Chapter 487 Careful planning
Jiang Chen began to think about how to make a careful plan.

Now is the time to determine some things.

But I haven't figured out how to prepare for this yet.

"Do you have any ideas?"

Jiang Chen also wants to hear everyone's opinions. After all, this matter is quite difficult.

Now these are related to Jiang Ziya's problems.

Moreover, at this point, no evidence can be found.

We can only make a plan quickly.

"I think we should really be ready to take action."

Wuji said firmly, now he was very sure about this.

At this time, if Jiang Ziya cannot be rescued, I will feel very uncomfortable inside.

Besides, the previous matter has not been resolved yet.

Now that it's time, I feel that I can't wait any longer.

I am very impulsive to begin with, but if I continue to get excited, I don’t know what I will do.

"That's pretty much the plan now, do you have any other ideas?"

After listing a series of things, I am now looking at this plan in my heart and intend to give it a try.

As of now, there is nothing to say.

Besides, I don’t know what task I should do, and what I should do is determined.


Qiqing said firmly, now all that is left is to perform the task.

There is only this one step left, and there is nothing else to say, except that I feel a little panicked in my heart.

I don’t know how to solve this problem because I haven’t done this for a long time.

I felt a little panicked, and my hands felt a little sweaty.

Frowning slightly now thinking about this matter.

When Jiang Chen saw them like this, he probably knew what he was thinking.

After all, at this time, there is definitely no other very normal method that can be found.

I have to try this. If there are any problems, I can only wait until later.

But there really isn’t anything superfluous right now.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's start preparing for action."

Jiang Chen nodded after seeing that everyone had no objections.

The preparer has confirmed this, and now everything is ready.

Just waiting to implement this result now.

It's just those who are a little panicked, a little flustered, and don't know why.

It may be because of nervousness, but more importantly, it is fear that I will not succeed in doing this.

Then it is also a kind of harm to Jiang Ziya.

So now I am thinking about this issue in my heart.

A little panicked.

I was almost ready to be more fierce, but now I calmed down, trying to calm myself down a little.

Start thinking carefully about this important issue now.

"Everyone, get ready."

Jiang Chen asked, although he said this to everyone, he actually said it to himself.

I want to understand this better, and I also want them to know what they should do.

Now that we have reached this point, we can only do this, there is no other choice.


Wu Ji and Qi Qing answered in unison and then looked at each other again.

You know what to do at this time, after all, now we have reached the final stage.

"Why are you here?" At this moment, he saw that Ji Fa had already been brought over.

I also feel particularly confused, after all, the plan is now ready to be tried.

"This is the prison guard picture."

When Ji Fa took it out, he showed it to several people. This was a very important thing.

If a few people are going to go there, then this thing must be indispensable.

"is it?"

Jiang Chen was particularly surprised after getting it. Looking at it, he felt that he had an extra plan.

After having this diagram, it may be easier for you, and there will be a place for analysis and routes.


Jiang Chen sighed.

I also feel very happy in my heart because I haven’t encountered anything unnecessary yet.

But now after getting this picture, I feel a little calmer in my heart.

"Are you ready to take action now?"

Ji Fa knew from the looks of several people that it was almost time for them to take action.

I also asked them all carefully, and now it is indeed a similar matter.


Jiang Chen said it firmly. At this time, there was no way out.

After this stage, many things have become very clear.

You have to take a good look at what you should do.

"Now that I have replaced all the guards with my own people, you don't have to worry."

Ji Fa told this matter, and it was already settled before coming back.

He should also know their approximate time, so he had already replaced the guards before coming.

It will be easier for them then, and it won't take too much time to get in.

"Thank you so much. We didn't expect this."

Jiang Chen was particularly moved after hearing this. This was something he had never thought of.

Even if I thought about it, I wouldn't be able to do it, so I have a special feeling now.

Ji Fa shook his head, feeling that this was nothing at all.

After all, they did it themselves, and what they did could only be regarded as a small help.

But they have to do many things by themselves, and they can't do anything to help.

Now I can only try my best to do everything that needs to be done.

"Thank you so much."

Qiqing also echoed beside her, her eyes filled with gratitude now.

After all, at this moment, many people are not sure about this matter.

He was the only one who had done this well, and he had made all the arrangements.

It has made many people feel relieved, so when several people are standing here, there are also many touching emotions in their hearts.

"If that's the case, then we can get ready to take action."

When it came to this, the rest of the people had already started to make arrangements.

Now is indeed the tense moment before departure, and everyone feels particularly uneasy.

Because we don’t know what problems will happen, and there may be some unknown dangers waiting.

But no matter what, this has to be done, so everyone's actions are particularly contradictory.

On the one hand, I felt that I had to sit down for this action, but on the other hand, I didn’t know what I would encounter.

I still feel a little surprised inside.

But now that all these things have been decided, we definitely can't give up. This thing must be done.

(End of this chapter)

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