Chapter 149 Bet

"Learn to close your eyes and see the world?" Ye Guyi repeated Huo Yuhao's words and fell into deep thought.

Huo Yuhao nodded slightly

"Yes, just close your eyes and see the world. Ye Guyi, do you want to make a bet with me?"

With that said, Huo Yuhao clicked his fingers, and the restraints on Ye Guyi were released. She rubbed her somewhat red wrists, looked at Huo Yuhao doubtfully, and said, "What are you betting on?"

"You think this world is beautiful and full of justice, but I want to say that what you see is false. Let's give you a month as a deadline. I will give you the ability to close your eyes and see the world."

"During this period, you can observe the real life of the people at the bottom of each empire, observe the luxurious and brutal life of the nobles, and you can also choose a force that you think is the most righteous and observe in secret to see if your so-called righteous person is the right person. True justice.”

"I won't bet anything substantial with you. If you see the nature of this world clearly and feel discouraged, you can come to me. My door here is always open for you."

After Huo Yuhao said this, he handed a regular mask to Ye Guyi and explained the function of the mask to her.

As he mastered the rules of Douluo Continent, he became more and more comfortable refining masks that could hide his own aura. The mask he gave Ye Guyi was to surpass the version in Zhang Peng's hands.

Even an Extreme Douluo cannot see Ye Guyi wearing this mask. In a sense, Ye Guyi can use this mask to freely enter and exit various places on the mainland, and no one can detect her.

Ye Guyi was also a little confused about Huo Yuhao's approach. Judging from Huo Yuhao's appearance, it seemed that he really just wanted her to understand the nature of the world.

Humph, the scheming evil soul master.

This world is beautiful and just, so she is naturally not afraid of Huo Yuhao's bet.

She is very confident in herself.

Moreover, hiding one's identity and seeing the world clearly is a very attractive thing, and Ye Guyi naturally refuses this temptation.

"Okay, I will accept your bet. If this world is different from what I see, and is indeed ugly and evil as you said, I will voluntarily join you." Ye Guyi felt the strangeness of this mask Later, the wariness of Huo Yuhao became much smaller.

Huo Yuhao's strength made it easy to kill her, so her hostility was meaningless. At the same time, she had strong confidence in this bet.

"Hmph, you are lost. I have already decided where to go. Shrek Academy has established the largest inspection team in the mainland to punish evil soul masters and evil forces. It is the most righteous force on the mainland. There is no one. I will be here Stay in Shrek City for a month and let your statement be self-defeating."

Huo Yuhao smiled and secretly said that Ye Guyi was also a talented person. There were so many places on the mainland to choose from, but he chose Shrek City.

Isn’t this going to be completely cool?

In fact, Huo Yuhao's bet was originally a scam.

Human nature is the most elusive thing.

Someone in the past life said, is there anything more terrifying than human beings?

Don't Have

People have desires, thoughts, and ambitions.

In the end, it's all about pleasure.

Douluo Continent is a feudal and backward society, or a world where slaves are owned and nobles rule.

In this kind of world, many ugly behaviors occur all the time in every corner of the continent. However, the nobles hide them very well and are not discovered. Even if they are discovered, they will be quickly dealt with by capital.

In short, Huo Yuhao definitely won this bet.

Only by hiding in the darkness can you see the darker darkness.

He was curious about how disgusted Ye Guyi would be.

But there is still some encouragement. At least, the most basic communication with Ye Guyi has been established now.

He looked at Ye Guyi, smiled faintly, and then said.

"Then I will help you succeed in advance. I hope you won't come to me one day." "Of course there won't be that day," Ye Guyi replied confidently.

The far north, the core area.

This place is already a desperate place for mankind, the temperature is below zero, and ordinary soul masters cannot reach this kind of place.

Because here, not only is there a low temperature, but there are also high-level soul beasts from the far north gathered here.

None of the soul beasts operating here have a cultivation level lower than the ten thousand year level.

The only people who can reach here are some high-quality ice attribute soul masters who dare to set foot in this forbidden area, except for the bold and titled Douluo who are highly skilled in martial arts.

But at this moment, there is a huge light curtain in an area of ​​the core land.

A green figure that looks like a work of art is being tightly trapped by a piece of snow-white silk.

A black-haired boy is suspended in the air.

He has several high-level cold-resistant soul tools on his body, which can withstand the terrifying cold in the far north, as well as the residual power exuded by this green figure when it struggles.

But these defensive soul tools were not enough to withstand this level of extreme cold. The fact that he was not affected by the extreme cold and could move freely in this desert was due to his martial spirit.

It can be seen that the young man's body has a purple-gold luster.

The shadow of a three-eyed brilliant dragon materialized behind him. His body, forehead, neck and whole body were covered with thick purple-gold scales.

The first born has a pair of crystal dragon horns and a pair of purple gold dragon wings on the back, flapping to make the young man float in the air.

The boy is young and only has two soul rings, but he has an extremely rich and terrifying dragon energy. If any soul master passes by, he will definitely feel that he has met a pure-blood dragon.

The dragon energy in this young man is incredibly strong.

Therefore, it can be inferred that the Three-Eyed Brilliant Dragon Spirit on this body is definitely a martial spirit with ultimate attributes.

But this still couldn't help this boy with only two rings to withstand the terrifying extreme cold.

There is something else going on behind him.

A golden sun was behind him, emitting the blazing heat from the heavenly fire, providing him with a steady stream of heat.

It can be seen that this is also a martial spirit, and it is also a very powerful solar martial spirit among the celestial martial spirits, which can evoke the power of the sun in the sky.

This young man is actually a genius with twin martial souls. Moreover, he is a genius with twin martial souls of two powerful martial souls.

It is simply unbelievable that a genius of this level, regarded as a treasure by every force, appears alone in the far north.

The young man's face was very solemn.

In the distance, the huge golden silkworm and the green figure, the physical and psychological game has entered the advanced stage, and she is also uneasy in her heart, looking forward to the good result.

After all, this was the only reason why she was willing to take risks with Tianmeng Iceworm.

Suddenly, a domineering sister's voice came from the space.

"Tianmeng, you win. I am impressed by you. With her talent and our assistance, she does have a high chance of success."

(End of this chapter)

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