Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 135 The Special Characteristics of Douluo Star

Chapter 135 The Special Characteristics of Douluo Star

He understood the rules of the undead soul beasts and the undead soul masters. However, Huo Yuhao really couldn't understand Electrolux's operation when he transformed the local undead souls in the demiplane of the undead into soul beasts and soul master undead souls.

"Yilao, the soul ring is enough. There is no need to convert all the undead in the undead demiplane into soul rings!"

Faced with Huo Yuhao's doubts, Electrolux stroked his beard and smiled.

"Yuhao, you are right, this is indeed my own idea." Electrolux's face was full of excitement.

"Yuhao, you know, the Douluo Star is really weird. The deeper I study it, the more shocked I feel."

"What?" Huo Yuhao asked.

"Yu Hao, your Douluo Star contains the principles of heaven and earth in our universe. I have never seen the gods in your world, but I can make a bold guess that the gods in your Douluo Star God Realm must be based on their souls. Strength is determined by the strength of the rings. No, it should be said to be divine rings. The gods in your God Realm must have condensed divine rings. Moreover, the more powerful the gods, the more and stronger the divine rings they have. "

Electrolux looked determined.

Huo Yuhao was shocked. He was sure that Electrolux had never seen the gods in this world and had no chance to see them. However, his guesses were all true. The gods in the divine world did use their divine rings to determine their strength.

A priest has one divine ring, a third-level god has three rings, a second-level god has five rings, a first-level god has seven rings, and a powerful person at the supreme god or god-king level has nine rings.

"Yilao, what you said is indeed correct. According to the memory in my mind, the gods in the God Realm do use divine rings to divide their strength. Moreover, however, the divine rings of gods are condensed by themselves, rather than obtained by absorbing soul rings. .”

"I knew it was like this. Douluo Star is, after all, just a castrated version of the God Realm. It cannot gather soul rings on its own and can only rely on absorbing the soul rings of soul beasts to break through the realm. However, this also means that soul masters can We haven't found the method to condense the soul rings on our own yet."

"Yilao, how did you come up with this?" Huo Yuhao asked his most curious question.

Even if Electrolux is a genius, he can't be so defiant. Can he infer the God Realm from Douluo Star?

Electrolux chuckled.

"Yuhao, your world is really too strange, so I studied it specially."

"I looked up the records about gods in your Douluo planet. I went back tens of thousands of years and learned about them in detail. I found something particularly interesting."

"What is it?" Huo Yuhao interrupted.

"In the biography of Poseidon, it is mentioned that Poseidon became a god before he was thirty years old, and the so-called first generation Shrek Seven Devils of Shrek Academy also became gods within a short period of time. This is very intriguing."

"In the Star Luo Empire's treasury, I have reviewed in detail the records about the Star Luo royal family, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, and the Qibao Glazed Sect's records about Ning Rongrong and Oscar. I found that before they became gods, they all They are just geniuses. There are a lot of such talents in our world, but they are not even qualified to become the strongest, let alone become gods. Their opportunity to become gods is in the same place.

Huo Yuhao's heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect Electrolux to investigate so many things during this period of time. While he admired his thirst for knowledge, he was also shocked by his acumen.

"Where is it?" Huo Yuhao felt that Electrolux was more like a time traveler than him. He could actually think of so many things that Huo Yuhao couldn't think of. Well, it seemed that Electrolux was really a time traveler.

"At their age, with their talents, they could only cultivate to the Soul Emperor realm at most, but when they came back from Poseidon Island, they all gained powers that were not their own. These powers were the basis for their peak achievements. They Use this power to lay the foundation stone for the road to the God Realm." "Yilao, what do you mean?"

"That's right, Yuhao, their powers were not cultivated by themselves, but were given by Poseidon. The insidious villain Tang San you mentioned was by no means a god who broke through on his own. His strength was also given by Poseidon. Given to him, his position as Poseidon is the legacy of the previous Poseidon."

"Yilao, can you guess this?" Huo Yuhao's eyes widened, expressing shock. At the same time, he also asked: "But, Yi Lao, does what you said have anything to do with the special characteristics of Douluo Star? "

Electrolux suddenly smiled meaningfully.

"Yu Hao, Poseidon can transform Tang San from soul emperor to god in a short period of time. This is a very unbelievable thing. Among them, Tang San can be transformed. Even if he is replaced by a dog, the dog will be the same. Can become a god.”

"But it is definitely impossible for Poseidon to choose a dog as his successor, so I can only say that Tang San is very lucky. He should be the only candidate Poseidon met when he desperately wanted to leave the God Realm."

"So, Yi Lao, what you want to say is that the gods of the God Realm can make whoever they want from the Douluo Star become gods?"

Huo Yuhao listened for a long time and finally understood what Electrolux wanted to express. He was confused by the authorities. He had always viewed everything in Douluo Continent from a God's perspective.

He took everything that Electrolux analyzed for granted, because he knew it all, but he was still shocked, because Electrolux really deduced it all on his own, and it seemed that he found more than He thinks too much.

"Yuhao, that's what I mean. I also tried to break through to the god level, but I failed. I can be sure that when people in other worlds break through to the god level, they must be strong enough to attract the attention of the gods. You are not qualified to succeed to the gods, but in your Douluo star, the gods can directly choose the successor, and then let him inherit the power bit by bit, and finally inherit the god perfectly."

"This is all due to your Douluo Star's special training system, which allows the gods of the God Realm to infuse you with energy at will, directly increasing your strength, and eventually reaching the god level."

"As far as I know, there have been many gods in your world, such as Dragon God, Shura God, Rakshasa God, Angel God, Poseidon God, etc., plus the gods of the Shrek Seven Monsters, your Douluo Star, also There are too many gods.

Moreover, I am certain that in your Douluo planet, there are countless gods who have not been inherited, hiding in some corner, waiting to be discovered. In my world, I have cultivated so much but I have struggled to reach the threshold of becoming a god. In your world, trash like the Shrek Seven Monsters can ascend to godhood. How unfair! "

"In my opinion, these gods were not the local gods of Douluo Star at the beginning, but the gods of the God Realm. In order to pass on their status as gods after discovering Douluo Star, a place with strange rules, they They came to Douluo Star one after another to inherit the position of gods.

And these gods, after using the unique rules of Douluo Star to cultivate substitutes, ran away one after another. After the natives of Douluo Star inherited the God's Mansion, they got tired of it and imitated the previous one. Over time, the gods in the God Realm were basically the people of Douluo Star. "

"How can you still explain it like this?"

The expression on Huo Yuhao's face was extremely complicated.

It seems that Electrolux's explanation is very reasonable. It seems that this is the case. Otherwise, why would so many gods be born in a place as rubbish as Douluo Continent?

Electrolux doesn't know, but he knows that the Shura God, the Rakshasa God, and the Angel God are all first-level gods. Qiankun Wenqing Valley also has the God of Love, plus many hidden gods, the gods of Douluo Continent, indeed It occupies half of the God Realm.

Is Douluo Xing worthy? Obviously unworthy.

(End of this chapter)

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