Chapter 150 A big gamble

In the extreme ice field, the figures of Ice Emperor and Tianmeng Ice Silkworm were suspended in mid-air. Although Tianmeng had relaxed a lot, he still remained vigilant. The million-year-old silkworm in his hand still did not let go at all. In this regard , Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion didn’t care either.

She has been pursuing Tian Meng for many years, and she knows exactly what kind of virtue Tian Meng Ice Silkworm is.

Her verbal agreement has no meaning. Only when the matter is settled, only when she has completely transformed into the genius girl's third martial soul and into a special wisdom soul ring, will Tianmeng be completely relieved.

The Ice Emperor smiled domineeringly and took a few steps forward.

Tianmeng Bingsi was like a frightened bird, quickly taking a few steps back to distance herself from her.

"Tianmeng, your courage is still at the same extreme as your cultivation, just like your strength, you are pitiful."

"Ice Emperor, that's because your aura is too strong. Now I'm not alone. I have to be responsible for the little star spirit. This is not called timidity, but cautious." Tianmeng Bingshu quibbled.

"Huh, hurry up and do it. I won't resist. I just don't know if she can withstand my power." The Ice Emperor glanced at Tianmeng Ice Silkworm and then turned his attention to Huo Xingling in the distance.

"By the way, Tianmeng, I haven't asked you yet where did you find such a genius? Let's not talk about the twin martial arts. Each of her martial arts is the ultimate existence. Her first three-eyed purple The dragon spirit contained in the dragon spirit is truly rare in the world.

I can't imagine that besides Di Tian, ​​there are other dragon soul beasts that can possess such powerful dragon energy, let alone humans. "

Hearing this, Tianmeng suddenly showed a proud smile, squirmed its fat body in the air, and said

"This is all my credit, how about it? Now believe me, my plan to create a god is very reliable. If I hadn't liked you, I wouldn't have tried so hard to plot against you!"

"Tianmeng, do you want to die?"

"Uh." The Ice Emperor snorted coldly, causing Tianmeng Bingsi to shut up instantly.

Even though it was restrained, it was still extremely noble. In a flash, it came to Huo Xingling's side.

The Ice Emperor's treatment of Huo Xingling was significantly different from that of Tianmeng Iceworm. She showed a gentle smile to Huo Xingling.

"Little guy, that Tianmeng guy has told me everything about you. I want to ask you, are you determined to accept this destiny?"

After saying that, the Ice Emperor showed a solemn look on his face and said solemnly: "My cultivation level is close to 400,000 years. Although I am voluntary, Tianmeng's plan is to create a wisdom martial spirit. I am not a sacrifice."

"Sacrifice is when the soul beast unconditionally sacrifices its soul, body and cultivation to the soul master, so that the soul master can absorb it perfectly without any limitations on cultivation and without any side effects. Moreover, it can also help the person being sacrificed. The sacrificer improves his qualifications."

"And Tianmeng's method is to retain my soul, turn my blood into your martial soul, and then fuse my cultivation and soul power with you. This is a very risky method, and it is very harmful to both of us. It’s all very challenging.”

"Therefore, when fusing my soul ring and soul bone, even if I don't resist, even if I control it personally, my huge energy can still burst your body. This matter is extremely risky. You You can think about it.

It hasn't started yet, there is still room for redemption, but once it starts, it cannot be stopped. Either you will be exploded by my power and the three of us will die together, or you will fuse my power and have the third ultimate. With his martial soul, as well as his 400,000-year-old soul ring and soul bones, he has since become the most talented soul master in the history of Douluo Continent."

Ice Emperor told the possible consequences just to test Huo Xingling. She wanted to see what Huo Xingling would choose.

After all, she had just given Huo Xingling a chance to give up.

After hearing this, Huo Xingling's eyes showed no intention, but only determination.

She is not afraid of death. Over the years, she has lived like a zombie.

But her mood kept changing.

She is a genius with twin martial arts, and she also has the talent to become a high-level soul mentor. Therefore, she believes that as long as she reaches a certain level of cultivation, she can avenge her parents.

After getting the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, she felt more confident and more confident in her revenge plan. But her ideas began to change after entering Shrek Academy.

There are so many powerful people in Shrek Academy. Most of the top masters she came into contact with were Super Douluo. Her teacher, the sullen old man, was even a hidden Ultimate Douluo. It was only at this time that she learned about the power. the concept of.

Shrek Academy is just a college, but it has such a rich heritage. She cannot imagine how powerful the Sun Moon Empire, which sits on a continent, has such rich heritage.

It was at that time that she began to doubt herself.

Can one person's power really defeat an empire?

The answer is yes.

In the beast tide, she once again saw the hope of revenge.

Commander Xing Luo, single-handedly repelled the entire beast tide and suppressed everything.

She kept these in mind.

She thought that as long as she cultivated to the level of Marshal Xing Luo, she should be able to take revenge!

Therefore, ever since Tianmeng Iceworm told her about the plan for the Far North, she agreed without hesitation.

Tianmeng Bingsi did not lie to Huo Xingling and conceal her true purpose, but carefully analyzed the pros and cons with her.

Because Huo Xingling's talent is good enough, he can develop stably even if he doesn't take risks.

Tianmeng likes Ice Emperor, even to the core of his heart, but he is not stupid either.

Although the Ice Emperor's end is approaching, there are still hundreds of years left, so it's not really urgent.

With Huo Xingling's talent, even if there is no Ice Emperor in the early stage, there is still a certain chance of becoming a god under his plan.

It can wait until Huo Xingling grows up before going to the Ice Emperor to express his love. There is no need to bet on the Ice Emperor's choice.

Becoming a god and liking the Ice Emperor are two things that come first.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have been hiding from the Ice Emperor all this time. If it loves her, it might just help her. But obviously, Tianmeng Ice Silkworm loves him more.

But after it confessed to Huo Xingling, Huo Xingling actually agreed and remained firm.

This also gave Tianmeng Ice Silkworm great encouragement. After all, it was still very sure of convincing the Ice Emperor.

Huo Xingling knew that although she was extremely talented, it was too difficult for one person to fight against an empire.

She needs to gain power by any means necessary. Now, an opportunity to achieve invincibility appears in front of her. How could she not cherish it?

She bet that she could withstand this terrifying martial spirit, and that she could withstand the ice emperor's hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation soul rings and soul bones. She even bet that Tianmeng and Ice Emperor would do anything to keep her alive.

It's a big gamble.

Once she succeeds, she will have invincible capital!

(End of this chapter)

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