Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 134 The new future of the soul master

Chapter 134 The new future of the soul master

Huo Yuhao has the final say whether the chaotic soul core is chaotic or not.

Huo Yuhao's Eye of the Storm Soul Core is a miracle and extremely powerful. Even though the energy of the Chaos Soul Core is much stronger than it, the eldest brother is still the eldest brother.

The moment the chaotic soul core entered the body, it was suppressed by the eye of the storm soul core.

Although Huo Yuhao's body was destroyed beyond recognition at that moment, Huo Yuhao quickly recovered through the terrifying vitality of the living gold.

Yin and yang complement each other, that is, two completely opposite soul cores gather together and spin wildly, just like the yin and yang of Tai Chi complement each other.

The terrifying attraction of the Eye of Storm Soul Core firmly fixes the Chaos Soul Core and makes a completely opposite rotational movement with it. When the two are intertwined, an extremely terrifying black hole space is created, perfectly integrating the two.

Violent and chaotic energy was emitted from Huo Yuhao's body one after another.

The corners of his mouth also continued to bleed, then heal, and then bleed again.

Repeating this for several days, the two soul cores in Huo Yuhao's body, which were as gorgeous as peerless treasures, began to stabilize, and then slowly separated. One returned to the middle dantian, and the other stayed in the lower dantian, frantically absorbing the energy in the space to replenish itself. .

Although the two were separated, their attraction to each other became stronger. This pulling force also produced terrifying energy fluctuations.

This is what is called, yin and yang complement each other.

This is also a realm that everyone in the soul master world is pursuing, but except for the soul beasts who have terrifying physiques that can reluctantly try, no human soul master has pioneered the creation of a condensed yin and yang complementary soul core. Huo Yuhao has done it.

After the dual soul cores were formed, the aura on Huo Yuhao's body was enhanced to a greater level. Perhaps after absorbing the soul ring, he might be able to directly break through to Super Douluo.

After a little tidying up, Huo Yuhao showed a satisfied smile.

This time, the beast trend can basically be regarded as a perfect ending.

It was quite a bargain to get two of the strongest known soul rings on the continent, as well as condensed yin and yang complementary soul cores.

However, Ditian’s dragon corpse still has great uses!

Huo Yuhao narrowed his eyes slightly, released his mental power, and explored Ditian's bones in every detail.

Among its bones, only the head still has a stable soul power channel. If nothing else, the soul bone produced by Ditian is the golden-eyed spiritual skull of the head.

Without thinking about absorbing this soul bone, Huo Yuhao directly hung Ditian's entire dragon corpse above his head and walked slowly towards Yi Lao, who was highly focused.

In the past few days since Huo Yuhao absorbed the soul ring, Yi Lao had almost completed the work.

Tens of millions of soul beast corpses have been transformed into undead. Not only them, but also the corpses of dead soul masters have been transformed into special undead by Electrolux.

These undead souls still only have bones, with different shapes. Some are missing arms and legs, and some are just bare bones, headless, and without internal organs. But they all have one thing in common, that is, their hearts are , the heart disappeared, replaced by a colorful halo of light, which was particularly eye-catching in this dark plane of the undead.

The ring on the chest of the undead soul beast of ten years is white, the ring on the chest of the undead soul beast of one hundred years is yellow, the one of thousand years is black, the one of ten thousand years is pitch black, and the ring on the chest of the undead soul beast of one hundred thousand years is just terrifying red.

All undead soul beasts have no consciousness of birth. They only have the most primitive hunting instinct and obedience to superiors.

For example, as soon as the undead soul beast of [-] years appeared, all the undead low-level soul beasts in its area fell on the ground to express their submission.

What shocked Huo Yuhao was that among the tens of millions of undead soul beasts, the energy in the bodies of the local low-level undead gradually gathered towards the chest, forming a semicircle, and the color was still gray, and they could not Judging from the basic age of the soul rings, it seems that we can only know them after they have completely transformed.

A strange color flashed in Huo Yuhao's eyes. It seemed that Electrolux had not only transformed the soul beasts of the Douluo Star. Judging from his actions, it seemed that he was transforming all the undead souls in the entire demiplane of the undead into beings with soul rings.

"Yilao, what are you doing?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"Yuhao, are you here? Well, yes, your strength is not weak anymore."

