Chapter 146 Contract of Sale

Huo Yuhao looked at the scarred face in front of him with a complicated expression.

Originally, Huo Yuhao wanted to wait until he launched an all-out attack on the Sun and Moon Empire before catching this ant and avenging the people of Luo Yun Village. However, he accidentally encountered him yesterday.

In this case, it was natural to leave him alone.

The scarred face in front of him was the culprit that Huo Yuhao used to go back in time to find the massacre of Luo Yun Village.

A mere ant who relied on elixirs to become a Titled Douluo and had an empty aura actually destroyed his only place to stay. It was really not a pity to die.

With this thought in his mind, the murderous aura in him strengthened again. Even if it showed only a trace, it would be extremely terrifying.

His White Tiger Martial Spirit was originally the main killer, but it was continuously strengthened later, and the murderous intention almost turned into reality. Coupled with his superb strength, his aura was naturally unstoppable.

Huo Tian faced such terrifying murderous intent. Even though he was a titled Douluo, at this moment, he only felt that he was as insignificant as an ant and that his life would pass away at any time.

Huo Yuhao's voice was small but clear. All the survivors on the field looked at Huo Tian in shock.

That's right, it's Huo Tian.

The mysterious man in front of them was so powerful that they had no room for resistance. It was simply unbelievable that a deacon of the Aodu Chamber of Commerce would have a dispute with someone of this level.

It can be analyzed from Huo Yuhao's words that Huo Yuhao's target was Huo Tian in front of him, and they only suffered an unreasonable disaster.

Thinking of this, their eyes looked at Huo Tian with a bit more cruelty and hatred.

They are all evil beings from the underground forces, and they are all thugs who commit heinous crimes. They will definitely not tolerate it if they are cheated. However, the most important thing now is to wait and see what happens.

As the person involved, Huo Tian, ​​as the person who faced Huo Yuhao head-on, his eyes were as wide as possible.

He didn't know what connection he had with the mysterious strong man in front of him.

I don’t know what it was like, when, or where I provoked a strong person of this level.

What qualifications does he have to dare to seek trouble against such a strong man and even say that he will silence him?

He kept asking himself in his mind,

Is he worthy?

The nine rings were released together, and Huo Tian, ​​who was full of firepower, still blocked Huo Yuhao's casual pressure. He knelt on the ground with his legs, but there was also a hint of unwillingness in his fearful eyes. He raised his head with difficulty, clasped his fists, and said

"I don't know where this junior offended your lord. I don't seem to understand what your lord said."

But just after he spoke, the subordinate lying on the ground behind him began to tremble violently, his pupils opened to their maximum size, and he pointed his finger at Huo Yuhao, as if he had seen something incredible.

"The great commander, he, he is the one who slipped through the net and we have been looking for him."

"No, I must be crazy, I must be crazy."


After hearing this, Huo Tian was extremely shocked.

"How is this possible?" His heart felt like a lightning strike.

"No way, absolutely impossible."

He subconsciously denied this fact.

But when he looked at Huo Yuhao with wide eyes and compared it with the immature portrait of Huo Yuhao drawn by his men in his mind, he began to believe that the Huo Yuhao in front of him was the existence he had been looking for to silence.

At this time, his whole body shook violently, and his horrified body was too frightened to move.

If the Huo Yuhao in front of him is here to seek revenge, that means he is bound to die, but his ambition has not been realized yet, so how can he die here?

In order to survive, his brain was working rapidly and he tried his best to survive, but he had no clue. Suddenly, he suddenly remembered.

Huo Yuhao has only lived in Luoyun Village for a few months and is not a local of Luoyun Village. It is impossible for a strong man like him to come to avenge them. After all, the people of Luoyun Village are a group of untouchables. Huo Yuhao in front of him must have seen the reward for himself in the black market, so he came to see him.

A strong man like Huo Yuhao must be very angry if he is offered a reward on the black market. As long as he gives enough compensation, he may not be able to survive.

"Sir, I'm offering you a reward because my subordinates lost their minds. I'm willing to make compensation to the Aodu Chamber of Commerce. I will compensate you the Aodu Chamber of Commerce, okay?"

Huo Tian's eyes were full of madness, and it could be seen that his eyes were filled with the desire to survive.

"Oh?" Huo Yuhao smiled.

The Huo Tian in front of him really didn't know what to say. When he was about to die, he actually wanted to buy his life with money.

Huo Yuhao was fine, but Huo Tian's words immediately made An Litong, the president of the Aodu Chamber of Commerce, break his guard.

"Huo Tian, ​​you are just a dog I raised, but you actually have the courage to say that you will give away my territory? You are such a courageous dog."

"An Litong, I call you president. I just want to give you a face. I have long taken away your rights. Nearly 90% of the killers of the Aodu Chamber of Commerce are mine. With just one word from me, I can make Aodu The city's Chamber of Commerce will change, and you are just a puppet."

"What?" An Litong naturally didn't believe Huo Tian's lies. He began to look at the loyal men around him, but when he saw their evasive eyes, he realized that what Huo Tian said might be it is true.

"Huo Tian, ​​you deserve to die!"

After saying that, the ninth black soul ring behind An Litong flashed instantly, and his figure flew towards Huo Tian at high speed.

His own home had been stolen, so naturally he couldn't keep calm anymore, and he would fight him to the death with his martial spirit.

But he was slapped away by Huo Yuhao.

Killed immediately on the spot.


The mental coercion was released, and the terrifying mental power instantly suppressed everyone. All the strong men here finally took advantage of the undead army to stop its offensive and took a breath. In the end, they were suppressed again, unable to move, and were completely reduced to being trapped. The object of slaughter.

Huo Tian, ​​who was closest to Huo Yuhao, had his body pressed to the ground by force and could not lift up. Huo Yuhao stepped on his head.

"I have killed the president of the Aodu Chamber of Commerce. Now, I am the president of the Aodu Chamber of Commerce. You want to use my things to make a deal with me?"

The whole place fell silent!

Cold sweat broke out on Huo Tian's forehead.

"Sir, in addition to the Aodu Chamber of Commerce, I still have a lot of chips, I"

Huo Yuhao impatiently increased the force under his feet, and Huo Tian's head was directly stepped into the ground.

"Your bargaining chip is worthless to me. Your only value is to die in front of me."

"No, sir, I still have the most important bargaining chip. My niece is a super evil spirit. She is the only existence on the continent with a three-life martial spirit. I am her only elder. Her family tree and identity book, It’s all in my hands, I can sell her to you in exchange for my life.”

"Three Lives Martial Spirits? Do you think I will believe it? Are there Three Lives Martial Spirits on the mainland?" Huo Yuhao smiled coldly.

"Sir, this is absolutely true. I can swear with my martial spirit that as long as you sign a contract with me, you will gain a subordinate with unlimited potential. I have the identity mark of her parents, and I am her only blood relative. , after stamping these two marks, she will belong to you. This is the rule of our Sun and Moon Continent, even if she does not know it, she must abide by it."

 Newcomers, new books, begging for everything (hehe)



(End of this chapter)

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