Chapter 494 Emergencies
But this kind of thing is actually necessary, and it's not that simple. Jiang Ziya also has good intentions.

At this moment, many things are not that simple.

The emperor didn't know what it was, but he had to be careful at all times.

"Yes, you must be careful and don't take it lightly!"

Jiang Chen also said it at this time. The current situation is indeed not that simple.

It can't be done just by being careful, it still requires a lot of big things to happen.

So now after seeing this, I am also thinking about this issue.

I have to remind Nezha that he really doesn't take this matter to heart.

You can tell by looking at his expression.

He didn't accept this easily and didn't pay much attention to it.



Although it has been treated, I haven't seen much effect yet, and I still haven't woken up.

Jiang Chen sighed, not knowing how to determine this issue.

This made me even more worried, and I didn’t know what to say. I just felt very sleepy.

Wu Ji asked Jiang Ziya.

I have been thinking about it from the beginning, and I am still thinking about how to solve it now.

It seemed like there was nothing he could take to heart, so he just turned around and left.

I didn't pay attention to the situation on Nezha's side, and now I mainly focus on it.

Unexpectedly, Nezha turned around, left these three words and left directly.

But this situation is not a simple matter, and it is not something that can be solved quickly.

His face frowned unconsciously, looking particularly anxious.

A few people were left standing there dumbfounded, not knowing why he was suddenly so confident.

"What should I do? Is there any way to make Qiqing wake up quickly?"

Jiang Ziya is also thinking about this matter, so he is thinking about it now.

I looked particularly worried. It's been so long and I still haven't woken up.

But since he has already said it, it shouldn't be a big deal.

Anyway, I am here, and this group of people are also here. If anything happens, we can solve it as soon as possible.

Qiqing is still in a coma here, and she really doesn't know what to say.

Qiqing was seriously injured, but was there any way to wake him up as soon as possible?

Seeing him like this, I felt particularly distressed.

"There is no other way. We can only wait."

When talking about this, although I feel very helpless, this is really the only way.

There is no special medicine, otherwise it will cause harm to his body.

The main thing is that I really can't find it for a while, and I don't have such a thing, and I don't want to harm him.

We can only let him wake up slowly.


Wuji felt a little uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do.

I can't find any way, so now I can only wait here.

But it's not good to see people here, and they don't say a word when they come over, which makes me feel more and more panicked.

I can't even think of anything, which makes me feel extremely difficult.

I don’t even know how to determine this matter, it’s still very uncomfortable.

Jiang Chen looked at Wu Ji and felt nervous from his state.

He is also sincerely good for Qi Qing. "Don't be anxious yet. It should be fine if you let him rest for a while."

Jiang Chen told Wu Ji and looked at his state, he felt a little worried.

If he continues to be so nervous, he will be overwhelmed and may even faint.

It will be another problem then, and I don't want to see such a thing.

Wu Ji raised his head and looked, then lowered his head and nodded.

I agreed that I couldn't have any problems, otherwise I wouldn't be able to take care of him.

So now I am starting to return to my normal state and force myself to calm down.

As I looked at it, I felt that it was time for me to settle down and not be too anxious.

Qiqing should rest more, and she shouldn't disturb him so quickly.

After standing up, he was now sitting next to him and began to let himself take a rest.

After Jiang Chen saw his state, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Ji Fa?"

At this moment, he didn't expect that Ji Fa would also come over to find him.

Looking at this state, I also feel that there is something wrong. It is obvious that I am very anxious.

Suddenly, I felt that the universe was in a panic. I didn't know what happened and came here to find it in such a hurry.

"What's wrong? What happened? Speak slowly."

After walking over, several people sat down and began to prepare to discuss the matter.

Since Ji Fa came to see him, he must have something to discuss, so they didn't waste any time talking nonsense.

Be prepared to wait here.

"Now I'm here to discuss a very important matter with you."

After finishing speaking, he also looked at Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya nodded immediately, knowing that this matter must have something to do with him.

If something really happens, then I will try my best to solve it.

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

After finishing speaking, Ji Fa opened his mouth.

"I don't know why, but the surrounding city lords suddenly started to provoke me frequently."

After saying this, I sighed deeply, feeling a little confused.

But I felt very helpless. There was obviously no reason, but they just started suddenly.

I feel like I can't do anything, and there's no reason why.

It makes me feel even more uncomfortable, it's just inexplicable.

"No reason?"

Jiang Ziya was particularly shocked after hearing this. How could this be possible?
Without any reason, how could they suddenly provoke? If this is really the case, then maybe someone knows behind it.

But I don’t know who is behind it and who instigated them to do this.

It is absolutely impossible without a reason, and no one will do anything that is not beneficial.

"Yeah, I don't know the reason, but it just happened suddenly."

When Ji Fa said this, he felt a little baffled.

But this matter is like this, which makes me feel a little troubled, so I came to find someone to discuss it.

I really can't find any solution, and I am already very distressed.

Can't find any special method.

I didn’t know how to be sure, so I came to find out about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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