Chapter 153

After Tianmeng Iceworm and Icefield Great White Bear explained in detail, the Great White Bear looked at the three of them in shock.

But it had a look of admiration on its face.

It actually had the guts to plan the divine world, and its view of Tianmeng has also changed.

Seeing that they were about to complete this strange transformation, it did not distract the Ice Emperor by telling him the news about the Snow Emperor.

After taking a deep look at Huo Xingling, it turned around and ran away. By the time it came back, the transformation here had completely ended.

Behind Huo Xingling, a crystal-clear shadow of an Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion appeared like a trophy. On her wrist, there was also a sashimi of an Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion.

Huo Xingling has completely possessed the third martial spirit, and it is also the ultimate ice-attribute martial spirit, the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion.

Her soul power is almost approaching level 60, and it is still the purest soul power.

Her talent is extremely high, and with the enhancement of Tianmeng and Dragon Pills, she can enjoy all the gifts given to her by the Ice Emperor so perfectly.

She is only twelve years old, and her combat prowess is no less than that of the Soul King. With her overwhelming soul power, powerful soul ring, and soul guidance device, she should not be afraid of even the Soul Saint.

At this time, everyone turned their attention to the great white bear in the ice field at the entrance of the cave. The illusory Ice Emperor and Tianmeng Ice Silkworm came out of Huo Xingling's sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, floating in the air, and stood opposite the great white bear in the ice field.

They all noticed the presence in its hands.

That's a toad covered in jade

He is currently in a coma. Judging from his age, he is undoubtedly a hundred thousand year old soul beast.

The great white bear in the ice field had been out for so long, and he actually went to catch a hundred thousand year soul beast for Huo Xingling?

The Ice Emperor was greatly moved.

After learning about his choice, Xiaobai actually chose to silently support himself.

After all these years, I finally didn't hurt it in vain.

"Little Xingling, come here quickly. This is your brother Xiaobai. Thank him for the meeting gift he gave you."

Huo Xingling was still adapting to her surge in strength. After hearing the Ice Emperor's words, she obediently walked up to the great white bear in the ice field.

"Brother Xiaobai, thank you for your gift."

She looked at the unconscious 100,000-year-old soul beast. If nothing else happened, this was the fourth soul ring captured for her by the powerful white bear in front of her. But could she really absorb it?

Strictly speaking, the Ice Emperor's spirit ring was not absorbed by her alone. It was the Ice Emperor who sacrificed it to her in a special way, which allowed her to absorb the 400,000-year-old top spirit ring in her third spirit ring. But she Now at the soul master level, can he really absorb the soul ring of a hundred thousand year old soul beast with his own strength?

She didn't know, but her eyes were full of passion and she wanted to try.

As if seeing Huo Xingling's hesitation, the Ice Emperor chuckled and encouraged.

"Star Spirit, you still don't know how powerful your potential is now. Your physical quality is already infinitely close to that of a hundred thousand year old soul beast. My soul bones are worth four hundred thousand. If I fuse them into your body, I will naturally make you His physical fitness has been strengthened to an incredible level.

Moreover, you also have powerful dragon energy to protect your body. A body of dragon blood is not even comparable to that of a pure-blooded dragon. You can absorb this soul ring more than enough. The only mental shock, Tianmeng and I can easily handle it. "

Dragon blood?

Huo Xingling suddenly realized that the Dragon Pill actually gave her body such a strong boost, making her bloodline stronger than that of ordinary pure-blood dragons.

In her heart, she felt a little more grateful to Moon.

The communication between soul beasts is very simple

Huo Xingling was not pretentious. After taking the ice toad, he gathered an ice blade and stabbed it at the most vulnerable part of its body, its brain. A hundred thousand year old soul beast was indeed the most powerful soul beast. Even if it was in a coma and was slaughtered at will by Huo Xingling, He persisted for dozens of minutes before dying.

As soon as the ice toad died, a blood-red soul ring condensed from its corpse. Huo Xingling immediately sat down cross-legged, released his soul power, and attracted the soul ring to his Three-Eyed Brilliant Dragon Martial Soul.

The terrifying soul power poured down in an instant, following the soul ring and entering Huo Xingling's martial soul. From there, the martial soul entered the meridians of her body, washing her limbs and bones.

Huo Xingling's body was indeed powerful, and he easily withstood the terrifying pressure and entered the rapid absorption stage.

It was stable here, and the Ice Emperor also found his mind and began to ask about the great white bear in the ice field.

"Xiao Bai, you said something happened. What happened?"

The Great White Bear in the Icefield heard the Ice Emperor's inquiry and got to the point. After all, it had traveled thousands of miles to find the Ice Emperor, and that was why it came. It looked at the Ice Emperor with a sad look on its face.

"Sister, mother, something happened."

As he said that, the Ice Plains Great White Bear took out a small piece of paper from his lower body and handed it to the Ice Emperor. The Ice Emperor didn't mind it either. After levitating it with his soul power, he looked at it carefully, but then, something broke out from her body. It exuded an extremely terrifying aura.

Murderous aura and anger filled the entire cave, even causing Huo Xingling, who was absorbing the soul ring, to tremble slightly.

"Humans, how dare you be so arrogant? Bully my Snow Emperor?"

The Ice Emperor's anger made everyone tremble with fear.

Snow Emperor, her favorite existence, was unexpectedly attacked by humans and was about to be put up for auction in the auction house.

This is simply unreasonable.

Humans deserve to be killed, and the soul master who sneak-attacked the Snow Emperor deserves to be cut into pieces.

After learning the news, the Ice Emperor completely lost control.

She hates others, but she hates herself even more

She hated why she had become like this at this time and lost the ability to protect the Snow Emperor.

Can they snatch the Ice King back from humans?

she does not know.

Irritated, she cast her fierce gaze on Tianmeng Bingcan, who felt guilty.

"Tian Meng, if there is no Snow Emperor this time, I will not let you go."

Tianmeng Bingshen naturally knew what the Ice Emperor meant.

This is also a coincidence. Who knew that such an accident would happen to the Snow Emperor when the Ice Emperor transformed into a wisdom soul ring? He was actually discovered by humans when he re-transformed, and then was captured and prepared for auction?

How unlucky is this Snow Emperor to have encountered such a thing?

No, it should be that ninth-level soul master. How much smoke has come out of the ancestral grave to encounter such a good thing?

However, if you cause trouble, you have to solve it no matter what.

Tian Meng Bing Silkworm pondered for a moment. After seeing Huo Xingling, it suddenly had an idea and thought about it.

"Ice Emperor, actually, we can go get the Snow Emperor back."

"Of course I want to grab it, but the question is, how should we grab it?"

"Isn't this simple? The little star spirit's spiritual consciousness sea has been continuously strengthened by us and can accommodate many soul beasts. When the time comes, we will gather all the powerful hundred thousand year old spirit beasts in the far north. Let the little star spirit go Starlight Auction House, let us out again.”

"Turn the auction upside down"

 There is a lot of foreshadowing. This continent-wide soul master competition will be very exciting. I am afraid that the Star Luo Empire will be destroyed.



(End of this chapter)

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