Chapter 532: Causing big trouble
Just when a few people were happy, Nezha ran back in a hurry.

Seeing Nezha looking like this, Jiang Ziya couldn't help but sigh.

This kid is really naughty.

On weekdays, I often teach Nezha to be measured when doing things in front of everyone, but I didn't expect that he would still be so careless these days.

"Where did you go again? Why did you come back like this? After all, you are also a noble son of the Li family."

Qiqing slapped the dust off Nezha's body and scolded Nezha.

Jiang Chen stood aside and watched but couldn't help laughing.

Nezha is the youngest among them.

On weekdays, I am most playful.

When he went out just now, he was afraid that Nezha had secretly gone to another place.

On weekdays in the mansion, except for himself who has some restraints on Nezha, others are more indulgent towards Nezha.

It also caused this guy to act more and more lawlessly and without any sense of proportion.

"Stop talking about this now. I've caused a big trouble. Please help me figure out how to solve this problem."

"I feel like it's likely to cause trouble for my father and the others."

Nezha looked at the people in panic.

When he ran back, he was so frightened that he almost fell down.

Now that Jiang Chen and Jiang Ziya were in this mansion, Nezha breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that there are two people making decisions for him, things will probably be solved a lot easier.

"Tell me what happened slowly. What kind of people did you provoke outside to scare you like this?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but ask.

Nezha is the most courageous guy, and he usually does a lot of mischief.

Nezha had never been seen showing such panic before.

The more Nezha spoke like this, the more Jiang Chen felt worried.

He always felt that something was wrong about this matter, and it was very likely that something had really gone wrong.

"Don't blame me for not persuading you. There are other powerful characters in our Western Zhou Dynasty, and this place is also a place of hidden dragons and crouching tigers."

Jiang Ziya stood aside and added.

Although Nezha was born in this place since he was a child, he had a naughty personality and didn't know much about the people, customs and customs of this place.

Now Nezha was in trouble outside, so he came back to look for support.

Seeing Nezha's childish look, Jiang Ziya felt helpless and even had a headache.

I don’t know when Nezha will grow up.

"Don't talk to me about these big principles yet. Listen to me quickly. You can make some ideas for me on specific matters."

"I feel like my little destiny can't be saved."

Nezha asked a few people to come closer, and then closed the doors and windows together.

Seeing Nezha's behavior, Jiang Chen became even more confused.

Usually this guy has the loudest voice, and when he yells something, he hopes that people within ten miles around will hear it.

It's rare to see Nezha be so cautious today.

"We are all standing here listening, please hurry up and say something, don't show off here, it will upset a few of us for a while, but no one will care about you anymore."

Jiang Chen signaled.

Nezha took several deep breaths before explaining the situation to Jiang Chen.

"When King Zhou of Shang Dynasty was traveling with Su Daji, I accidentally injured Su Daji. Now King Zhou will definitely cause trouble for me."

Nezha's voice trembled slightly when he spoke.

Over the years, King Zhou favored Daji, and everyone in the Western Zhou Dynasty knew it.

Whenever someone made Su Daji unhappy, King Zhou would severely punish him.

Currently, I had a conflict with Su Daji on the hunting ground, and even accidentally injured Su Daji. I am afraid that King Zhou will not let it go.

Jiang Chen looked a little puzzled.

When he left the palace, Su Daji met him. I never expected that such an incident would happen within half an hour of returning.

Jiang Chen asked hurriedly.

"Why are you going to the royal hunting grounds when you are so good? I remember that you never bothered to participate in royal fun."

"What's more, when King Zhou and Daji go out, what does it mean for you to follow them all the way?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but ask.

When King Zhou and Su Daji set out on a journey, they would always have to regain their kung fu.

If Nezha hadn't followed him all the way, he might not have been able to find the right place for a while.

Nezha's current behavior is probably to avenge his private revenge.

Deliberately venting his previous dissatisfaction with Su Daji.

"Who made Su Daji and Shen Gongbao do so much evil? Thinking of their previous actions towards you, I feel a little angry."

"I saw that Su Daji was not protected by many guards today, so I started to think about it."

Speaking of this, Nezha also became angry.

I don't lose my sense of proportion when doing things on weekdays.

The reason why he acted so recklessly today was entirely because of Su Daji's actions.

"You are not a timid person. Why should you be timid now that you have done such a thing?"

"Anyway, you have already escaped from them. Is it possible that this king will go to Li Mansion to cause trouble for you?"

Jiang Chen did it out of appeasement.

Now that Nezha is far away from King Zhou's sight, even if King Zhou really wants to pursue him, he will have to have someone to prove it.

"I thought I was out of danger, but when I came back, I discovered that a corner of my clothes was on Su Daji's sword blade."

"At this point they should have obtained the corresponding certificate."

Nezha hurriedly explained.

While escaping, he checked again and again.

After confirming that everything was fine, he left.

It wasn't until he was about to arrive at the mansion that Nezha realized something was wrong.

"What's all the fuss about, it's just an ordinary piece of fabric."

"Is it possible that he can really find you through this piece of cloth? No matter how smart King Zhou is, he will never have such a mind."

Jiang Chen smiled indifferently.

Nezha was too nervous about this matter.

It usually takes a lot of effort for King Zhou to investigate a case, let alone things like this today.

Nezha is very good at light work and runs the fastest every time.

I'm afraid it's impossible to explain this matter with the help of the people around King Zhou.

"Yes, Nezha, what's going on with you? Since a piece of cloth fell into someone else's hands, leave it to him."

"You've already injured him anyway, why are you stingy with this little thing?"

Qiqing couldn't help but say the last sentence.

Nezha's fuss and fuss had frightened her just now.

Just now seeing Nezha yelling and screaming, Qiqing thought King Zhou had already led his troops to chase him.

Nezha was so anxious that he jumped on the spot.

He didn't know how to express the seriousness of this matter.

Anyway, once this matter is found out, it is very likely that everyone will suffer.

"It's over. It's really a big deal. The fabric on Nezha's body is unique in the entire Western Zhou Dynasty. Except for him, no one else can get it."

Jiang Ziya looked at Nezha.

After seeing the pattern of the fabric clearly, Jiang Ziya suddenly understood.

It's normal for Nezha to be anxious at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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