Chapter 488 Prison Escape
"Let's go!"

After Jiang Chen gave the order, everyone started to rush forward, taking everything with them.

This was all prepared before departure, and now the whole group started to set off in the direction of the prison.

At this time, no one could predict this, and no one could stop it.

Everyone has a determined expression on their face. There is only one direction and one goal now.

Jiang Chen was particularly moved after seeing this situation.

This is really all done for the same thing, so everyone is very determined.

Now that I see them like this, I feel that what I do is appropriate.

Soon, the journey was smooth.

We arrived at the prison without wasting too much time. When we arrived inside, we could already see the guards greeting us.

Sure enough, they had replaced all the guards, and now they were all their own, so they didn't have to waste too much time.

After entering, they were all taken over.

"You guys come with me."

After Jiang Chen heard this, he immediately followed the soldier in front and started walking inside.

I don’t know why, although I have never met this person, I still believe it somehow.

Now follow him straight forward and come to the innermost part of the prison.

"Why are you here?"

At this moment Jiang Ziya looked up.

When they saw a few people coming, they were all surprised and stood up immediately.

There was also a kind of worry in his eyes, and another kind of surprise.

The main thing is that I never thought they would come here at this time, but I was very scared after practicing.

If it was because of something bad, then I would rather they not come here.

After Jiang Chen saw his expression, he knew that he must also want to know about this matter, but he still didn't have much time.

It is not appropriate to talk about this matter now, there is not much time to waste.

"Don't worry now, I will explain to you later."

After saying that, he and the soldiers immediately opened the prison door.

Now looking at this series of actions, Jiang Ziya was stunned on the spot and was at a loss.

I don't know what's going on with them, but looking at them like this, they should be taking care of themselves.

I also felt very surprised.

I was a little worried, not knowing what would happen next.

"There's no time to explain, so hurry up and follow me."

Jiang Chen pulled the confused Jiang Ziya and started to walk back.

Now I am very anxious bit by bit, and the whole person is in a very hurry to take pictures.

And it was also under observation for 4 weeks. When I came, I was afraid of being discovered.

I don't like to waste too much time. I have been jogging since I came in here, and it is still the same now.

Jiang Ziya followed behind and saw that they were all escorting him.

They probably knew what was going on. They probably wanted to rescue him and leave.

But if the emperor knew about this, he would definitely not spare him.

Now there is also a kind of wrinkle on the face.

I don’t know what to say, I just feel very scared, but also a bit contradictory.

"Let's go."

Did you say hello to the guard directly after you came out and then closed the prison again?
Now when I saw this, I felt very nervous. When I came out, I saw the carriage parked here.

"Our people have arrived."

Qiqing was waiting outside, and now she quickly asked the two of them to get on the carriage. Then the most important thing is to leave first at this moment.

After finishing speaking, the two people quickly went up without wasting much time.

But not long after he left, the news reached the emperor's ears.

I already knew that time wouldn't slow down for too long, but now I didn't expect it to go so fast.

In a short period of time, the emperor already knew it and was now furious.

"I don't even know how you did this. Hurry up and chase after me."

You threw everything to the ground and shouted loudly.

I didn't expect that they would dare to go to the prison and rob people. They were so audacious.

I don't take myself as the emperor seriously at all. This is what I do.

How dare they take people away right under their noses.

I simply don’t want to live anymore.

"Send people to arrest me quickly and bring this back to me!"

He said angrily, his face now wet and starting to tremble.

I never expected that they would do such a thing in such a short period of time, and I didn’t know what would happen in the end.

But now I know that we must capture them.

After catching it, I left it to my own devices.

When Jiang Chen realized this, he had already seen the people behind him chasing after him.

"They are all riding horses much faster than us. We should be overtaken soon."

Wu Ji was also particularly worried when he saw this situation.

The carriage was already running at its fastest speed, and it was still bumping along the way.

But those who were chasing after them were all on horseback, and they brought a whole large army with them.

If they really chased him, a few people wouldn't be able to fight against him.

"Let's check the situation for now."

Jiang Chen was helpless and felt particularly anxious after seeing this situation.

I don't know what to say. Although they have already come out, they are really chasing after him now.

Although I don't want them to chase him back, there is nothing he can do.

At this moment, I can't do anything I want to do.

"No, the distance is getting closer."

After Jiang Chen saw this situation, he became even more anxious.

Now there are more and more people chasing during this period, and the distance between them is getting closer and closer.

If this continues, I won’t be able to leave even with a car full of people.

Then you have to think of a way, and you must let them go first.

"Wuji, Qiqing, you guys send each other off first and send Jiang Ziya away."

Jiang Chen remembered what he said, and now he had to assign tasks to them first.

Now that we are in this situation, the most important thing is to let them leave first. I can stop them for a while first.

That way they can run some distance.

If you don't stop him, your entire carriage will be stopped, and no one will be able to escape.

So now that I have to make a decision quickly, I can only think of this method.

For now, I can stop them first.

"Then what do you do? We can't leave you here alone."

(End of this chapter)

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