Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 143 Are you willing to bow to me?

Chapter 143 Are you willing to bow to me?

Dai Hao was forced to hand over the Tiger Talisman and resigned from the position of Marshal of the Western Army on the spot. All the generals present were in danger, fearing that he would be the next one to be liquidated.

Huo Yuhao played with the weapon talisman, and a strange smile appeared on his lips.

Dai Hao promised so decisively, how could Huo Yuhao not guess his little thoughts?

The purpose of his coming here was to completely oust Dai Hao, so naturally he would not leave any chance to him.

After dealing with Dai Hao, he did not leave, nor did he immediately drive Dai Hao away. Instead, he glanced at the twenty-three imperial group army generals present with great interest.

They are all a bunch of trash and can't catch his eye at all, but they are still useful.

Looking at these restless guys, Huo Yuhao slowly spoke.

"I know that you are all Duke White Tiger's confidants." Huo Yuhao suddenly paused, glanced at Dai Hao provocatively, and continued: "However, I can ignore the past grudges, as long as you declare your surrender to me, your previous disobedience I can forget all the sins."


All the generals took a deep breath.

He had just stripped White Tiger Duke Dai Hao of his military power and wanted them to surrender to him. This commander was too domineering and too unscrupulous in his actions.

Dai Hao's face turned ugly when he heard this, and his fingernails were so angry that they dug into his flesh.

Huo Yuhao had just removed his position and snatched his people in front of him. He was really not a human being.

He had never suffered such humiliation in his life. At the same time, his eyes glanced meaningfully at all the generals in the camp. This move gave everyone confidence.

It is true that Huo Yuhao is the generalissimo, and it is true that he is powerful, but without a legitimate reason, he can't do anything to them.

Most of them were retainers of the White Tiger Duke's Palace. If one of them did not serve two masters, how could they switch to Huo Yuhao's service in front of Dai Hao?

"Commander, please forgive me for not agreeing to this."

All the generals unanimously refused.

Huo Yuhao glanced at them coldly, then looked at Dai Hao meaningfully, and then a domineering voice sounded.

"You seem to have misunderstood. This is a notification, not a discussion with you."

Huo Yuhao's tone became cold again, and his aura was exuding.

"Let me ask you one more question, are you willing to bow down to me?"

Huo Yuhao was so threatening that everyone looked ugly.

This commander-in-chief made things look like this as soon as they met, and with his overbearing attitude, it was obvious that he didn't take them very seriously and treated them as if they were servants.

How could all the generals stand this arrogance? They all chose to remain silent.

Huo Yuhao shook his head.

"I've given you a chance, but you don't appreciate it."

He casually snapped his fingers, and several whirlpool doors opened.

You could clearly hear the cries of women and children inside.

Soon, several groups of soldiers wearing golden armor walked out of the Whirlpool Gate, escorting a large group of people.

There are men, women and children, the youngest is only three years old, and the oldest is nearly a hundred years old.

There were constant cries, mostly from children and women.

Seeing these people, at this time, all the generals could not remain silent and stood up uncontrollably.



"Dad, mother?"



The chaotic scene turned into a family recognition scene. These old and weak people were almost all immediate family members of the generals present. Huo Yuhao actually tied them all up?

Dai Hao's eyes were full of disbelief. Didn't he expect that Huo Yuhao would act so unscrupulously?

Just a complete lunatic.

"Commander, what do you mean?"

The generals wanted to go over and rescue their relatives, but they were blocked by the golden-armored warriors and could not move forward. Everyone looked at their relatives who had become hostages, and their eyes were filled with tears.

"What do you mean?" Huo Yuhao smiled

"We are all smart people, why do we have to pretend to be stupid? Let me ask one last question, everyone, are you willing to bow down for me?"

Faced with Huo Yuhao's threat, everyone was silent, but Dai Hao stood up and glared at Huo Yuhao

"Commander, we are all colleagues, but you did such a despicable thing, kidnapping children and the elderly, you really don't have the style of a strong man. I advise you to release them quickly, otherwise, I will have to give you a copy in front of His Majesty. .”

"Join me? Who is Xu Jiawei?" Huo Yuhao dismissed it, "I am already a little impatient. Since you are so loyal to Dai Hao, then I respect your choice. After all, you can find another wife, son. It can be regenerated, I understand.”

"In that case, kill them all!"

"Wait a minute, Marshal, if you do such a sinful thing, if word gets out, you will definitely be reviled by people across the continent. Please think twice."

Huo Yuhao smiled.

"I am an evil soul master to begin with, and my reputation is of no benefit to me. White Tiger Duke Dai Hao, I am ruthless, but you are not bad either. I can be sure that their choice will not be the one you hope for. That's why you want to Use the Imperial Capital to put pressure on me, because you know you will lose."


Dai Hao was so angry that he was speechless.

"Why are you still standing there? Take action!" Huo Yuhao rolled his eyes at the golden-armored soldier and urged.

Upon hearing the order, the golden-armored soldiers raised their sabers one after another, and the blades were immediately pointed at the helpless old women and children.

Seeing that tragedy is about to happen

There was a sound of kneeling down.

Looking around, all the generals were kneeling towards Huo Yuhao with livid faces.

"Subordinates, I am willing to bow my head to the commander-in-chief."

Sun and Moon Empire, Mingdu.

There are three main forces in the underground world of Mingdu, namely the largest Xishui League, the Ordinary League and the Aodu Chamber of Commerce.

These three forces all control black transactions in their respective fields.

The Xishui League is mainly engaged in arms, drugs, drugs and human trafficking, the Ordinary League is engaged in sex trade, and the Aodu Chamber of Commerce is more like an assassination organization.

The three underground forces fight overtly and covertly, and they are most fierce before and after the high-level soul master competition in the continent every year.

Because during this period, they also have a grand meeting to decide the allocation of resources.

A gluttonous feast for the soul master.

For this grand event, several major forces have made preparations in advance, especially the Ordinary League and the Aodu Chamber of Commerce.

The three major underground forces are actually two poles apart. Only by joining forces with the Ordinary League and the Aodu Chamber of Commerce can they deal with the dominant Xishui League.

They are all top forces. In fact, they all know what the forces behind Xishui Alliance are.

This time they heard that the Xishui Alliance had suffered heavy losses due to the beast tide in the Douluo Continent, and they did not want to let this opportunity go.

Moreover, it is also true that the Xishui League has indeed suffered heavy losses. The leader Nangong Wan has died, and Zhong Liwu has given Zhang Peng full authority to take charge of this competition.

Zhong Liwu has only one order, that is, to win the beauty.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, not to mention that the Holy Spirit Religion is not dead yet!

Zhang Peng naturally agreed happily, and he just took this opportunity to exchange information with the leader.

The moon star is rare!

Zhang Peng, the underground force of the Mingdu Xishui Alliance, was preparing to go to sleep. Suddenly, the mask of rules given to him by Huo Yuhao quietly emerged.

He also stood up immediately with a respectful expression.


The leader has arrived!

 Ye Guyi will appear soon



(End of this chapter)

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