issue is really a big one, and I have to think about it before talking about it.

"it is good."

Qiqing didn't insist and agreed directly.

It was indeed time to rest. If I didn't rest, I wouldn't have the energy to investigate.

And the results of the survey are also very poor.

So it is still necessary to take a temporary break now.

Jiang Chen also let them rest temporarily because he understood this.

Now I am thinking about how to solve this problem. It is indeed a big problem.

No one on the emperor's side prepared this place either.

It seems that he is planning to stay here for a long time and fight a long-term battle with himself.

If this is the case, you have to think of another way.

"You don't have to be here anymore, go and have a rest."

I said something when I saw a few people still standing here.

They slowly returned to their places.

But looking at them, I felt that their condition was indeed not good, and some of them had very tired faces.

Especially when it happens, I always feel like there is a big problem.

I never thought that this would happen, and I felt a little uncomfortable.

Wuji stood silent and did not say any words.

It really seems like I haven't said anything recently, nor have I reported anything to myself.

Only now did I notice it. Originally, I didn't feel anything unusual in the past few days.

Because I have been doing my own thing, I don’t have the time to think so much.

Now it seems that the whole person is indeed a bit confused, and a bit emotionally out of place.

"What's going on?"

There is a little problem in my heart, and now I am starting to think about it.

They are also observing, and I feel that my mood is indeed a bit wrong now, and I feel a little weak when doing things.

I don’t even have the enthusiasm I had before, and I don’t know what kind of situation I encountered.

Suddenly I felt in my heart that this must not be a simple matter.

We can't just let them torture like this.

There won't be a particularly big problem, so you have to pay attention to this issue yourself.

Suddenly, many ideas appeared in my heart, and I was thinking about them.

The original investigation had not been resolved yet, so why did this happen again now?

I don't know what happened.

I felt confused in my heart, but I felt that it must be solved.

So I was thinking quietly, hoping to get an answer.

Although his mood was not quite right, he seemed to be trying his best not to notice it.

(End of this chapter)

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