Chapter 152 Calling Brother-in-law

The far north, the territory of the Titan Snow Demon.

Countless Titan Snow Demons of different ages are active in this area. Among them, the smallest ones are more than ten meters tall, and the largest ones are hundreds of meters high. This is the advantage of their Titan bloodline. As long as they grow up, they are destined to Can be invincible.

In the sky, the Titan Snow Demon, which is hundreds of meters high, is facing off against a figure that is very different in size from it. However, its face is full of solemnity, and it does not look down on the other person because of its size.

Because the existence in front of him is no less powerful than it, and in terms of strength, the Icefield Great White Bear in front of him is slightly better.

Its size is actually nothing in the far north. It can intimidate low-level soul beasts, but if they are competing at the same level, it will become a burden.

After all, the strength of an ice soul beast depends on its temperature.

The lower the skill temperature, the stronger the strength.

"Titan Snow Demon King, I know that you have been humiliated by my mother and have always held a grudge, but you brought it on yourself. Humans have already attacked my mother, and next is the Ice Emperor.

Then, it’s you. I will go find the Ice Emperor and summon all the hundred thousand year soul beasts in the far north to go to the human world and rescue my mother, the Snow Emperor. "

"You don't have to go, but you will be despised by all races in the Far North." The Icefield Great White Bear said viciously.

"Big Bear, are you threatening me?" Titan Snow Demon King's eyes widened.

"I'm just threatening you. After all, I will do anything for my mother."

"Hmph, your threat is ineffective. The Ice Emperor has been missing for a few days, and her breath has disappeared from the core area. If you can find her, I will accompany you on this trip."

"it is good"

It doesn’t need to be said by the Titan Snow Demon, the big white bear will also go to find the Ice Emperor. The Snow Emperor has disappeared. The Ice Emperor is the strongest fighting force in the far north. Only with her in charge can the rescue plan be successful.

It's just that the Ice Emperor disappeared. This is really weird. First, his mother was caught and auctioned by humans, and now the Ice Emperor has disappeared again. It's been such a troubled time.

The edge area of ​​the Far North.

In a hidden cave, extremely cold temperatures came out, and the terrifying breath of beasts frightened the surrounding low-level ice soul beasts.

Huo Xingling's whole body was dyed green.

She clenched her silver teeth and endured severe pain.

The Ice Emperor condensed his cultivation into a torso bone, and then fused it with Huo Xingling's body. After the terrifying 400,000-year-old soul bone entered her body, Huo Xingling almost fainted, but her amazing willpower allowed her to persevere. As time went by, her physical fitness improved rapidly and was continuously strengthened to incredible levels.

The soul bone entered the body smoothly, followed by the injection of soul power.

Huo Xingling's two martial souls were released by her, and under the control of the Ice Emperor, they slowly absorbed the Ice Emperor's pure ice attribute soul power.

Her two martial arts spirits even began to be tainted with a hint of ice aura.

The Three-Eyed Huanglong was okay, but her Sun Martial Spirit gradually became weird. The Sun Martial Spirit with ice attributes felt strange even thinking about it.

As the soul power continued to be injected, Huo Xingling's soul power also continued to increase.

After the Ice Emperor's blood-red soul ring was completely formed, her soul power also successfully broke through from level 29 to level 30. White, purple and red, this is her current soul ring ratio.

And this is not over yet. After Huo Xingling broke through, his cultivation level quickly reached the threshold of level 39. Due to the limitation of the soul ring, he could not continue to rise. Otherwise, he would definitely be able to break through the level 40 soul sect cultivation level. Moreover, it is certain that , her soul power must definitely exceed level 50.

Seeing this, the Ice Emperor continued to inject soul power to help Huo Xingling concentrate and refine the soul power, converting the soul power from gaseous state to liquid state, so that the total amount of soul power in Huo Xingling's body was increased several times again.

But at this moment, the figure of Tianmeng Iceworm suddenly appeared, with a look of horror on his face.

"It's over, Ice Emperor, Star Spirit, there is a super ferocious beast approaching us at a very fast speed. I can be sure that its target is us. We need to run away quickly."

Ice Emperor's face also changed when she heard this. Now she had reached the most critical stage. In order not to waste her soul power, she did not seal it, but chose to let Huo Xingling absorb it all. Therefore, the fusion process took a long time this time, causing her body to still be weak. The third martial spirit did not transform into Huo Xingling.

She knew that Tianmeng Bingsi was not targeting someone without aim.

While controlling the injection of soul power, he also allocated part of his mental power to explore in the direction Tianmeng Bingshu said.

Sure enough, the Ice Emperor's expression suddenly changed. This aura was definitely that of a super ferocious beast, and its target was them.

How to do?

Interruption? Then all the efforts have been wasted. Why don't you try to see if your breath can scare it?

Can I bet?

There was a battle between heaven and man in the Ice Emperor's heart. However, as the breath got closer and closer, the Ice Emperor's perception became clearer. She was suddenly stunned. She was very familiar with this breath.


When he learned that the visitor was an old acquaintance, the Ice Bear, the Ice Emperor let out a long sigh of relief.

"The crisis has been resolved. It's the Snow Emperor's son, Xiaobai, my little brother."

"Sister? What are you doing here? Something big has happened."

Hearing the Ice Emperor calling him, the Great White Bear of the Ice Plains immediately became excited, and his speed became a little faster. With his mother away, only the Ice Emperor's strength could give him a sense of security.

The success rate of the plan to find the Ice Emperor and rescue his mother will increase a lot.

But when its figure arrived, the whole bear was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Sister, are you offering a sacrifice?"

The great white bear in the ice field stretched out its fat palm in shock, pointing at the illusory Ice Emperor in front of it and Huo Xingling suspended in mid-air.

"Xiao Bai, the situation is a bit complicated. This is not a sacrifice. I have an old acquaintance here. Let him explain to you. I'm busy!"


As soon as the Ice Emperor finished speaking, the ugly figure of Tianmeng Iceworm suddenly appeared, startling the Icefield White Bear before it reacted.

"Big Tonic? Are you not dead yet?"

When the great white bear in the ice field saw the figure of Tianmeng Iceworm, tears of dissatisfaction flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The Tianmeng Ice Silkworm is extremely famous in the Far North, and the Snow Emperor is not interested in it. Therefore, it is the exclusive prey of the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, the second largest king in the Far North.

Every soul beast that wanted to take advantage of the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm entered the Ice Emperor's belly. Once, it happened to encounter the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm who was being chased by the Ice Emperor. Just when it wanted to take a bite, it was suddenly appeared. Ice King beat him up violently.

It was deeply impressed by Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

Hearing what Xiaobai said, Tianmeng Bingsi was immediately unhappy.

"Your children, big or small, are called brother-in-law."

 I'm late today and haven't made any changes. I wanted to catch up with full attendance, so I posted it directly, but I didn't make it in time. I'm sorry that I've made the changes now.



(End of this chapter)

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