Chapter 484 The mood is wrong
After thinking about it, I still can't let it go like this.

So there will still be big problems. It is obvious that something is not right about his emotions.

It seems that I have to find someone to ask.

"Qiqing, did something happen to Wuji?"

Jiang Chen asked directly, his eyes full of worry.

They are all thinking about this issue, and now they are a little unclear in their hearts.

Originally, this problem was not a simple matter for me, but now it is becoming more and more complicated.

Qiqing also felt a little surprised after hearing this. She didn't notice this at all.

It seems that I don’t even know very well.

"I do not know either."

Qiqing could only tell the truth. She really didn't notice this situation.

I don't know what happened to him, and I don't even notice that his mood is wrong now.

It seems that I have been really busy during this period of time.

I have always been doing what I should do, but I didn't expect that others were also doing it.

I didn't even notice this, and now I feel a little guilty.

"It doesn't matter. Since you don't know, you must pay close attention to him these days."

Jiang Chen seriously reminded him that this was very important.

Absolutely nothing can happen, his state is not normal.

If something really happened, there would be no solution for so long.

I don't know what other things to look for.

I was originally dealing with another problem, but suddenly I realized this.

It was originally a big problem.

Qiqing also thought about it.

Depending on this situation, I really have to take good care of it now.

They were friends who were together, and they didn't even notice other than this kind of problem.

"I understand, I will definitely watch him later."

Qiqing said very seriously and took this matter into her heart.

Every day when I see him, I spend most of my time looking at him.

There shouldn't be any big problem, I'm just feeling a little bit off and down.

He was always doing what he was supposed to do and not talking to anyone else.

Now that I think about it, I feel that the situation during this period is indeed a bit abnormal.

It wouldn't be like this before.

When faced with this situation, he didn't care.

If this is the case, you should take good care of it and see if there are any major problems.

When Jiang Chen finished saying this, he felt a little relieved.

Because now is the time, and I have to do other things.

You can't put all your energy into this.

Otherwise, it will definitely not be enough. Now I am thinking about another issue.

Many things have not yet been resolved, and we cannot stick to this.

Of course this matter is also very important.

Qiqing will also notice this.

After Jiang Chen thought about this question, he went through some of the things that happened today in his mind.

I closed my eyes and lay on the bed. It was already dark now.

I'm still thinking about this problem, but I don't feel sleepy.

I don’t know what’s going on, and my sleeping state has become particularly bad.

During this time I have been thinking about various issues.

Now I feel very uncomfortable in my heart and don’t know what to do.

Lying on the bed, I still felt that my mind was still not here, even though my body was already lying here.

It's as simple as it seems on the surface. "Ding-deng-deng..."

At this moment of thinking, a sound of footsteps suddenly appeared.

Then there was a knock on his door.


Jiang Chen asked quietly and then got out of bed and walked out.

Unexpectedly, it was Qiqing standing in front of her.

He looked at himself with a worried look, something must have happened.

"What's wrong? Are you so anxious?"

I felt very uneasy and didn't know what to say.

Qi Qing's whole body seemed to be in a hurry, something important must have happened.

"Buji is missing!"

Qiqing was particularly anxious, and she was trembling when she spoke.

They all ran over panting and kept talking about this issue.

I didn't expect these people to show up. When I went there at night, I saw no one in the room.

After a while, no one came back, and now I realized I was a little anxious.

"I probably don't know what time it was. Anyway, he hasn't been in the room for a long time."

Qi Qing said it uncomfortably.

I didn't notice how much time it was, I just knew that he was gone.

So I felt extremely panicked and ran over quickly.

I have been talking about this all the time, but now it is quite uncomfortable.


Jiang Chen was immediately shocked. He didn't expect that I could have such a problem.

I thought nothing big would happen during this period of time, but I didn't expect that he would disappear.

Go out and search quickly.

The two of them went out directly now, and they didn't dare to waste time now.

I don’t know where the person went, but I am very anxious now anyway.

"Let's look for them separately now. It'll be faster this way."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he already ran in one direction.

Qiqing hurriedly went in another direction, and now started to search bit by bit.

However, these things were still carried out very secretly, and no one knew about it.

At this stage, I don’t want to waste too much time.

After going out, I tried my best to look at the car while walking. It was already night time.

There are people patrolling the palace.

I was cautious when I went there, and now I don't dare to make too much noise.

It would be even worse if the emperor was alerted.

I don’t know what kind of things you have done, Buji. Anyway, I am quite worried now.

Afraid of him doing unnecessary things.

"found it!"

While Qi Qing was walking, she suddenly saw a familiar figure. Unexpectedly, when she looked closely, it turned out to be him.

"Why are you in the emperor's palace?"

At the same time, Jiang Chen also came over and saw Qiqing stopping here.

Following his gaze, I saw someone in the palace.

"What's going on? Why are you in the emperor's palace?"

Jiang Chen was immediately shocked when he saw it. Not just anyone can come here.

I quickly walked in, and now I feel a little scary after seeing this situation.

There is indeed something very wrong with his state, and the actions he takes are also unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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