Huo Yuhao knew that Electrolux was talking about his soul power.

Electrolux glanced at Huo Yuhao with admiration, and then said excitedly

"The power of Douluo Star's rules is indeed powerful. Yuhao, I have transformed these tens of millions of soul beast corpses into special soul beast undead. After these beings are killed, they will also produce soul rings normally. However, , the undead souls that are killed again will die completely, and the undead souls have no ability to reproduce. These soul beast undead souls will be consumed sooner or later.” Electrolux said slowly, without any expression on his face, it seemed that It's just stating one thing.

Huo Yuhao nodded.

These were all expected by Huo Yuhao and Electrolux.

Therefore, the focus of this transformation is not actually here.

Huo Yuhao excitedly turned his attention to the undead souls of human soul masters. The various colored haloes containing powerful energy on their chests were the existences that Huo Yuhao valued.

In the time it takes for a hundred-year soul ring to take shape, humans can have three or four generations. If you meet someone who can give birth, you will have a son at the age of sixteen, a son at the age of sixteen, a grandson at the age of sixteen, a grandson at the age of sixteen, and a great-grandson at the age of sixteen. .

If you do this, it is not impossible to create seven or eight generations in a hundred years.

The human race can rule all worlds because of one talent, which is the terrifying fertility.

Whether the undead soul beasts can regenerate is not within the scope of Huo Yuhao's consideration, because he is sure to form a complete supply chain before the tens of millions of undead soul beasts are consumed.

There are not many undead soul masters here, and they are basically some evil soul masters from the Holy Spirit Sect. There are few ordinary people, but they are enough for Huo Yuhao to study.

The rules of the soul master's undead are much more interesting than those of the soul beast.

The soul beast's undead cultivation level is the same as the soul ring's life span.

But the soul master is different.

The levels of the undead soul masters here range from ordinary people to powerful ones at the level of Titled Douluo.

There is no doubt that ordinary people do not produce soul rings. After all, it is impossible to create them out of nothing.

But it gets interesting starting with the soul warriors.

Soul warriors have soul power and can practice, but they cannot break through the tenth level without acquiring a soul ring. Their undead core actually produces a white soul ring aura.

In other words, after the soul warrior's lifelong efforts and soul power are transformed into undead, under the influence of special rules, killing can produce a soul ring for ten years.

After carefully comparing the other undead, Huo Yuhao came to a conclusion.

The soul ring condensed by each soul master's undead soul is the sum of its own soul power and the superimposed soul ring.

This may seem unfair, but it is often fair.

A soul beast can only produce one soul ring in its lifetime, while a soul master can absorb multiple soul rings in his lifetime, ranging from one to eighteen.

After absorbing so many soul rings and transforming them into undead, he could only produce one soul ring. If the level of this soul ring was not higher than his cultivation level, it would be unjustifiable.

The soul master-level undead has a yellow thousand-year soul ring at its core, the great soul master has a purple thousand-year soul ring at its core, the soul master still has a purple thousand-year soul ring at its core, and the soul sect-level undead still has a purple thousand-year soul ring at its core. Soul ring.

But when it comes to soul king-level undead, the colors are different, some are thousand-year-old, and some are ten-thousand-year-old. Of course, the more numerous ones are naturally ten-thousand-year soul rings.

By analogy, the soul ring aperture at the core of the undead soul masters of the Soul Emperor and above is also determined by the age of the soul ring during the soul master's lifetime. However, what Huo Yuhao regrets is that even the undead at the Title Douluo level, At the core of the body, the soul ring has a maximum lifespan of only ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years. It is blood red with a bit of black, but it cannot break through the threshold of one hundred thousand years.

Huo Yuhao guessed here that there might be some key problem that they haven't discovered yet, but there's a long way to go, and it's good to be able to do this at this stage.

With a casual blow, the undead spirit was shattered, and a yellow halo of light floated towards Huo Yuhao.

After all, he still has a lot of soul ring positions on his body. It is normal for the soul ring to move towards him after being sensed.

Huo Yuhao looked at the yellow soul ring with a deep expression, as if he saw another brand new future for the soul master.

The soul rings produced by the undead can be absorbed. This is one of Huo Yuhao and Electrolux's crazy plans.

And it seems that it is completely feasible.

(End of this chapter)

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