Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 141 Dai Hao, do you know your guilt?

Chapter 141 Dai Hao, do you know your guilt?

"What? A hundred thousand year old soul beast embryo? How is this possible?"

Xu Jiawei was shocked. He was the king of a country and knew a lot. He also knew something about the transformation of soul beasts.

After a soul beast has cultivated for 100,000 years, it will face two choices. A soul beast that has exceeded 100,000 years will be able to have a lifespan of 10,000 years again, but after 10,000 years, it will face a life span of 110,000 years. If you can't survive the catastrophe of the ferocious beast, you will be chopped to death by the tribulation.

This is a dead end.

The ferocious beasts on the continent can be counted on one hand so far, which means that basically, all the hundred thousand year soul beasts that have survived the heavenly tribulation are dead.

The second option is to transform into a human being, which is a riskier option than overcoming the tribulation.

After success, he will completely shed his beast body and become a human being. Before the seventh ring, he still has to worry about being discovered, but after the seventh ring, even a titled Douluo will not be able to detect the clues, because at this time, the transformed soul beast will completely become a human being.

Although you can still obtain soul rings and soul bones after killing, at that point, it is really the same as killing someone.

The transformation of a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast is very dangerous. Once it is discovered as it grows, it will be a disaster.

Therefore, few hundred thousand year soul beasts would choose this path, and even if they did, they would do so in a very remote and hidden place.

Encountering a hundred thousand year soul beast is one of a hundred

Meeting a human who has transformed into a hundred thousand year old soul beast is like one in a million.

And he just happened to encounter the transformation of a hundred thousand year old soul beast and successfully captured its embryo. This kind of luck can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented.

This soul master is simply the favored one by the God of Luck.

But when Xu Jiawei saw the ancestor with a smirk on his face, the corners of his mouth twitched even more.

He also added one in his mind

The Chosen Son encountered the transformation of a hundred thousand year old soul beast and successfully captured it, but his ancestor robbed him on the way. This kind of luck was the best among the best.

After hehehe smiled evilly for a while, Xu Changsheng spoke.

"Nothing is impossible. That unlucky guy from the Sun and Moon Empire worked for several months and ended up taking advantage of me. It's a pity that he never told me what kind of soul beast this embryo was transformed into until his death."

Xu Changsheng seemed a little regretful.

Xu Jiawei's mouth twitched after hearing this. The ancestor was good at everything, but he was very resistant to the Sun and Moon Empire. He would show no mercy to anyone who was an enemy of the Sun and Moon Empire.

"Ancestor, what do you want to do with this embryo?" Xu Jiawei asked curiously.

He is not greedy for this embryo. His soul ring ratio is already full and there is no possibility of absorbing any more.

Xu Changsheng's young face smiled.

"The continent-wide elite soul master competition is about to begin. At that time, all the top forces in the continent will arrive in Star Luo City. I want Starlight Auction House to hold a top-level auction during this period to decide whether to keep this embryo or not."

"Ancestor, do you want the entire continent to know about this peerless treasure?"

Hey, the ancestor still likes to show off!

"You kid, you are really a talented person, you can get it right."

"Ancestor, that's a compliment." Xu Jiawei said flatteringly, but he was full of slander in his heart.

Anyone who looks at this will think that you are the son and I am the father.

"Although a hundred thousand year old soul ring and soul bone are precious, it is not enough to make people crazy. We can add some gimmicks."

Xu Changsheng touched his chin with his immature hands, and suddenly an idea came to him.

"Yes, you can spread the word and say that after several years of professional research, we have found that this soul beast embryo has a chance for people to obtain the second martial soul. I believe that this gimmick can make the entire continent go crazy."

"Um, ancestor, wouldn't this be bad? If it's found out, wouldn't our Starlight Auction House's reputation be ruined?"

Xu Jiawei looked hesitant.

Xu Changsheng was a little angry.

"If you don't tell me, I won't tell you. Who knows? Besides, am I lying? I only said there is a chance, but I didn't say I would definitely get it. Anyway, if you buy the embryos, they won't be absorbed immediately."

