Chapter 536 Dilemma
The envoy was also a smart man, and he couldn't understand the other meanings in Jiang Ziya's words.

The envoy was mentally prepared before coming here today.

Now facing Jiang Ziya's words, the envoy seemed a little embarrassed.

The friendship between him and Jiang Ziya was pretty good on weekdays. Just now, Jiang Ziya and Jiang Chen had indeed done their hospitality etiquette well.

If you are aggressive, you will inevitably be unjustified.

But if I don't ask for an explanation today, I'm afraid King Zhou won't spare me lightly when I go back.

"Jiang Ziya, out of respect, I gave you a long time."

"Now you should also give me a clear answer. Don't make it difficult for me. In the end, it will be difficult to handle things."

The envoy spoke to Jiang Ziya with a cold face and was no longer polite.

I have been here for a long time now, and I am afraid that if I go back later, King Zhou will punish me.

Now the envoy just wants to communicate early to avoid other misunderstandings later.

"Look, haven't I already explained the situation to you? Nezha is not here, and Ji Fa has other important things to do."

"How can I, an outsider, make the itinerary arrangements for these two people? I hope you, sir, have enough money to spare them."

Jiang Chen also hurriedly followed and said something.

Jiang Ziya had already used this delaying tactic, and he had no choice but to cooperate.

At present, the messenger is unwilling to give up. If he does not send this guy away, he is afraid that Nezha will not be able to return to the room until midnight.

Nowadays, Nezha's character is unstable and he cannot let the two of them meet.

"You two guys are just messing around. It's not like you haven't dealt with King Zhou on weekdays. How King Zhou deals with things, you know better than me!"

"Isn't this your current approach deliberately to make things difficult for me?"

The envoy looked at the two of them angrily. He had tolerated Jiang Chen and Jiang Ziya enough.

If it weren't for the fact that Jiang Chen and Jiang Ziya had high status in the palace, he wouldn't have let them discuss matters behind the scenes.

At present, he has given enough time. If these two guys are still unwilling to cooperate, the envoy will not want to serve them with a good temper.

"Look at what you're saying. What's so embarrassing about it? Just tell the truth when you go back."

"Although King Zhou has a bad temper, he can at least listen to some truth."

Jiang Ziya reminded him.

Over the years, King Zhou became more and more dissolute and extravagant under the praise of many ministers.

But fortunately, he is still willing to listen to what his close friends say.

This envoy was sent by King Zhou himself. He must have been convinced that he would assign the matter.

"I hope you can make it easier for us. If it can be solved today, if you have any trouble in the palace in the future, you can come to us as soon as possible."

Jiang Chen followed and added.

As long as the messenger is sent away, today's crisis will be resolved.

Wait until tomorrow, at worst, think of new ideas.

Jiang Chen really didn't have the patience to continue spending time at the same time.

In the past half day, he had made a lot of excuses. The more lies he told, the more uneasy Jiang Chen felt.

The messenger was so anxious that he stamped his feet and was in a dilemma.

He really didn't want to offend Jiang Chen and Jiang Ziya.

But now he couldn't afford to offend Su Daji and King Zhou.

When I came here today, King Zhou repeatedly emphasized that this boy Nezha must be captured.

Now, not only have I not met Nezha's face, I have not even been able to take a look at Ji Fa. "Two gentlemen, even if I beg you to make it easier for me, I won't be a villain. I'm just working to earn a living."

"If we don't do this today, it's very likely that we won't be able to save our lives."

The messenger looked at Jiang Chen and Jiang Ziya with tears in his eyes.

Having spent half a day here, the Death Messenger didn't intend to put on airs in front of the two of them, so he simply said a few words from his heart in front of the two of them.

Jiang Chen and Jiang Ziya looked at each other.

This matter is really embarrassing.

Naturally, it was impossible for Nezha and the others to hand him over. They knew very well what kind of character Su Daji was.

Once Nezha goes to the palace, Su Da will definitely cry non-stop, and finally join forces with Shen Gongbao to put Nezha into a prison.

But if you keep fighting with the envoy, you may also cause the envoy to lose his life.

The current envoy's behavior was considered to be kind enough, and Jiang Ziya and Jiang Chen were not willing to harm other people's lives.

"There is no one else here, so let me tell you the truth. In my opinion, Su Daji's illness is fake."

Jiang Chen boldly tried his best and explained his thoughts.

The envoy remained silent as he could not discern the implications of Jiang Chen's words.

Before coming over, the messenger also murmured in his heart.

Su Daji was usually domineering in the palace, and how many people could hurt her.

What's more, there were many guards accompanying and protecting the hunting ground that day. Even if a young boy like Nezha could sneak in, he would still need some skills to do it.

Currently, Su Daji is crying in the palace, complaining that she is seriously injured. This is obviously a deliberate arrangement.

"Boss, let me explain to you what I think. In the eyes of a villain, Daji's injuries should not be serious."

"But I have no excuse to deal with King Zhou. As you know, King Zhou loves beauties."

The more the messenger talked, the more embarrassed he became.

Everyone knows the real situation, but in order to get through King Zhou's situation, they have to cooperate with Su Daji's acting.

Everyone knows that King Zhou favors beauties.

What can he, a servant in the palace, say.

At present, if you get the order from King Zhou, you have to cooperate well.

If you don't do it well, I'm afraid it will be a serious crime to punish the Nine Clans.

Once Su Daji said a few words in King Zhou's ears, it was very likely that today would be the last day she would live on earth.

"If you are really in trouble, the two of us will go there with you. Then I will make it clear to King Zhou in person. If there is any trouble, King Zhou can just ask me to settle it."

Jiang Ziya patted his chest in assurance.

It is true that Nezha was at fault in today's matter, but the way to solve the matter cannot be so reckless.

Jiang Ziya thought that instead of spending time in the mansion with the envoy, it would be better to go to King Zhou early to settle the matter.

He wanted to see with his own eyes what tricks Su Daji, an old fox, was up to and where his injuries were.

"You can just take the two of us back together. If we two guys explain anything to King Zhou in person, you don't need to say anything. The two of us will protect you when the time comes."

Jiang Chen also hurriedly made a promise.

In today's matter, the two of them deliberately favored Nezha and could not bear to embarrass the envoy.

Jiang Chen decided to meet Jiang Ziya in person.

(End of this chapter)

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