Chapter 538 Garlic Treatment

Seeing Jiang Chen speak so confidently, King Zhou couldn't help but refute Jiang Chen's face.

The reason why Jiang Ziya was imprisoned this time was just to force Nezha to come forward.

If Daji's condition can improve, both parties can make an explanation in the future.

King Zhou naturally didn't want to offend Jiang Ziya, let alone upset the beauty's feelings, so he became a little angry just now.

"If you can cure Daji, I will naturally let you two go."

"If it doesn't work, I will put you in jail together with Jiang Ziya. You can't let go of lying in front of others."

King Zhou threatened him.

Jiang Chen hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Jiang Ziya looked at Jiang Chen with a confused expression.

Jiang Ziya felt a little confused about Jiang Chen's next arrangements.

Su Daji is currently targeting Nezha, and I am afraid that his illness will not be cured for a while.

Jiang Chen's bold promise may have implicated himself in it.

"Then please, Your Majesty, take me to Daji's palace and let me take the pulse of Empress Daji myself."

Jiang Chen made a gesture of invitation.

King Zhou of Shang did not delay and led Jiang Chen and others to Su Daji's palace.

Su Daji was lying on the bed at this moment.

Su Daji was a little surprised when she heard that the palace maid came to report. She didn't expect that Jiang Chen and Jiang Ziya were summoned together.

Hearing the footsteps coming towards her, Su Daji couldn't stand up, pretending to be weak, lying on the bed and sighing repeatedly.

King Zhou of Shang brought Jiang Chen in.

"Empress, I came with the king this time because I wanted to diagnose you in front of King Zhou."

Jiang Chen looked Su Daji up and down.

Seeing this woman's pretentious posture, Jiang Chen couldn't help but shook his head. With Su Daji's body, Nezha couldn't hurt him in a short while.

Su Daji was dissatisfied.

At present, he didn't dare to show anything in front of King Zhou, so he could only nodded slightly, stretched out his arm, and let Jiang Chen test him.

Jiang Chen behaved very normally, like a palace doctor, diagnosing Su Daji back and forth. He waited for a while before explaining to King Zhou.

"How is my concubine's condition? Some imperial doctors came here to see her before, but unfortunately they have not been able to give a good prescription."

"If you have the ability to heal her, I will grant your permission today and let you two return."

King Zhou asked with great concern.

Jiang Chen shook his head, deliberately stalling for time. After waiting for a while, he saw that several people were a little impatient, and then he explained.

"Your Majesty's illness is different from ordinary illnesses. If you want to cure it, you can only fully recover by eating garlic."

Jiang Chen clapped his hands and took out the garlic he had prepared in his pocket.

Seeing this, King Zhou immediately changed his expression, feeling that Jiang Chen was deceiving him.

Over the years, King Zhou had also heard of many medical skills, but he had never heard of garlic curing diseases.

"You guys, don't be fooling around. Do you know medical skills? If you really wanted to treat my empress, you wouldn't come up with something like this."

King Zhou looked at Jiang Chen questioningly.

He didn't believe that garlic could cure Su Daji's condition.

After returning from the training ground, Su Daji complained incessantly and had a splitting headache all day long.

Ordinary garlic may not have such a good effect.

A few days ago, King Zhou took out all the Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng from the warehouse, but it still failed to alleviate Su Daji's condition.

Su Daji looked at King Zhou timidly.

The smell of garlic is very strong. If she eats this thing, I am afraid that King Zhou will not want to get close to her in the future. These days in the Western Zhou Dynasty, the courtiers below were very dissatisfied with her, and Jiang Ziya and Jiang Chen were digging holes everywhere.

If I lose the king's favor at this time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do anything in the palace in the future.

Previously, due to Jiang Chen's deliberate instigation, the relationship between Shen Gong, Bao and King Zhou was also somewhat estranged.

At present, I can only rely on her as the eldest sister to maintain it.

"Those medicines are too ordinary, so they can't cure my mother's disease. Now if I want to make my mother recover, I need to eat some garlic to get some relief."

"I'm afraid King Zhou doesn't know something. According to medical records, garlic has detoxifying and cooling effects."

Seeing that King Zhou didn't nod in agreement, Jiang Chen added.

Jiang Ziya stood aside and was stunned for a while when he heard it.

There is no reason to use garlic to treat people's illnesses these days.

Even if garlic really has the effect of detoxifying, it can only be used in daily stir-fries.

It is somewhat indecent for a woman to eat garlic.

"King Zhou, I don't like garlic. The smell is too strong. Can you use another medicinal ingredient?"

"If you eat garlic, I'm afraid I won't be able to accept it."

Daji hurriedly looked at King Zhou of Shang for help. She only hoped that King Zhou of Shang could come forward to solve this problem for her.

These days, Su Daji really couldn't do it if she was asked to chew garlic.

Normally, she is afraid of these strong-flavored ingredients and often reminds the kitchen not to use them.

"Empress, Wei Chen is doing this for the sake of your health. As the saying goes, good medicine tastes bitter. The taste of this garlic is much better than those good medicines that taste bitter."

"If your Majesty wants to get better, you must take some medicine."

Jiang Chen deliberately reminded Su Daji.

Seeing Su Daji shirk so quickly, Jiang Chen suppressed the laughter in his heart.

If this guy was really sick, he wouldn't be able to speak so simply.

Since Su Daji liked acting, he followed Su Daji's wish and acted out this scene well with Su Daji.

Let’s see who breaks the skin in advance in the end.

Su Daji's face was grimacing.

She could naturally tell that Jiang Chen was deliberately bullying her.

Now in front of everyone, it is difficult for him to cast spells and have a big fight with Jiang Chen.

Presumably the reason why Jiang Chen coaxed King Zhou of Shang to come over just now was to suppress himself.

"King Zhou, is there really no other way? The slave family has never heard of such a treatment as eating garlic."

Su Daji quickly signaled to King Zhou.

Thinking of the flavorful garlic, Su Daji lost her appetite.

Pretending to be sick today was just to deal with Nezha.

Su Daji didn't want to get her involved in vain and ruin her future honors.

King Zhou of Shang stood aside unmoved.

King Zhou was very curious about this treatment method. He had never heard of garlic having such an effect.

"King Zhou, in the eyes of the slave family, Jiang Chen must be talking nonsense to deceive King Zhou."

"No imperial doctor has ever used garlic to treat diseases these days. She is talking nonsense. Don't believe her easily."

Worried that King Zhou would really nod in agreement, Su Daji hurriedly explained.

She just couldn't stand the smell of garlic.

What's more, Su Daji didn't want to taste this thing in front of many palace people.

(End of this chapter)

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