"On the mainland, there are only a few forces that are qualified to participate in the auction. That little toad from Mingdetang, his two grandsons are loved to the heavens by him. If there is a chance to obtain the second martial soul, he will definitely They will sell the soul tools in large quantities and exchange them for gold soul coins to auction this treasure. Whether it is for research or for use by my grandson, it is excellent. When they sell the soul tools, our opportunity will come."

"Wonderful! Ancestor, not only that, when the time comes, we will spread the news that they have photographed this treasure, and then use the gold soul coins from their auction of this treasure to launch a sky-high price reward to destroy them." After being the emperor for decades, his mind turned faster than the average person. Soon, he came up with some follow-up extension plans.

After hearing this, Xu Changsheng's face suddenly froze, and then he reacted and began to slap his thighs fiercely.

"Yes, yes, that's it. Use their money to make them feel uncomfortable. This plan is really popular with me. Just thinking about it makes me excited. You kid, you are really wilted and wilted."

Xu Jiawei also looked excited at this moment. During his tenure, he was able to severely defeat the Sun and Moon Empire. This was a great political achievement!

"Ancestor, I will immediately promote the 100,000-year-old best embryo in the name of Starlight Auction House and ask Mingde Hall to raise money."

"it is good"


Mingdou Mountains, White Tiger Camp.

As the marshal of the Western Group Army, Dai Hao has been stealing the show during this period.

The western part of the Tianhun Empire was conquered by the powerful army of the Sun and Moon Empire during the Beast Tide. Although it was later recaptured by the spirit masters and allies, the marshal of the group army was still completely nailed to the pillar of shame. In contrast, the marshal who led his troops to kill Dai Hao, who entered the Sun and Moon Empire and even ransacked a city, undoubtedly became a great hero in Douluo Continent.

But at this moment, there was no joy in the handsome tent, and everyone had a serious expression.

Half of them are retainers of the White Tiger Duke's Mansion headed by Dures.

Dures looked at the secret report in his hand and reported it to the domineering Duke of White Tiger with a solemn expression.

"Marshal, the Marshal's troops are approaching Baihu Pass. They will reach the army camp in just a few moments."


There was something strange on Dai Hao's calm face. Didn't they just set off in the morning? Why did you arrive in the afternoon?

Dai Hao looked like you were kidding me.

"Marshal, this is absolutely true. According to rumors, they have at least 40,000 elite troops coming."

At this time, a rough general spoke.

"This commander-in-chief came from the imperial capital to reward us on behalf of His Majesty. Why did he bring tens of thousands of elite troops with him?"

"I'm afraid the person who came here is evil!"

"He dares? Even if his fighting power is extraordinary, we are the main contributors to victory in the war. People like them like to play with power. If they are not good with others, they are more interested in their own people."

A general with a commoner background was full of dissatisfaction, and seemed to hate the aristocracy.

But at this moment, a ripple suddenly appeared in the air above the camp where they were.

"Victory? Disobeying military orders and ignoring the dangers of the people of the empire. I don't see any heroes here. You and others are all guilty."

Huo Yuhao's figure suddenly appeared. He was wearing a tiger-killing mask. He was full of momentum and his eyes were like lightning, pointing directly at Dai Hao.


In the tent, all the generals stood up instantly and released their martial souls. There was no soul power below level seventy. For a moment, all the soul rings in the small tent flew together, glaring at Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao dismissed it, sneered, and released his mental power instantly. Everyone was immediately suppressed and sat down, unable to move.

Including Dai Hao

It can be seen that half of the chairs they were sitting on were crushed into the ground by this terrifying pressure.

Everyone's face was ferocious, their faces were red, and they were obviously very stressed.

Even though Dai Hao was a titled Douluo, he was unable to resist this coercion. After being forced to sit down, he stared at the inexplicably familiar Huo Yuhao in front of him with an ugly expression.

He gritted his teeth and asked with difficulty

"What do you mean by this, Marshal? You have come all the way from the Imperial Capital just to give me a show of strength?"

Huo Yuhao sneered at his words and smiled coldly.

"Dai Hao, do you know your guilt?"

(End of this chapter)

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