Chapter 492 Too anxious

I became even more worried. Since they didn't come back, there was no clue at all.

And I still keep thinking, what should I do now?
I don't know how to determine this matter. Anyway, I am extremely confused in my heart, and it shows on my face.

From the moment I heard the words just now, it was completely revealed.

what happened? Why haven't they come back yet?
But yesterday, it was obvious that he had attracted almost most of the troops to his side.

"Did their reinforcements come later and take them away?"

After thinking about this, he immediately shook his head. This was already the worst judgment.

They would definitely not have such a worst-case outcome, but something might have happened and delayed them on the way.

These are all possible, so I don’t want to think about them for the time being.

The main thing is to quickly find out when and how they left?

I never thought that such a problem would arise, and now it really makes me feel that it is even more difficult.

And it wasn't completely over yet. He was still a little depressed and didn't speak.

It seems that I haven't vented like this for a long time. Now after screaming, my anger was discovered.

"It's okay, I just yelled and it'll be fine."

"Then don't worry, I'll wait here with you."

Jiang Chen, you also know that he is also doing it for his own good, so now he is slowly forcing himself to calm down.

Cuiping said it directly. Now she doesn't have much time to see them like this, so she is quite worried.

Thinking about some of the things that happened before, they should not be discovered.

This is crucial.

I really hope that if I have the chance, I can calm down and look for it carefully.

The whole person seemed to have been in a depressed state for a long time, and now he suddenly shouted out.

After seeing this situation, Cuiping was really worried. His state was a bit abnormal.

He was always there to comfort Jiang Chen.

It is indeed a little different, because now I am no longer in the same state as before.

He yelled loudly, scaring the people next to him.

I did calm down a bit after coming back.

It has been like this since just now, and now I am quite worried.

Jiang Chen calmed down for a moment, and the voice just now really made him calm down a little.

After shouting, now I put all my voice on it.

"Don't worry. There will definitely be no problem. You are under too much pressure."

Now that I think about it, I feel that this is also a very big problem. What should I do?

If they were caught, they would probably have some clues, but they didn't find anything on the road.

Maybe I was overthinking it, and they might have given me another route.

After thinking about this, I felt a little calmer.

I sat here and started waiting, but still in the courtyard.

"Why don't you go in and wait?"

It still hurts to see Jiang Chen like this, it's really uncomfortable for him to look like this.

He sat motionless in the chair the whole time, as if he was really about to turn to stone.

"It's okay, I'll just stay here. Nothing will happen anyway."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he didn't say another word and just sat here motionless.

Looking into the distance, there is no one at the door, not even a figure.

As I looked at it, I felt that I was so stupid. But there really wasn't any way, and I was a little worried.

The pressure during this period was indeed too great, and many people appeared to save Jiang Ziya.

After doing it for a long time, I really calmed down.

"The main thing now is to solve the problem, and I can't panic."

After realizing this, he started to stand up, and now he was walking around the yard and was pacing.

I waited and waited, but it was almost dark now, and there was still no trace.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they'll be back soon."

Cuiping said carefully after walking out, and now she was watching next to him.

I was actually quite worried because there was still no trace outside, but I still had to comfort Jiang Chen first.

His state does make him a little worried.

"Back, back."

Just the next second, a sudden shot was fired, and several people appeared at the door.

Surprise suddenly appeared on his face, and he was immediately surprised when he saw the whole person in the next second.

"What's going on? Are you hurt?"

After walking over, I saw that Qiqing was being supported by someone. She must have been seriously injured.

"We don't know. The main thing now is that there are very large wounds on the body."

The people next to him were also very anxious and directly helped them over.

Jiang Chen was particularly anxious and started to look at this situation.

Nezha also came out at the same time, and immediately started to check after seeing this situation.

I immediately turned to the place where I was in class, and now I saw that the wound was really bloody and shocking.

It makes people feel a little scary just looking at it.

"I'll heal him now."

Nezha didn't say anything, and the others started healing directly.

Not a word of nonsense was said, and now the rest of the people standing around and watching felt a little at a loss.

Only then did Jiang Chen pay attention to the other people, and saw that the other people's faces looked a little unhappy.

A lot of things must have happened, and their expressions were particularly solemn.

"what's up?"

Only then did Jiang Chen quickly ask.

Jiang Ziya also felt a little guilty after seeing this situation. If he hadn't been in this situation, he wouldn't have been in this situation.

"We couldn't get rid of the pursuers when we ran, because our speed was extremely slow, so we fought hard with them."

I feel particularly helpless. Thinking of the previous state, I feel a little difficult.

The speed was indeed too slow, and there were so many pursuers behind him that he couldn't run fast for a while.

It fell directly there, and now the pursuers can catch up.

Several people saw that they had no choice but to go up and fight with them.

Jiang Chen could already imagine the scene at that time.

It seemed that the pursuers from behind were coming soon, and I already felt that there were many of them on my side.

It seems they added more later.

It's still your own problem.

(End of this chapter)

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