Chapter 535 Suspicion

Seeing that the envoy was somewhat kind, Jiang Chen had no intention of continuing to have conflicts with the envoy, so he simply took out the gold from his pocket and stuffed it into the envoy's hand.

"Please sit here for a while. I'll order someone to bring you some good tea. I have some things to discuss with Jiang Ziya. I hope you can give me some grace."

Jiang Chen looked at the envoy with a flattering expression and said something to the envoy.

The people sent by the palace are naturally very good at things.

Seeing that Jiang Chen had done all the courtesy that he should have, the envoy did not deliberately embarrass him. He nodded and let Jiang Chen and Jiang Ziya go to the other side.

Jiang Chen led Jiang Ziya to the private room outside.

Seeing that the envoy did not follow him, Jiang Chen hurriedly spoke to Jiang Ziya.

"I suspect that Su Daji was deliberately pretending to be ill so that he could win the sympathy of King Zhou of Shang and stimulate King Zhou to deliberately cause trouble with Nezha."

Jiang Chen explained his thoughts to Jiang Ziya.

When Jiang Chen heard the messenger mention this, he felt a little unbelievable.

Su Daji's skills were so strong, how could he be harmed by Nezha.

Su Daji was probably trying to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

Deliberately let King Zhou come forward to punish Nezha.

Nezha beat Shen Gongbao earlier.

Shen Gongbao must have complained to Su Daji in front of Su Daji, and then he wanted to take revenge.

Jiang Ziya nodded.

He thought so too.

They had fought against Su Daji more than once.

With Nezha's personal power, it was naturally impossible to harm Su Daji.

This time Su Daji and King Zhou went out hunting. Logically speaking, Su Daji should be prepared.

Now that he was seriously injured by Nezha so easily, he must be intent on revenge.

"I suspect that Su Daji is deliberately provoking trouble. We have met with him several times before, and he always gave us the upper hand."

"Currently, Su Daji is unable to fight with her own strength, so she is thinking of using the help of people in the palace."

Jiang Ziya followed Jiang Chen's train of thought and analyzed it.

Jiang Ziya looked very contemptuous of Su Daji's behavior.

As long as Su Daji had some real abilities, it would be impossible for him to be suppressed by King Zhou.

It's really a bit hateful to still use Ji Fa as a threat.

Jiang Chen walked around the room.

Seeing that the envoy was sitting in the hall and not moving, Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

The current envoy is determined to take Nezha away.

If the person is not handed over, something big will happen in the mansion from time to time.

Jiang Chen had a headache thinking about these things.

After finally punishing Shen Gongbao, he never expected that something like this would happen again before he was happy for a while.

At present, Su Daji is determined to take revenge. If there is no good solution, I am afraid that Su Daji will not give up.

"Nezha has a bad temper. If we hand him over, he will definitely have a verbal conflict with King Zhou in the palace. At that time, we will have no way to save Nezha."

Jiang Ziya reminded me.

He never understood Nezha's temper.

It was good that Nezha could run back as soon as the incident happened today.

According to Nezha's usual style of dealing with things, Nezha would definitely have conflicts and disputes with King Zhou in person.

"Then tell me what we should do next. It's impossible to really hand over Ji Fa."

"This matter has nothing to do with Ji Fa. If Ji Fa is really sent to the palace, Su Daji will spread her resentment on this kid." Jiang Chen sighed repeatedly.

He didn't have a clear idea about this matter.

The messenger has already come here.

Judging from the envoy's condition, Jiang Chen also guessed that the situation played by Su Daji was very serious.

If you want to expose Su Daji, someone must greet Su Daji head-on.

But this is not a good time to enter the palace.

"We always have to give the envoy an explanation. Since he has come here, it is impossible for him to return alone. The envoy probably has a good relationship with Su Daji."

Jiang Ziya looked through the window.

Seeing that the envoy was a little impatient, Jiang Ziya also seemed to have a headache.

If this guy Nezha knew something, he wouldn't have caused such a situation today.

At present, people from the palace have come to the mansion to ask for people.

If they don't hand the person over, no matter what excuses they use, they won't be able to justify it.

But if Nezha is really handed over, Nezha's life will not be guaranteed in the future.

"We can hide for a while, but we can't hide for a lifetime. We must give a clear answer this time, so that when we try to come again next time, we will have an excuse to delay."

Jiang Chen looked at Jiang Ziya nervously.

When it comes to matters in the palace, Jiang Chen finds it a bit difficult to handle.

If Nezha just provoked Shen Gongbao, they could still solve the problem privately.

At present, it is not a trivial matter for Nezha to mess with the emperor's woman. Once Su Daji magnifies the matter, I am afraid that King Zhou will appear more frequently.

"Forget it, we can only take one step at a time. The current envoys have already come here. It's not good to keep the envoys waiting."

"You come with me, I have already thought of how to deal with him."

Jiang Ziya reminded him, and then led Jiang Chen back here.

Seeing that the two of them came after a while, the envoy was inevitably a little unhappy.

He had just told the two of them that if they had nothing to do and came back early, who would have known that it would only be half a cup of tea.

"What on earth did you two guys go to discuss? By the way, Nezha, wherever he is now, call him out and come with me to the palace."

The messenger once again confessed his intention to the two men.

After a long delay, Nezha was still nowhere to be seen, and the messenger inevitably seemed a little flustered.

If he cannot take one person back today, it will be even harder for him to explain himself in front of King Zhou.

Su Daji was in a very embarrassing situation. She was losing her temper in the palace, and the messenger didn't want to get hit with a knife for no reason.

"What a coincidence. Nezha has left here for a long time. We don't know where Nezha has gone yet."

""I just went to his room to check, and I realized that this guy had packed up all his luggage and taken it away. "

Jiang Ziya answered perfunctorily.

I was thinking of letting this matter go away for the time being, and then deal with Jiang Chen after this person left.

"I'm afraid you are trying to fool me here. I have always respected you, and I told you everything you wanted to know just now."

"Right now, I just want to take Nezha away. Why are you here with me?"

The messenger looked at Jiang Ziya impatiently.

He also knew about the good relationship between Jiang Ziya and Nezha.

If Jiang Ziya continues to be partial, he is not willing to continue acting.

"I'm telling the truth. Ji Fa is also dealing with other things at the moment, and he really doesn't have time to go with you out loud."

"I would also like to ask you to go back and explain the situation."

(End of this chapter)

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