Prehistoric: Download the Saint's Cultivation at the Beginning

Chapter 531 Severe Punishment of Shen Gongbao

Chapter 531 Severe Punishment of Shen Gongbao

There was a wailing sound coming from the palace wall. The eunuch realized something was wrong and hurriedly ran to Su Daji's palace as fast as possible.

"Mother, something bad has happened. King Zhou seems to have lost his temper after hearing what Jiang Chen said."

"Master Shen Gongbao was also taken down and is now being punished in the courtyard."

The eunuch hurriedly reported the situation to Su Daji.

Hearing this, Su Daji seemed a little shocked, got up and left the room, only to find that there were constant wailing outside.

She had been focusing on other things just now and didn't pay attention.

"It's just nonsense. Shen Gongbao only wants to be the king, how could he have other thoughts."

"Jiang Chen must be talking nonsense behind his back and causing the king to misunderstand. You guys should come over to me and explain."

Su Daji was so anxious that she led the people around her to King Zhou of Shang.

"Your Majesty, you must have misunderstood this matter. Shen Gongbao is dedicated to our Western Zhou Dynasty. How could he have other thoughts? There are always treacherous villains talking nonsense behind his back."

Su Daji threw herself into King Zhou's arms and hurriedly explained to him.

When he mentioned the treacherous villain several times, he did not forget to look at Jiang Chen.

She didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so bold and still stay in the palace at this moment.

"Hmph! Don't think that I don't know that you have always been partial to him. Such a big thing happened today. If Jiang Chen hadn't mentioned it to me, I'm afraid I would still have been hidden."

King Zhou of Shang looked at Su Daji coldly.

It was true that he doted on Su Daji, but he was really annoyed by Shen Gongbao's behavior.

As long as Shen Gongbao has some conscience, Yu Ruyi will offer it early, so that it won't be an outsider's turn to offer it to him.

"It's impossible. There must be a misunderstanding about this matter. Whenever Shen Gongbao gets good things, he always brings them to the palace as soon as possible for the king to choose."

The wailing outside became more and more urgent, and Su Daji was so panicked that she hurriedly explained.

King Zhou of Shang ignored him, while Jiang Chen sat aside and watched the joke.

Seeing Su Daji's appearance, Jiang Chen picked up the tea in front of him and tasted it.

"What the hell are you talking about in front of King Zhou? Shen Gongbao has never been such a person. Don't talk nonsense and wrongly accuse a good person."

Su Daji was angry and pointed at Jiang Chen and scolded him loudly.

Jiang Chen ignored him and looked at Su Daji pretending to be aggrieved.

"What Wei Chen said is true. Is it possible that Master Shen Gongbao has not obtained Yu Ruyi before?"

Jiang Chen asked back, but Su Daji couldn't answer at this time.

The item previously was indeed sent by the eunuch.

When the eunuch snatched the jade Ruyi from the palace maid, he made a big fuss.

Many people in the palace knew that it was not easy for Su Daji to lie in front of King Zhou of Shang.

"My beloved concubine. This matter has nothing to do with you, so please don't interfere."

"Shen Gongbao is disloyal to me and must be severely punished, otherwise he will make such low-level mistakes in the future."

King Zhou of Shang pulled Su Daji into his arms and spoke comforting words.

Seeing how cleverly the two of them cooperated, Su Daji really didn't dare to speak.

I could only look out the door sadly.

After a while, the punishment stopped, and Shen Gongbao stood up slightly tremblingly.

"It's getting late. Wei Chen's mission for today has been completed. Wei Chen will leave first. If King Zhou has other arrangements in the future, please give me your instructions."

Jiang Chen signaled.

King Zhou nodded and agreed, and then Jiang Chen didn't stay here too long and left calmly.

Just after leaving the palace, Shen Gongbao popped up from outside.

Seeing Jiang Chen looking so proud, Shen Gongbao looked even more angry.

If this guy hadn't just made such nonsense in front of King Zhou of Shang, he wouldn't have been beaten like this. On weekdays, King Zhou of Shang showed favoritism to him.

"You guy, you have the nerve to pass by here. What did you say in front of King Zhou? That caused him to misunderstand me like this!"

Shen Gongbao yelled at Jiang Chen.

Seeing Jiang Chen's calm expression, Shen Gongbao looked even more angry.

If it hadn't been for this guy's random talk, I wouldn't have suffered such physical pain.

He was pulled out of the bed smoothly, and even received a dozen slaps.

"I'm just telling the truth. Do you think I'm wrong in something? You were the first to get Yu Ruyi, and you kept it secretly."

Jiang Chen stared at Shen Gongbao indifferently, he was indeed telling the truth.

If there is really something wrong with the round, then just add some fuel and jealousy, and there won't be too many misunderstandings about the rest.

"You hateful guy, if you dare to act behind your back next time, I won't let you off lightly!"

Shen Gongbao scolded.

Jiang Chen was even too lazy to pay attention.

If this situation happens again next time, I have plenty of ways to deal with Shen Gongbao.

This guy is so greedy that he is still rake-ing around here.

"It's getting late, I have to go back first."

"If King Zhou sees you meeting me here, I'm afraid King Zhou will misunderstand me. If you still want to get slapped, just continue to stop in front of me."

Jiang Chen threatened and looked at Shen Gongbao with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Shen Gongbao was angry but did not dare to take action, so he could only step aside silently.

He watched helplessly as Jiang Chen walked past him in a swaggering manner.

Jiang Chen slowly returned to the mansion.

Seeing Jiang Chen's return, Jiang Ziya and others came over in a hurry.

From the time Jiang Chen left home until now, several people have been very worried.

After all, Su Daji and Shen Gongbao were both waiting in the palace, and everyone was really worried that these two would take the opportunity to retaliate.

"How was the matter handled? What was King Zhou's reaction? Did Su Daji and Shen Gongbao take the opportunity to embarrass you?"

Jiang Ziya inquired with concern and did not forget to check on Jiang Chen.

Fortunately, this guy was in good health, and no injuries could be seen at a glance.

"There is no way to embarrass me. Today I punished Shen Gongbao well, and I borrowed the hands of King Zhou of Shang to teach this guy a lesson."

Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing when he mentioned this matter.

Today is really fun.

On weekdays, Shen Gongbao often made remarks in front of King Zhou, but today he used the same method to retaliate.

"How did you do this? Please tell us in detail."

Jiang Ziya looked very curious and asked hurriedly.

Shen Gongbao was very cunning, and he usually pleased King Zhou.

I didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so good at turning these guys against each other today.

"I gave the fake jade Ruyi to King Zhou and said that it has the effect of rejuvenating youth. King Zhou was very happy and naturally accepted it generously."

"Then I said that Shen Gongbao was unwilling to hand over the items he had secretly collected."

Jiang Chen explained the matter clearly.

Everyone was very happy when they heard this. Jiang Chen really had a smart mind.

(End of this chapter)

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