Chapter 140 Snow Emperor Embryo

After the matters in the soul master world were settled, a fierce light flashed in Huo Yuhao's eyes.

In a game of chess, almost all the pieces are gone, and it’s time to collect them.

The soul storage device lit up slightly, and a newspaper appeared in Huo Yuhao's hand.

The man above dressed as a marshal is particularly eye-catching.

When Huo Yuhao saw this man, his eyes couldn't help but gleam with hatred.

As the old saying goes, it is better not to have children than to have children without nourishing them.

Although Dai Hao didn't know it, all the misfortunes that befell Huo Yuhao and Huo Yun'er's mother and son were caused by his inability to control his lower body.

Crushing the newspaper tightly into a ball of waste paper, Huo Yuhao revealed a stern smile on his lips.

"Dai Hao, Dai Hao, the public opinion has been fermenting for so long, but the news of your triumphant return has spread throughout the Star Luo Empire, greatly defeating the Sun and Moon Empire. It is really majestic and a great contribution. I am so handsome. I will come to punish you for your sins."

On the outskirts of the imperial capital, the Generalissimo's military camp.

More than 40,000 soldiers wearing special armor are practicing.

Although many people died in the battle against the beast tide, it sharpened their blood nature, improved their strength, and made them elite soldiers, with a trace of blood evil in their bodies at all times.

This is what a warrior of hundreds of battles should look like.

Huo Yuhao didn't plan to make up for the number of people right now. The empire's Western Group Army had many dedicated soldiers. He planned to increase the number of armored soldiers in Shuaizi Camp to one hundred thousand. The number ten was auspicious.

The generals of Shuai Ziying are all soul masters who have been strengthened by Huo Yuhao. Each has a Soul Saint level of cultivation. They wear devouring armor that is one level higher than ordinary soldiers, and their combat power is not inferior to that of ordinary Soul Douluo. .

The entire Shuaizi camp is training diligently, and the welfare subsidies given by Huo Yuhao are the best, especially the reward mechanism. As long as you have enough military merit, you can improve your strength regardless of your talent.

They have already seen the commander's methods from the generals of Shuai Ziying, and they know that the commander is not trying to spread the pie.

Money touches people's hearts, not to mention strength? In this world where strength is respected, in this world where talent determines everything, an opportunity suddenly appears where you can become stronger without talent but with hard work? Who will let it go?

Shuai Ziying's efforts shocked all the forces in the imperial capital.

At this time, Huo Yuhao's figure quietly appeared in the sky across the training ground.

Looking down at these hard-working soldiers, Huo Yuhao felt relieved.

These are his personal soldiers, and they will accompany him in the abyss from now on.

Although they don't have this ability now, he will definitely strengthen them again in the future. By then, the foundation will be particularly important. The current efforts will lay the foundation for future success.

Huo Yuhao did not hide his aura, so as soon as he appeared, all the generals discovered his presence.

If you don't have this vigilance, you are not worthy of being a general.

The Shuaizi camp has strict discipline. When the generals gave orders, groups of soldiers began to stand still. At this time, they all spotted the tall figure wearing the tiger-slaying mask in the sky.

"Commander, Marshal, Marshal."

Huo Yuhao nodded with satisfaction, and then a cold voice sounded. Although it seemed like his mouth was just moving slightly, tens of thousands of Shuaiziying soldiers could actually hear it clearly.

"Well, everyone repairs quickly. A quarter of an hour later, the army set off and headed for the Mingdou Mountains."


Star Luo Empire, royal palace, secret room.

Xu Jiawei was sitting across from a silver-haired boy. Behind them, there was a coffin emitting silver light.

When the light shines on the silver-haired boy, he looks even weirder.

At the same time, there seemed to be a strange thing in the coffin, emitting a dazzling light. Xu Jiawei's eyes glanced inside from time to time, as if he wanted to see clearly what it was.

However, no matter how curious he was, Xu Jiawei wanted to wait for the young man to tell him personally instead of asking rashly himself.

Although Xu Jiawei is the king of a country, he doesn't have any airs in front of this young man. Instead, he is respectful. The young man in front of him is his ancestor.

