Chapter 539 Daji gets better
King Zhou looked at Su Daji very embarrassed.

This was the first time he had heard of this treatment method, and he wanted to see it with his own eyes.

Seeing Su Daji's unwillingness, King Zhou couldn't force him.

"Please rest assured, King Zhou. Weichen has great medical skills and will definitely be able to cure the disease."

"Although Wei Chen's prescription sounds strange, I can assure you, Your Majesty, that the disease will be cured with just one dose."

Jiang Chen hurriedly made a promise to King Zhou of Shang,

Seeing that King Zhou was a little tempted. Jiang Chen was secretly happy.

This method must be carried out today to prevent Su Daji from learning a lesson. I am afraid that this woman will become even more lawless in the future.

Seeing Jiang Chen's certainty, King Zhou seemed to believe it.

If garlic can really cure diseases, a new medicinal material will be invented in the future.

It's not that easy to find Ganoderma miraculous medicine in this palace, but if you want to find garlic, there will be a lot to find.

"My dear concubine, I think this method is still feasible. The doctors have already shown it to you, but they haven't seen the general reason."

"I think it's better for you to listen to Jiang Chen's suggestion and eat some garlic."

King Zhou gave advice.

King Zhou seemed very curious about this method.

He wanted to see if this method was feasible or not. If Jiang Chen's medical skills passed the test, he could keep it in the palace and reuse it in the future.

Ever since Jiang Chen sent Yu Ruyi, King Zhou had a certain impression of Jiang Chen.

Currently, he is also thinking of promoting Jiang Chen in other aspects.

Daji frowned. She never expected that King Zhou would believe Jiang Chen's words.

Such ridiculous words, a smart person will know immediately that they are false.

I don’t know what kind of ecstasy potion Jiang Chen poured into King Zhou, and now he is so obedient to King Zhou’s arrangement.

Su Daji looked at King Zhou in embarrassment. He really couldn't bear the taste of garlic.

"King Zhou, my concubine's health is almost healed. Maybe she can recover after a few more days of rest. I don't think it's necessary to eat garlic."

Su Daji muttered softly, she didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was doing this just to prank himself. If he really ate the garlic, it would be following Jiang Chen's wishes.

"What are you saying, your Majesty? If we are sick, we need to be treated as soon as possible. Although garlic does not taste good, it has good effects. I hope your Majesty will not be so willful."

Jiang Chen persuaded her and simply brought the peeled garlic to Su Daji.

Smelling the pungent smell, Su Daji couldn't help but cover her mouth.

Seeing King Zhou standing aside motionless, Su Daji looked even more panicked.

Now if I eat such a delicious thing in front of these people, I am afraid that I will be laughed at again in the future.

On weekdays, these little palace maids and eunuchs often discuss things behind their backs.

"Empress, you should obey his arrangements. He has cured all the illnesses we have in the mansion. Jiang Chen's medical skills are still passable."

Seeing this, Jiang Ziya also followed and added.

Seeing Su Daji looking aggrieved, Jiang Ziya felt happy.

When this guy encountered something bad, he should have expected such consequences. Jiang Chen's punishment was considered light.

"My dear concubine, please don't be willful. Let's heal your body early so that we can go out and play in the future."

"What's more, I have made a promise with Jiang Chen. You must not let me lose face."

King Zhou leaned against Su Daji's ear and whispered something.

Seeing Su Daji's ink mark, King Zhou also seemed a little anxious.

It was just a piece of garlic, not poison. Su Daji acted a little too coy.

Su Daji had no choice but to put the garlic into her mouth. A spicy taste exploded in her stomach, and Su Daji hurriedly vomited it out.

The taste was really unacceptable and she couldn't eat it.

Seeing Su Daji in this condition, Jiang Chen quickly said something.

"Your Majesty, this is the introduction to the medicine that will cure your illness. Don't waste your time."

"This piece of garlic is nothing. If you want to completely heal your body and give birth to a little prince in the future, you have to eat this cart of garlic."

Jiang Chen clapped his hands.

The guard pushed a cart of garlic in.

The scent of incense in the palace is now somewhat overwhelming.

When Jiang Chen mentioned the words "little prince" just now, he deliberately increased his tone of voice.

King Zhou of Shang doted on Su Daji, so he naturally wanted to have a child with Su Daji.

Unfortunately, Su Daji's stomach has been quiet these days, and King Zhou already feels a headache because of this.

"My dear concubine, in order to give birth to the little prince smoothly in the future, just take a few bites. Besides, garlic is just a common ingredient and does not cause much harm."

"Since we can cure your body, we shouldn't make so many demands."

King Zhou sat beside Su Daji's bed and said a few words of comfort to Su Daji.

Thinking of the little prince, King Zhou seemed a little excited. He wished that he and Su Daji could give birth to Lin'er as soon as possible.

Jiang Chen suppressed his smile and looked at Su Daji pretending to be calm.

He wanted to see what kind of excuse this woman would come up with to explain to King Zhou.

At present, he has prepared enough garlic. It depends on whether Su Daji is willing to eat it.

Su Daji had a livid face.

I originally wanted to ask King Zhou to come forward and expel Jiang Chen and Jiang Ziya.

It's good now, King Zhou was fooled around by these two people.

If he didn't go down the steps right now, I'm afraid Jiang Chen would give him some ingredients that would be unacceptable.

Su Daji smiled at the king and whispered to King Zhou.

"Please rest assured, King Zhou. I feel that my body is almost recovered. There is no need to continue to pursue Nezha. Maybe there was a misunderstanding before."

Su Daji smiled bitterly.

Jiang Chen and Jiang Ziya breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as this woman doesn't pursue the matter further, Nezha will be safe in the future.

Jiang Chen stood aside pretending to be calm and spoke to Su Daji again.

"If I really feel better, I really don't need to eat so much garlic. It seems that my medical skills are very good. I have just taken the medicine and my condition has improved."

King Zhou nodded in agreement with great satisfaction.

From this, it seemed that Jiang Chen's medical skills were really passable. He had really underestimated the young man in front of him before.

"You did a very good job and cured my beloved concubine's illness. From now on, I will no longer pursue blackmail. You and Jiang Ziya can also return together for this matter."

King Zhou waved his hand.

Jiang Chen and Jiang Ziya hurriedly thanked them.

The two were extremely happy.

Su Daji felt more and more unhappy as she watched, so she simply used magic to communicate with Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, I warn you not to come to the palace to cause trouble in the future. If you do something like this again, I will definitely drag you all into the water."

Su Daji looked at Jiang Chen with murderous eyes, but Jiang Chen was not afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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