Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 148 Learn to see the world with eyes closed

Chapter 148 Learn to see the world with eyes closed

Huo Yuhao was slightly startled when he saw the reaction of the woman on the bed. He didn't expect that he would be misunderstood as that kind of person because he looked so decent. It was really hard for him.

"This is my private space, called the demiplane of the undead. As for me? Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person." Huo Yuhao closed the book and said seriously.

"The demiplane of the undead?" Ye Guyi murmured to himself, a feeling of disgust rising in his eyes again.

Sure enough, the evil soul master in front of him was so evil even where he lived.

"Not a bad person? You, an evil bastard, who committed such atrocities in Mingdu, still have the nerve to say that you are not a bad person?"

Ye Guyi knew that she was captured by Huo Yuhao. With her strength, she could not escape from Huo Yuhao's grasp. Moreover, she also knew that she would not end well in the hands of the evil soul master. She was already looking down on life and death. She would wait and see. Dongjing directly committed suicide, so she refused to lose any momentum and raised her chin to fight with Huo Yuhao.

"You have quite a temper!" Huo Yuhao was not annoyed by Ye Guyi's attitude. He knew why Ye Guyi was like this, so he started to get straight to the point.

"Let's not talk about all the things in Mingdu. It's in the past. Let's talk about your future." Huo Yuhao thought, and the golden sword in Ye Guyi's hand suddenly took off uncontrollably. At the same time, her delicate body also He was pinned to the bed by a gentle weight, unable to move.

The sudden change made Ye Guyi's beauty eclipse.

She realized that in an instant, she was no longer qualified to commit suicide.

"I think you are a bit dishonest, so I can only offend you first. In the face of absolute strength, everything is in vain. I worked hard to bring you here, not to get your body."

"Sure enough, you didn't kill me and brought me to a place like this because of my body?"

Ye Guyi looked desperate. He didn't expect that his innocence would be destroyed here. Although Huo Yuhao in front of him was quite handsome, he was an evil soul master with heinous crimes.

Huo Yuhao's eyes lit up. Unexpectedly, Ye Guyi knew about it, so things would become much simpler.

"Yes, I am here just for your martial spirit. The holy angel martial spirit. This extremely rare angel martial spirit has been touched by me. Naturally, I will not let it go.

Now that you already know my purpose, things will be much simpler. Ye Guyi, I want to ask you to join my force and become my partner. "

"What?" Ye Guyi was shocked. She didn't even notice that Huo Yuhao called out her name. She didn't expect that she guessed wrong. She thought that Huo Yuhao was lustful and wanted to tarnish her innocence. Unexpectedly, Huo Yuhao came just for her martial spirit.

For the evil soul master, her ultimate bright martial soul is a sure-kill existence. However, her own martial soul is of no use to the evil soul master. Why did Huo Yuhao arrest him?

But after she listened to Huo Yuhao's last words, she completely understood Huo Yuhao's intention.

But she just wanted to say that Huo Yuhao was dreaming. How could she join Huo Yuhao's forces if she wanted to kill all the evil soul masters?

"Hmph, you are dreaming. Even if I die, I will not surrender to you." Ye Guyi said coldly, quenching his tone with disdain.

Huo Yuhao smiled elegantly, but there was a hint of displeasure in his eyes. What Ye Guyi said made him a little dissatisfied, so he immediately corrected him.

"I said to join me, not to ask you to surrender to me." Huo Yuhao paused and then said:

"Joining and surrendering are two different things. If I just want you to surrender, I have more methods than you think. In just a moment, I can turn you into my slave."

Huo Yuhao looked at Ye Guyi, who was frightened by his words, and continued:

"However, I don't lack talented subordinates. Douluo's geniuses, who start against the will of heaven, can only cultivate to Ultimate Douluo at best, and even Ultimate Douluo, in my eyes, it's bullshit.

If you surrender to me, then, having your mind imprisoned and losing the will of a strong person, you will be at best an Ultimate Douluo and no longer qualified to pursue that position. "

"This is not what I want, that's why I wasted so much time with you. I hope that I can gain a partner who can stand with me and go to see the place far above Douluo with me. scenery.”

Huo Yuhao's words made Ye Guyi stunned.

She didn't expect that Huo Yuhao would be so conceited that he didn't even look down on the Ultimate Douluo. He even said that she was qualified to become an existence beyond the Ultimate Douluo. If she surpassed the Ultimate Douluo, wouldn't that mean she would become a god at level 100? Does she have a chance to become a god?

Huo Yuhao's words are indeed very tempting, and if you refuse, you will die, but is she the kind of person who is greedy and afraid of death?

She is an angel, and her life-long goal is to kill all the evil soul masters. How can she betray her ancestral precepts? What's more, the seemingly harmless young man in front of him had just caused a shocking tragedy. At least tens of thousands of people died in his hands. How cruel was this?

The Huo Yuhao in front of him was worse than a beast.

"Hmph, I don't care what you are saying. I don't understand it anyway. Anyway, I will not join the forces of evil soul masters like you. Justice is not allowed to be violated. I have my bottom line. I would rather Even if you die, you must protect this beautiful world of ours.”

"Pfft-" Huo Yuhao laughed

"Ye Guyi, you are so funny, and you still protect this beautiful world. You are so well protected. You don't know how cruel this world is, and you don't know that some so-called righteous people are doing evil things. , I don’t know what kind of life the low-class people who are exploited by your so-called righteous people and sold into traffickers and prostitutes live, I don’t know.”

"You are talking nonsense. Nowadays, the major empires in the mainland are in peace, and there is no war between the two continents. The people are living and working in peace and contentment. You evil soul masters have dirty hearts, so everything you look at is dirty. How can you say that in the world? So cruel? Why in my eyes, the world is beautiful, but in your eyes, the world is ugly? "

"Ye Guyi, I'm not saying that this world is ugly, it's just that our world is real, and reality is definitely not beautiful." Huo Yuhao paused and looked into Ye Guyi's eyes with his deep eyes. Continued:

"The world in our eyes is different, but the way we see the world is different. You see the beautiful world because you see the world with your eyes open, while I see the world with my eyes closed."

“If you want to see the world as it really is, you must learn to close your eyes and see the world.”

(End of this chapter)

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