Chapter 147 Leaf Bone Clothes

The Sun-Moon Continent is a barbaric continent. The predecessor of the Sun-Moon Empire was actually a bandit force. It was just a matter of luck that it conquered the world.

In the early days of the Sun and Moon Empire, the slave trade developed.

In the Empire of the Sun and Moon, the slave trade was legal, and ordinary people who could not survive would even sell their children in exchange for money.

Over time, this tradition of signing slave contracts was passed down.

Children have no human rights

Everything is decided by the parents. If the parents die, the closest relative will make the decision.

As long as there are imprints of the parents, you can decide the future of the child, or even sell it. This is protected by the laws of the Sun and Moon Empire.

Of course, this is limited to untouchables only.

This kind of population trading is not allowed among nobles.

His niece Xu Xingling had long lost her title and was just the most common pariah in the empire.

The contract you signed is reasonable and legal and can be enforced.

As for what Xu Xingling would do and whether he would resist or not, that was none of his business. Right now, survival was the key.

A slave with three lives of martial souls, I believe no one would refuse!

"Well, let me believe you for the moment. Your niece is really the legendary Sansheng Martial Spirit. This contract is good. I accept it, but you still have to die."

Huo Yuhao sucked his palm, and the bloody contract in Huo Tian's hand appeared in his hand. At the same time, terrifying mental power was released from his body. Under the heavy pressure, the desperate Huo Tian was crushed into a piece. Meatloaf, blood flying everywhere.

It was just the death struggle of a madman, a beast who would even sacrifice his own niece in order to survive. Huo Yuhao would not show mercy when he killed him.

After dealing with Huo Tian, ​​Huo Yuhao glanced at the contract.

This is an ancient contract that has been drawn up a long time ago. All you need to do is fill in the name and stamp it.

There are two blood-shaped symbols on it that Huo Tian just used blood as ink to print.

He is also aware of this ugly and bad habit of the Sun and Moon Empire, and it is indeed protected by the laws of the Sun and Moon Empire.

Very ironic.

In other words, Huo Tian had just sold his niece to him.

It's really ridiculous.

People, really will do anything to survive.

After casually throwing the contract into the storage soul guide, Huo Yuhao turned his attention to the survivors.

There was also a hint of cruelty in his eyes.

He stopped just now just to let Huo Tian understand. Otherwise, if Huo Tian died under the undead without any explanation, his revenge would be meaningless. But now that Huo Tian is dead, the natural disaster of the undead can naturally It's moving.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Huo Yuhao is from Douluo Continent, so he will not be polite to people from Sun Moon Continent, not to mention these people are underground evil forces?

Without Huo Yuhao's control, the undead continued to kill.

The scene began to fall into chaos again.

Seeing that Huo Yuhao wanted to kill everyone, everyone began to resist desperately, but it was basically one-sided.

Although Huo Yuhao withdrew his mental suppression, the number of undead was too great, and their strength was not low.

This is destined to be a meaningless massacre.

Huo Yuhao felt a little tired when he saw the ants struggling. However, at this moment, a golden figure caught his attention on the battlefield.

He has two wings on his back, holds a golden giant sword, and exudes a holy aura. Every attack can be very effective against his undead.

"Angel martial spirit?" Huo Yuhao muttered to himself.

Looking at the beautiful figure of the angel with the soul king cultivation level on the battlefield, Huo Yuhao showed a smile on his lips.

It's actually Ye Guyi? Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected gain this time.

The value of the angel spirit in Huo Yuhao's eyes was no less than that of Emperor Tian and Evil Emperor.

As the only being in the Peerless Tang Sect who has inherited the angel martial spirit, Ye Guyi is the only being qualified to inherit the angel god.

Angel God is a first-level god.

If he can control Ye Guyi and then help her inherit the position of god, he can slowly plot the divine world in the future.

Ye Guyi, he is bound to get it.

The killing continues, screams and despair are heard endlessly. As time goes by, there is no longer any living life in this space.

The next morning.

The underground forces and aristocratic circles of the entire Sun and Moon Empire were caught in a major earthquake.

The leaders and senior officials of the empire's three major underground forces, the Xishui Alliance, the Aodu Chamber of Commerce, and the Ordinary Alliance, were all found dead in the suburbs.

Not only that, but a large number of underground forces, as well as some nobles of the empire, and high-level soul masters died in that area.

Several of the empire's ninth-level soul masters died there, and even Star Douluo Ye Yulin died there.

The area with corpses scattered everywhere and rivers of blood was like a hell on earth.

Nearly 10,000 corpses lay there in a state of disrepair, which made people shudder.

In order to prevent the situation from developing, the Sun and Moon Imperial Family chose to block the news, but even so, many forces in the Sun and Moon Empire still got the news, and for a while, everyone was in danger.

To be able to wipe out all the underground forces in the empire, unless more than three soul master groups are dispatched at the same time, no one in this world can do it. Who the murderer is is already revealed.

The royal family of the Sun and Moon Empire actually began to rectify the empire's forces. This is not good news.

This means that the empire's forces will be reshuffled.

All of a sudden, all the forces in the Sun and Moon Empire became busy and wanted to know the latest trends of the royal family.

The demiplane of the undead.

Inside a towering eerie ancient tree is a purely hand-carved room.

A graceful figure was lying on a big black bed, and Huo Yuhao was sitting at the desk next to the bed, patiently flipping through the book.

The whole room was empty, so quiet that only the sound of the boy turning the pages of a book was heard.


At this time, there was sudden movement on the bed. Ye Guyi, who was wearing a yellow palace dress, had slowly woken up.

Her face was a little pale, and her aura was extremely weak, but when she saw the figure in front of her, she immediately grabbed the golden sword beside her and placed it in front of her, watching with a pair of beautiful eyes. Huo Yuhao.

"Where am I? What do you want to do?"

She is arrogant and hates evil, but she is not stupid.

Huo Yuhao was an evil being with extraordinary strength. It was not easy to kill her. He must have had an ulterior motive to capture her here.

She is already eighteen years old, and she is not ignorant about men and women.

Huo Yuhao killed everyone, but he only brought her, the one the evil soul master wanted to kill most, who had divine attributes, and placed her on the bed. It was obvious what he was going to do.

She held the sword in front of her, not to resist, but to commit suicide.

She didn't want to be tainted by an evil soul master.

 These corpses were not taken into the demiplane of the undead and converted into soul rings. Huo Yuhao had other arrangements (hehe, I won’t spoil the story).



(End of this chapter)

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