Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 145 I heard that you have been looking for me?

Chapter 145 I heard that you have been looking for me?

The next day, at dusk.

Mingdu, a venue in the western suburbs, a venue covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters.

The men and horses of the three major forces were on the periphery, enclosing the whole place.

There are even people from the three major forces blocking the road in the distance, so no one can get close to here for a thousand meters.

Inside is a viewing platform filled with circles of stairs leading upwards. The viewing platform is divided into three areas, where spectators who bet on the three major forces are seated. At the core of these areas, there is also a circular viewing platform. These viewing platforms are the famous nobles of the Sun and Moon Empire as well as the famous soul masters and soul mentors.

The three major forces are distinguished by the color of their clothes, which is very eye-catching and clear.

The white ones are the Aodu Chamber of Commerce, the yellow ones are the Ordinary League, and the Xishui League, all in black, are all white, yellow, and black.

Huo Yuhao found an empty seat and sat down, just like the most ordinary spectator, watching the leaders of the three major forces on the stage speaking, introducing the prize money of this competition.

These are all treasures for the soul master, and the grand prize is the ninth-level soul guide, the Abyss of Fear, made by the ninth-level soul master Ye Yulin.

This is a level nine high-altitude soul guide that can launch powerful attacks within the range.

This range is dozens of kilometers.

In the entire Sun and Moon Empire, only he, a top master who specializes in high-altitude soul guidance devices, can make a soul guidance device of this level.

The grand finale completely ignited the atmosphere of the entire competition and everyone went crazy for it.

There are nine high-level soul masters as judges for this competition, among whom, including Ye Yulin, there are a total of four ninth-level soul masters.

Coupled with countless soul masters and soul mentors, the scale of this soul mentor competition is indeed extraordinary.

If it is all over, the situation in the Sun and Moon Empire will surely become quite exciting.

"Now, I announce that the game has officially begun."

The host stepped down, and a senior soul engineer immediately came on stage to preside over the competition.

All participating soul guide contestants came on stage one after another and began to concentrate on making their own soul guides.

In the stands, the area where the Ordinary League is located.

The graceful Shangguan Weier showed a smile on her face and said lightly to a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl in a yellow skirt next to her.

"You are not a member of our Ordinary Alliance. I also know that with your martial arts, staying in our Ordinary Alliance will only make you feel uncomfortable. However, I helped you, this stupid angel who only blindly executes justice, wiped it out again and again. Butt, you have to remember to repay the favor.

Forget about your talent as the Soul King this time, just watch carefully. In the next battle in five years, you will be the main force of our Ordinary Alliance. "

The girl was wearing a long palace dress, with only her smooth face and white neck exposed. She had bright eyes and white teeth, full of youthful aura. At the same time, she also had a strong sense of arrogance. Facing the powerful Shangguan Wei Son, she was not afraid at all, she just nodded lightly.

Shangguan Weier seemed to be used to Ye Guyi's attitude, so she didn't care and continued to watch the game.

For a woman like her who puts interests first, there is nothing she cannot give up or tolerate. After all, only interests are eternal.

When she discovered the holy angel Ye Guyi, she knew that this would be a secret weapon for their Ordinary Alliance to deal with the powerful Holy Spirit Cult.

Now, this weapon is still very weak and needs to be cultivated carefully before it can become a sharp weapon that can sting the Holy Spirit Cult.

The senior officials of the Aodu Chamber of Commerce are also watching the game carefully.

President An Litong appeared to be watching the game seriously, but in fact he was chatting quietly with a figure next to him.

The Aodu Chamber of Commerce said they cared about this competition, but they didn't take it that seriously.

They are mainly a killer organization, and assassinations and war are their core businesses.

For this competition every year, they have no choice but to gather the number of people. After all, if one of the three major forces is missing, their strength will be greatly reduced. "Let's do this, send more killers, this is a big deal."

"I know." Scar's face was solemn and he agreed calmly.

An Litong nodded with satisfaction and continued to watch the game.

Huo Tian is his right-hand man. He has a 100% mission completion rate and is highly valued by him. Over the years, Huo Tian has helped him build a lot of territory, but he has always been hard-working, not greedy, and has no ambition, which is really rare.

But where could he see the trace of disdain for him in Huo Tian's eyes.

As time went by, the competition came to an end. Xishui Alliance finally lived up to expectations and won the championship. For this result, the major forces were not surprised.

Over the years, Xishui League has always been the dominant player, winning the championship every year. This kind of competition is just to give everyone a step forward.

Their main business is smuggling rare metals and war soul tools.

"It's really unlucky. I wanted to upset you, but the result is like this again. I'm gone. I'm gone."

"That's right, if you invest in the Xishui League, you'll lose one out of ten. You won't make any money every year. I won't gamble next time."

"Are you sure? Anyway, I will invest in Xishui Alliance next time. Why not do a business that is sure to make a profit? Less is a little less, but stability is better than stability."

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and everyone stood up and prepared to leave. But at this moment, the sound of fighting began to be heard from all directions, the smell of blood assaulted the nostrils, and a blood cloud seemed to have appeared in the sky.

Everyone was suddenly startled, realizing something was wrong, and released their martial souls one after another. In an instant, countless soul rings were floating around the entire competition stage, which was very spectacular.

In the central area of ​​the arena, there were basically ninth-level soul masters and titled Douluo. After they saw clearly what caused the commotion, they all turned their attention to Zhang Peng of the Xishui Alliance.

"Xishui Alliance, you have already won the championship, why do you still do such a thing?"

Almost all the forces expressed doubts in unison. After all, no one could do it except for the evil soul master organization, the Xishui Alliance, when so many terrifying undead suddenly appeared.

Zhang Peng snorted coldly

"We are not so stupid as to deal with ourselves."

Zhang Peng roared loudly, and his martial soul instantly possessed him, heading towards an undead general. When the others saw this, they stopped talking and just rushed forward silently to fight against the powerful undead army that suddenly arrived.

The entire scene fell into chaos.

Huo Yuhao just sat on the seat, watching this beautiful massacre quietly.

The people present here are all underground forces, and the onlookers are also some dark forces and gamblers, they are all damn guys. Moreover, this is the Sun and Moon Empire, so Huo Yuhao is even more unscrupulous.

Hundreds of thousands of undead armies were transmitted from more than a dozen undead gates. In just a few breaths, they killed all the guards on the periphery and surrounded everyone in the center.

No one with any strength can resist in the face of such a large undead craze.

No one can escape the encirclement of the undead.

As time went by, when everyone was almost exhausted, Huo Yuhao snapped his fingers, and suddenly all the undead army stopped.

As soon as he stood up, all the undead half-knelt down and made way for him.

At this time, the besieged underground powerhouses discovered Huo Yuhao's existence.

They instantly realized that this undead natural disaster was caused by the young man in front of them.

Terror continues to spread, and they don't know what will happen to them.

Huo Yuhao walked step by step, and the sound of his footsteps was very clear. At this moment, his figure suddenly stopped in front of Huo Tian, ​​and said indifferently

"I heard that you have been looking for me? Want to silence me?"

(End of this chapter)

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