Chapter 485 Regret and Impulse
When Jiang Chen saw his behavior, he became very angry.

We have reached this point now, how could we do such a mindless thing?
"What do you want to do?"

Jiang Chen shouted angrily.

It's now this time. If you come to the emperor's palace, wouldn't you be asking for trouble?
If he had not done these things, the emperor's doubts would not have been so great.

If he was really discovered, he didn't know what the consequences would be, and he might even be locked up.

Just like Jiang Ziya.

So now that I see him behaving like this, I feel very angry inside.

I originally thought that he was also a sensible person who knew what he should do and what he shouldn't do.

But I didn't expect that when I did this now, my head would really buzz.

Can't even think of what else to do.

It's uncomfortable to feel uncomfortable, but it doesn't show at all on the surface.

Wuji also lowered his head after hearing this, and then he began to realize his behavior.

When I came here before, I didn't even realize what I was doing. I just rushed over all the time.

Now when I saw the scene in front of me, I was stunned.

They looked at me with angry eyes, and now I couldn't hold my head up.

"I was indeed a little impulsive just now, and I'm really sorry."

Buji has also realized his mistake.

I understand that what I do will bring trouble to myself, and it will also bring trouble to everyone.

If it was just a simple matter, there would definitely be no problem, but this matter is different.

They will also know some things later.

It's a critical moment, and you really shouldn't do these things yourself.

"Really sorry."

Wu Ji lowered his head this time and apologized sincerely.

Because now I know that what I did is really not what I should do, but there is nothing I can do about it.

I have already done everything, and now I can only say a few words of apology, and I regret it now.

Looking at him like this, Jiang Chen knew that he had fully realized his mistake, but he still didn't know how to change it.

If that's the case, there's nothing more to say, we've all realized it.

If I say anything else, it will appear that I care too much.

"You must never be like this in the future, because there is nothing we can do now."

Jiang Chen said it uncomfortably. If the emperor really found out, he would not be able to quibble.

You don’t know what to say, and you don’t want to be caught by him.

Jiang Ziya's incident had already made his head numb.

And there were all kinds of problems that kept me busy.

I didn't expect that something like this would happen to him.

Now I sighed deeply and thought about what happened next.

Wuji also knew that they were really disappointed with him.

Indeed, this was something that should be done. I had already realized it, but I still did it.

It's too impulsive, but I really want to do it in my heart.

I always wanted to help Jiang Ziya and help them.

But I didn't expect that I didn't do anything well, and then I didn't finish it.

Now it's causing them trouble again.

He had his head lowered along the way, and now he didn't say anything, so he was very silent.

You feel that you really don’t know what to say now, as if you shouldn’t be forgiven for what you did.

"Stop being like this. Now as long as you don't do this in the future, go back and rest." Jiang Chen said it calmly. Fortunately, no one found out.

And the emperor didn't come back, so this didn't cause a big problem at all.

It's just that this kind of thing is too risky and I will never do it again.

Big problems will arise.

"Okay, I understand." Wu Ji replied in a low voice.

Jiang Chen understood when he saw him like this that he would definitely do this sincerely.

I won't do it again in the future, after all, you only need to do such impulsive things once.

It was so dangerous that the emperor wouldn't know what to do if he found out.

Besides, there is no guarantee for this kind of thing.

Wu Ji walked back silently, now wondering how to determine this matter.

I went back and lay down on the bed, thinking about today's incident all the time.

I fell asleep before I knew it.

Jiang Chen has been thinking about this since he came back.

It seems that this problem cannot continue to be entangled like this, and a solution must be found quickly.

Soon, this matter will not be that simple.

If the delay becomes longer and longer, there will be no chance at all.

The current emperor is already trying his best to find a way to attack Jiang Ziya.

After that I didn’t even know what to do.

So now I have a big doubt in my heart, but I have been watching it.

Moreover, this matter is not a good thing for myself, and it is not a bad thing for others either.

"Now that everyone is up, let's discuss how to solve it together, shall we?"

The next day, Jiang Chen got up early and saw several people getting up too.

Now get ready and think about how to solve today's matter.

Jiang Ziya's matter is already a big one, and no solution has been found yet.

I also feel a little worried in my heart, and even a little anxious.

I still don't know what method to find to solve it.

"What should we do? We seem to be in confusion now?"

Jiang Chen was also quite helpless. He really couldn't find any solution.

I feel quite speechless inside, and now I don’t know how to find a solution.

No suitable ones have been found in this period of time.

Moreover, the problems encountered were quite abnormal, so I felt very distressed.

I don't know how to determine this.

"I also think it's been so long, can we still find evidence?"

Qiqing felt a little disappointed.

I don’t know what evidence I should find. Anyway, I know nothing now.

After such a long time, no suitable evidence or method has been found.

It can even be said that there are no clues at all. The emperor really did it very cleverly.

The work was done very carefully, and no one could find any flaws.

Make yourself feel that there is no evidence for this matter at all.

There is indeed no flaw in such a delicate thing.

(End of this chapter)

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