Chapter 142 Father and Son

Dai Hao's heart skipped a beat, and he secretly thought that this new commander was indeed coming with bad intentions.

However, they are all colleagues in the empire, and their positions are not much different. Even if Huo Yuhao in front of him wants to establish his power, he must not go too far.

What's more, I have worked hard over the years and made great achievements, making the western part of the empire impregnable. This time, I even entered the Sun and Moon Empire and won a great victory. There is nothing to criticize about this commander-in-chief.

"Commander, is your behavior too domineering? We are all soldiers of the empire, and all of you here are Pao Ze, but you use force to suppress others. Is this going to chill the hearts of the heroes?"

"Hero? You are all guilty, how can you say "hero"?" Seeing Dai Hao, an old man doing Tai Chi, Huo Yuhao warned him again.

"I wonder what crime I am guilty of?" Dai Hao held a high position and was a little angry at being treated like this. He could clearly feel that the new commander seemed to have inexplicable hostility towards him, but he was convinced that, This is his first time meeting this person.

"Duke White Tiger, let me ask you, the post of Grand Marshal of the Empire is for those who are capable. Am I qualified enough for my strength?"

After Huo Yuhao said this, he increased the pressure on Dai Hao. Dai Hao had opened all nine rings, but he was still unable to withstand this terrifying pressure. At this moment, his veins were bulging and his breathing was short.

"The commander-in-chief's strength certainly makes him qualified."

After gritting his teeth and uttering these words, the pressure on Dai Hao suddenly weakened. He glanced at Huo Yuhao fearfully. Dai Hao sat back on the chair again, but the humiliation and unwillingness in his eyes became more intense.

Huo Yuhao nodded with satisfaction. He liked seeing Dai Hao's embarrassment, and then said:

"Let me ask you again, the position of Grand Marshal of the Empire belongs to those with the highest achievements. I quelled the beast tide, protected tens of millions of people on the border of the empire from the beast tide, and even saved millions of innocent people from the soul beasts. People, is this merit enough to qualify you for the position of Grand Marshal of the Empire?"

"Qualified" Dai Hao's face turned ugly when he heard this, but he had to answer. He could only squeeze out the word again with difficulty and stopped talking.

"As it is"

Huo Yuhao smiled coldly and looked at Dai Hao with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Why did you disobey my military order? Do you know how much I paid to make up for your mistake? Nearly 10% of the personnel of my Holy Cult fell during this beast wave. After the beast wave, only two were left. More than a dozen people, respected General Zhenxi, do you understand how I feel?"


Dai Hao didn't expect that he guessed wrong. The lunatic in front of him was not here to intimidate him to consolidate his power, but to raise an army to punish him.

And judging from his attitude, he can't be kind today.

But no matter what, he has to work hard to solve it.

Dai Hao is such a proud and arrogant person, but in the face of absolute strength, he still has to submit. He is a titled Douluo, and he can't even withstand the mental pressure of the commander in front of him. If he fights head-on, he will definitely Not a move can be blocked.

"Commander, the Mingdou Mountains and the Star Dou Forest are tens of thousands of miles apart. It is really a bad idea to lead troops to rescue. Moreover, the Sun and Moon Empire was short of border defense at that time. It was a good time to invade the Sun and Moon Empire and show off our imperial power. On the battlefield, The fighter plane is fleeting, and I will be outside, and your orders will not be obeyed, so I will boldly disobey the military orders."

"There is such a general out there, but your life will be compromised." Huo Yuhao smiled coldly, with a dangerous light in his eyes.

"Duke Dai Hao of White Tiger, do you want to rebel?"

Huo Yuhao's words were shocking, and everyone present widened their eyes.

He secretly thought that this commander was really ruthless and actually accused Duke White Tiger of such a big crime.

Once this kind of crime is carried out, the nine tribes will be punished.

"My loyalty to the empire is a lesson. If the commander wants to punish me, he can accuse me of other crimes. Why bother to slander me like this?" Dai Hao saw that Huo Yuhao was determined to get rid of him, so he didn't need to be polite anymore. He believed that Huo Yuhao I don't dare to risk the whole world to kill him.

"Haha, when you say that, it makes it seem like I'm falling behind."

Huo Yuhao immediately revoked the pressure. Suddenly, the entire camp was like a deflated rubber ball. All the generals also took a deep breath. Looking at the calm and calm Huo Yuhao, the fear in their eyes became deeper. Seeing this With the commander's strength, no one dared to touch Huo Yuhao's brow. The power of dismounting has been established, so there is no need to release the pressure anymore. Looking at Dai Hao who was relieved, Huo Yuhao continued:

"Okay, I won't embarrass you, Commander. Let's not talk about treason for now. Do you admit disobeying military orders?"

Dai Hao's eyes were cloudy and uncertain. After thinking for a moment, he could only say with a cold face: "I plead guilty."

It is an indisputable fact that he disobeyed military orders. The commander in front of him treated him this way. He had no room for quibbles, so he might as well admit it openly.

"You are happy. In this case, I will punish you by handing over your military power and not being able to lead troops within a year. Will you accept it?"

As soon as Huo Yuhao said these words, there was an uproar below.

These generals did not dare to say anything, but their hearts were already in turmoil, and they kept looking at each other.

It's all shocking and unbelievable.

This commander is going to deprive White Tiger Duke Dai Hao of his rights as soon as he comes up? Duke White Tiger is the most powerful duke in the empire, bar none.

As the commander-in-chief of the Western Group Army, Dai Hao has always been the top leader of the Western Group Army. Now, he is about to be removed from military power by the new commander?

If this succeeds, Dai Hao's military life will be full of achievements, and this will become a lifelong shame for him.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely chilling.

Everyone turned their attention to Dai Hao, wanting to see what choice the adult would make.

Although they are all generals of the empire, most of them are retainers of the White Tiger Duke's Palace, and those who are not are also deeply favored by Dai Hao, and their hearts are naturally towards him.

Dai Hao was able to command the entire Western Army so smoothly because his control over people's hearts and minds had reached its peak.

Dai Hao's face turned livid. The commander-in-chief made great moves as soon as he came up and wanted to take away his military power. Moreover, he did not dare to refuse. This really made him feel aggrieved, but he was powerless.

"What? You don't accept it?" Huo Yuhao threatened.

"Everything will be done as the master said." Dai Hao promised reluctantly.

Huo Yuhao could see his displeasure, and immediately felt much more comfortable, feeling that his negative emotions had dissipated a lot.

Anyway, there is a long way to go, and everything today is just the beginning.

The good show is yet to come.

However, although Dai Hao agreed with his mouth, he was still dissatisfied in his heart, and he had his own considerations in his heart.

Relinquishing military power actually did not have much impact on him.

His rule over the Western Group Army was no longer limited to a cold military token.

The generals here are all his confidants. Huo Yuhao has reasons to deal with him, but he has no reason to deal with his subordinates.

As long as they are still there, the entire western border of the empire is still under his control.

 There are fewer and fewer subscriptions, and soon I won’t even be able to get a hundred. The author wants to cry.



(End of this chapter)

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