Chapter 493 Worry and Anxiety

Jiang Chen really felt a little sorry, because if it hadn't been for him, such a problem would not have occurred.

Now he has been seriously injured here, and he looks very uncomfortable.

This made me feel even more guilty.

If I had gone there earlier or found them, this probably wouldn't be the case.

I just lowered my head just thinking about it and now I feel sad.

If you help yourself, no one will really get hurt.

After looking at it, he turned around and now restrained the emotions in his heart.

He didn't even know what to say. These things made him feel too guilty. He was already so seriously injured.

It looked very uncomfortable, but there was nothing I could do.

"Don't worry, this matter has nothing to do with you."

I originally thought they could come back safely, but I still thought too much.

Qiqing felt really bad when she saw him looking so heartbroken.

The pain on his body was definitely very painful, but he still hasn't cried out yet.

Not to mention a woman.

Being like this will also make him feel even more guilty.

That way even if you get hurt, they won't get hurt too.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have run so fast, I should have been with them.

"It's all because of me."

This is my master, and he is very good to me. Now I can see that he is really caring.

But it was indeed very touching, because no one had done this to me in a long time.

Not only did he not come back safely, he was now so seriously injured.

There was also worry in his eyes.

Jiang Chen felt uncomfortable again. The more he acted like this, the more guilty he felt.

It is also a very good thing for myself.

Many things cannot be solved even if you want to, and there is nothing wrong with this matter.

During the treatment, the entire flesh and blood had been torn apart, and it hurt even as a man to look at it.

Jiang Chen apologized to Qiqing.

"I'm really sorry, you wouldn't be like this if it weren't for me."

It's true that I haven't thought about this matter yet, but something like this happened.

Qiqing is so sensible that she doesn't seem to say anything.

Qi Qing actually didn't feel anything. Maybe it was because her sensitivity was relatively low.

Although he suffered such a serious injury, he maintained a good attitude and did not feel much pain.

"Don't worry too much. I'm almost done now. It's not a big problem."

Although it was very painful to look at his wound, it did not hurt his muscles or bones.

It will probably get better after a while, so none of this matters.

After Jiang Chen looked at it, he felt a little better.

But it's still quite uncomfortable, and I don't know what to say.

Facing this kind of thing also makes me feel particularly uncomfortable and guilty.

The others stood nearby and looked downcast, unable to do anything.

At this point, I don’t even know what to say or do.

"Now is not the time to talk about this, we have other things to do."

At this moment, Jiang Ziya suddenly stood up and remained very quiet.

Indeed, you will definitely do what you should do at this moment.

They are just too impulsive, and they are a little more sober in this regard. Seeing them like this, I really couldn't bear it anymore, so I could only speak out quickly.

After hearing this sentence, other people reacted.

Indeed, it seems that now is not the time to talk about these things, it is of no use at all.

"Nezha, please don't be careless."

Jiang Ziya also quickly spoke out, because this matter now is particularly urgent.

The main thing is not to take it lightly. I don't know if anyone will come later.

The emperor doesn't know what kind of things to do anymore, so it's very difficult to talk about the main thing now.

No one knew what to do.

And at this moment, indeed no one can know about this problem.

I don’t know what to say, I just think this is a very big thing.

Jiang Chen calmed himself down and sobered up a little.

Looking at the person in front of me without so much guilt calmed me down a little, because there was still something to do.

If you just keep feeling guilty like this, you won't be able to solve the problem at all.

The main thing now is to be careful. I don't know if the emperor's pursuers have come after him.

This is the most important thing. Such a big situation occurred yesterday, and I have never experienced it.

If this situation really happens again, I will do my best to protect her.

Nezha didn't take it seriously after hearing it.

There was no big expression on his face, after all, he had never done anything in this matter.

No matter how they did it, they did what they should do, and now they have finished treating the disease.

It's almost done. Now the whole thing has recovered a bit.

"That's about it. It should be almost done. You can recover after taking a rest slowly."

After saying this, I wanted to turn around and leave.

Then he thought about what Jiang Ziya said just now, and he hadn't replied to him yet.

But originally they felt that nothing was done about this matter, and they just thought too much about it.

If it continues, nothing big will happen.


Sure enough, Jiang Ziya's expression changed immediately after seeing Nezha like this.

Unexpectedly, he didn't listen to her words carefully, and was ready to turn around and leave, ignoring herself.

This is a bit unusual.

"I have other things to do later and I can't accompany you all."

Nezha just said one sentence, and now there is nothing else.

That's what I wanted to talk about, and I didn't want to tell him so much.

Moreover, this problem is not that simple, nor can it be solved by just paying some attention.

So after giving a casual answer, I was ready to leave.

Jiang Chen stood nearby and kept thinking about it, and didn't pay much attention to the other question.

I just listened occasionally, and now I roughly know what he is talking about.

But this kind of thing is not that simple, and Nezha doesn't seem to be able to solve any big problems.

It's not useful for him to notice these, so he can ignore them for the time being.

Jiang Ziya was different now after hearing this, his face suddenly changed.

Just looking at it made me feel very angry, and a little bit angry.

Maybe he didn't expect Nezha to answer like this.

(End of this chapter)

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