Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 151 The mainland is in trouble again

Chapter 151 The mainland is in trouble again

Therefore, Huo Xingling didn't think at all when faced with the Ice Emperor's inquiry.

"Hyoudi, let's get started. I am here just to become stronger. I have hatred in my heart. This hatred will help me complete this transformation."

"Okay." Ice Emperor's eyes lit up, and he admired Huo Xingling even more. He was talented and ambitious. This was the host she needed.

After saying that, the Ice Emperor turned his attention to Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

"Tianmeng, there are quite a few flaws in your method. I have made optimal adjustments." The Ice Emperor glanced at Tianmeng who was confused, and then said calmly:

"The foundation of the star spirit is very solid. One of your golden lines has been perfectly absorbed by her. With her rich blood energy and extremely rich dragon energy, her body can be compared to a ten thousand year soul beast."

"I want her to absorb my power perfectly, not just to seal it."

"What? If she does this, she will explode." Tianmeng Bingcan said with a look of horror.

"You are a coward, you are afraid of this and that. If your power cannot be transformed and is just stored, what's the point?"

The Ice Emperor retorted disdainfully, and then continued:

"I will turn my soul bone into a trunk bone, and first merge it with the little star spirit to improve her physical quality again. Then, I will inject soul power into my trunk bone. When the soul power is full, Then inject soul power into her Three-Eyed Brilliant Dragon and Sun Martial Spirits to transform her Martial Spirits. If there are still many, then seal them again."

"Can you still be like this? Bingbing, you are so wise."

"You are too stupid, and I warn you, don't call me that."

"Okay Bingbing, no problem Bingbing, shall we start now? But, otherwise, let's change the place! It seems a bit dangerous here!"

Tianmeng Iceworm looked solemn. This is the core area of ​​the Far North. Not to mention the extremely low temperature. The people living here are basically top-notch soul beasts. The Ice Emperor will make a special sacrifice later. But the realm will not be generated. When the time comes, if an Ice King suddenly passes by, then all three of them will have to be finished.

When the Ice Emperor heard this, he couldn't help but roll his eyes at it and said angrily.

"I was tied up by you, and you told me that you wanted me to move somewhere? Tianmeng, are you looking for trouble?"


The core area of ​​the Far North.

A huge, snow-white white bear was running on the ice field, sniffing constantly, as if it was looking for something.

It can be seen that in all directions in the far north, there are countless ice bears sniffing, also constantly looking for something or someone.

On their bodies, they all ride an ice and snow girl with an extraordinary temperament. The snow girl is a creature of heaven and earth and has no emotions. Their faces only show tension and worry.

In the end, the Great White Bear King of the Ice Plains roared up to the sky unwillingly, venting his dissatisfaction, and then continued to search for the next place.

It is the king of the ice bear clan in the far north. It has survived two catastrophes and is a super ferocious beast with a strength of 290,000 years.

Of course, it also has another identity, that is, the son of the Snow Emperor, the leader of the three northern kings.

The Ice Bear King was picked up by the Snow Emperor and raised, and he has always regarded the Snow Emperor as his mother.

Its strength has long been no less than that of the Titan Snow Demon King. However, in order not to compete with his mother for the title of Heavenly King, it has remained unknown.

The Bear King is so anxious because his mother, the Snow Emperor, the strongest person in the Far North, actually disappeared some time ago. He has been searching hard, but has found nothing.

No one knew about the Snow Emperor's transformation, and since the Snow Emperor's cultivation was as high as 700,000 years, he was not qualified to transform, so naturally no one thought about it.    So, they all guessed!

Snow Emperor, it was probably an accident.

This is also the reason why the Ice Bear King is so violent. The entire Ice Bear clan and the Snow Emperor clan are trying their best to find traces of the Snow Emperor, but there is no news about the Snow Emperor.

But at this moment, it suddenly seemed like rain in the sky, and countless square-shaped things fell down. When I looked closer, I found that they were human newspapers.

A hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can speak human words, let alone a top-notch ferocious beast like the Snow Bear King of the Ice Plains. It grabs a newspaper with its huge palm. It is already irritable and extremely dissatisfied with these things, but in this extreme situation It was a strange thing that human things would actually appear in the Northern Land, so it decided to take a look.

But with just one look, it went into a rage.

It saw that in the newspaper, there was news about the auction of the Snow Emperor, the head of the three kings of the Far North.

Snow Emperor, isn't it its mother?

So, after the Snow Emperor had been missing for so long, was he actually captured by humans and put up for auction?

It subconsciously felt that it was impossible and that it was fake, but after taking a closer look, it was discovered that it was probably true.

This is simply unreasonable.

It was angry. The Snow Emperor is the king of the Far North. The king's authority does not allow any offense. Human behavior is undoubtedly provoking the entire Far North.

It wants to find a way to save its mother at all costs.

Not only were there riots in the Far North, but the entire Douluo Planet and the two continents were completely plunged into riots because of this news.

Originally, Starlight Auction House only spread the news about the auction of hundred thousand year soul beast embryos, but soon, another appraisal report came out, and all kinds of evidence can show that the report is true.

In other words, the soul beast embryo that is about to be auctioned by Starlight Auction House is really the first of the three kings of the Far North, the third among the ten most ferocious beasts in the mainland, a super ferocious beast with a cultivation level of up to 700,000 years, the Snow Emperor embryo?

As soon as the news came out, the entire continent was boiling, and all the forces fell into shock and madness.

They all know that Starlight Auction House just got this hundred thousand year old soul beast embryo through bad luck, and if it weren't for someone's stone hammer, they would have foolishly regarded this treasure as a hundred thousand year old soul beast. The beast was auctioned off.

But they are not afraid that Starlight Auction House will not sell it.

After all, the Starlight Auction has long been decided, and the items to be auctioned are basically determined. If the Starlight Auction House dares to cancel this treasure, then it will offend all the forces in Douluo Star.

This is something no empire dares to do.

In short, everyone is going crazy, because the soul ring is no longer important. The Snow Emperor's soul bone is up to 700,000 years old. If you can get this treasure, even if you risk everything, it will be worth it.

If a super Douluo can obtain this soul bone, then it may not be a bad idea to break through the limit Douluo in the future.

The Mingdetang of the Sun and Moon Empire has begun to sell soul tools on a large scale. Not only ordinary soul tools, but also some limited soul tools. Jing Hongchen has secretly sold them despite the ban. He did this The purpose is just to raise more gold soul coins.

This is destined to be a crazy auction. The price of Snow Emperor's embryo is at least one billion gold soul coins, because Jing Hongchen is going to bid one billion gold soul coins at the beginning of the auction.

(End of this chapter)

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