Chapter 533: Headache and Anger
Jiang Chen was shocked.

In this Western Zhou Dynasty, Su Daji was the most unprovoked woman.

At present, Su Daji is very popular with King Zhou.

On weekdays, the few ideas she mentioned casually in front of King Zhou would be adopted by King Zhou.

What Nezha is doing now is obviously to get in trouble with King Zhou, and hurting a royal woman is not a trivial matter.

"You guys are really confused. I tell you so many great truths on weekdays, but why can't you listen to me?"

"It's okay now. We've caused such a big disaster. How do you want your family to face the saints when the time comes?"

Jiang Chen only felt angry.

Nezha was just naughty on weekdays, but today he actually left evidence.

Only Nezha owned this lotus-patterned clothes in the entire Western Zhou Dynasty.

Once a thorough investigation is carried out, the truth will soon be known.

Even if Nezha hides in the ends of the earth, he may be captured.

"What do you think I should do about this? I beg you, please give me some ideas. I feel like I'm completely stupid now."

Nezha looked at everyone with a sad face, feeling aggrieved.

He never thought that he would leave such a big trouble by just messing around.

Nezha currently has no good countermeasures.

"I think it's better to do this. Let's just say that a thief stole Nezha's clothes, and then framed Nezha. This matter has nothing to do with Nezha."

Qiqing expressed her countermeasures.

The Li family was considered a prestigious family in the entire dynasty.

If King Zhou really wanted to punish Nezha, he would have to provide evidence.

Thieves are everywhere these days, so it's easy to steal a piece of clothing.

Just blame the matter on a non-existent person and get over it.

"I'm afraid this won't work. It's not like you don't know what kind of temper Su Daji is."

"She has already become enemies with us, and now Nezha has hurt the promotion again at this critical moment. She will never let Nezha go."

Ji Fa directly denied Qiqing's conjecture.

It's not like he had never interacted with Su Daji when he was a child.

This woman tried her best to drive him and Ji Ming out.

At present, Su Daji is coaxing King Zhou around. With just one sentence from Su Daji, King Zhou can investigate thoroughly.

By then, even if Nezha has 100 mouths, he may not be able to explain it clearly.

"Don't come up with random ideas. These methods will naturally not work. Although King Zhou was confused by Daji, he still maintained a certain degree of sanity."

"Do you really think that he is a three-year-old child and you can fool him with just a few lies?"

Seeing that these guys were having a heated discussion, Jiang Chen simply stepped forward to interrupt their conversation.

If these guys thought carefully, they would not act in such a naive way.

After all, King Zhou dominated the entire Western Zhou Dynasty. Even if he acted licentiously and extravagantly on weekdays, King Zhou would still maintain basic rationality in some matters.

"If these methods don't work, then Nezha will have to go to prison."

"Do you really want to watch Nezha being taken away? Shen Gongbao and Su Daji will definitely not let him go easily by then."

Qiqing was extremely anxious.

In her eyes, Nezha was still a child.

Apart from being naughty on some days, I don't have any other major problems.

If Nezha is handed over to those bad guys, they will never let Nezha go easily.

Nezha will definitely be tortured. What's more, Nezha had previously injured Shen Gongbao with the Qiankun Circle.

Shen Gongbao must have remembered this matter again.

If Shen Gongbao gets a chance, how can he miss it easily?

"Forget it, I think it's better to do this. Nezha should not enter the palace in the near future, let alone appear in front of King Zhou of Shang."

"As the saying goes, out of sight is out of mind. It is very likely that after a while, King Zhou will no longer pursue the case."

Jiang Chen explained his thoughts.

If you want to resolve this matter completely, you need to retreat instead of advance.

If Nezha keeps hanging around in front of King Zhou, I'm afraid it will also annoy people.

At that time, Su Daji and Shen Gongbao will seize the opportunity.

These two guys have just been provoked by themselves. If they cannot seek revenge on themselves, they will naturally transfer the conflict to the people around them.

"Jiang Chen, why are we doing this? I know it was my fault at this time, but just escaping won't solve the problem."

"Is it possible that you want me to be a coward for the rest of my life?"

Nezha looked at Jiang Chen in confusion.

He didn't believe Jiang Chen would make such an arrangement.

When Jiang Chen encountered problems before, he always faced them head on.

What Jiang Chen did today was really beyond Nezha's imagination.

He always felt as if Jiang Chen had changed into a different person.

"You still think things aren't big enough, don't you? Why are there so many problems every day? You'll know when one day it really causes big trouble!"

Jiang Chen only felt angry and yelled at Nezha.

Normally, he always takes care of Nezha, but today, Jiang Chen really couldn't bear it.

If Nezha had listened to the words of several people in the mansion, he would not have acted so recklessly today.

"I can understand that you are doing my best, but I want to tell you that if there are any consequences or bad effects, I will be willing to take responsibility."

"After all, this matter was indeed done by me alone and has nothing to do with any of you."

Nezha made his attitude clear.

He has never been a timid person. The reason why he ran back in such a hurry today was just because he was afraid and lost his mind.

After talking to these people, Nezha seemed much calmer.

Aren't you just looking for trouble?
Just let King Zhou come to you as much as possible.

"It's simply unreasonable. I've talked to you so much, but you can't even listen to a word. Are your ears inflatable?"

"Do you really want me to ask you to be kicked out?"

Jiang Chen was angry and raised his hands.

Seeing Jiang Chen's actions, Jiang Ziya hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Nezha away.

Jiang Ziya could see Jiang Chen's love and care for Nezha.

Jiang Chen's current actions naturally have his own motives.

The more Nezha confronted Jiang Chen, the angrier Jiang Chen became.

This is not the time to rush to be a hero. Just let the matter pass smoothly and then discuss it slowly. Why rush to be in the limelight.

"Stop talking so much, just follow Jiang Chen's request. He won't harm you. All of us will protect you. Why do you continue to cause big troubles."

Jiang Ziya hugged Nezha tightly and explained the matter clearly to Nezha.

Although Nezha was a little puzzled, he didn't dare to complain too much and could only reluctantly nod in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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