This ancestor was the first emperor of the Xu family and also his ancestor.

A taboo existence that has lived for three thousand years, the only worship hall master in the Star Luo Empire, a being between life and death, whose strength has repeatedly jumped between ninety-eight and ninety-nine.

Xu Changsheng!

Xu Changsheng's martial soul is a strange thing among the star crown mutations, called the star body. It absorbs star power and practices, and can condense a star clone. When his life span is approaching, the star body that has been cultivated to perfection actually comes back to life.

No, it should be that his consciousness could suddenly descend to the star body, and because his soul was not destroyed, his body still had a breath of life left. Xu Changsheng survived in this way for three thousand years.

The star body cannot leave the main body, so he has to carry this silver coffin on his back at all times and carry himself around the world. Moreover, the star body can only move at night, which has great limitations. The most important thing is that this powerful person It is basically impossible to contact the ancestors who were exposed to the explosion.

But Xu Jiawei was forced to have no choice. All the titled Douluo under his command were poached by Huo Yuhao. He could only use the emergency token to summon the ancestor to come to Xingluo City.

On the surface, Xu Jiawei trusted Huo Yuhao and delegated everything to him, but that was not what he thought in his heart.

He had never regarded Huo Yuhao as one of his own, and he was forced to compromise.

After all, with Huo Yuhao’s strength, he couldn’t resist whatever he wanted to do.

But despite this,

He still has a lot of little thoughts!

The table was covered with newspapers. Xu Changsheng glanced at it casually, and his childish voice came out.

"You really are a tiger father and a tiger son. Your country name is Yong'an, but the existence of this father and son makes Yong'an a joke."

"Ancestor, please help me."

"That's why I'm here. However, I'm not here for the Xu family's empire, but for the safety of the entire Star Luo Empire and the Douluo Continent.

When Brother Dai abdicated the throne to me, the rest of the family became greedy. After the war, he actually slaughtered all the White Tigers behind my back. If Brother Dai's youngest son hadn't been by my side, I'm afraid that even the White Tiger Duke's Palace wouldn't be able to do so now. None. "

"I am deeply disappointed in the Xu family, but my bloodline keeps me from forgetting my origins. Although today's encounter is accidental, it is inevitable.

Although you summoned me, in fact, I was already on my way to the Star Luo Empire. Otherwise, you would not be able to contact me. Don't worry, if the two of them have any objections, I will try my best to save your life. "

"Ancestor, with your strength, you are actually unable to deal with Huo Yuhao? According to legend, haven't you already touched that realm?" Xu Jiawei said in horror.

If his ancestors didn't help him, then he wouldn't have any confidence.

"After all, I'm just a dead person. How can I beat that pervert? Di Tian was stunned by him. Do you want me to deliver the food?" The silver-haired boy rolled his eyes at him.

Xu Jiawei suddenly became anxious. Even his ancestor couldn't do anything. What should he do?

"Ancestor, is there nothing we can do? Will my Xu family's empire be ruined in my hands?"

"Don't be so depressed. As long as it doesn't fall into the hands of the Sun and Moon Empire, it doesn't matter to me who holds the throne. I'm here today because of the Sun and Moon Empire."

He paused and then said, "By the way, how is your soul guidance device research and development going?"

The silver-haired boy's face suddenly became serious. This matter, in his opinion, was very important.

Xu Jiawei suddenly felt embarrassed, "You don't care, I do!"

"Ancestor, we are already trying our best to catch up, but the Sun and Moon Empire's blockade of technology is too strict, and it is really beyond our capabilities!"

"I knew it was like this, but I have a way."

The silver-haired boy chuckled, and with a wave of his little hand, a small hole opened in the silver coffin, revealing more colorful light.

Something slowly floated up from it.

It was a wooden holder, inlaid with at least hundreds of gems of various colors, and in the middle, a strange white air flow was undulating slightly.

"I went skating in the far north, and I met an unlucky guy who was extremely lucky and actually captured a hundred thousand year old soul beast embryo, which really gave me an advantage."

(End of this chapter)

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