Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 154 Xuanzi, you are still such a waste

Chapter 154 Xuanzi, you are still such a waste

One month later

Shrek Academy

Nearly two months have passed since the war, and Shrek Academy has returned to life as expected. It is basically the same as before the beast tide. The only change is that the deceased are dead.

Poseidon Island, Poseidon Pavilion

After more than a month, another Poseidon Pavilion meeting was held.

On the golden chair, Zhang Lexuan sat happily in the main seat, and opposite her, sat an earthy figure.

He is Taotie Douluo of Shrek Academy, Xuanzi

Although the aura on his body was still a little weak, it was really a miracle that he survived such a terrible injury.

The rest are seniors from Shrek Academy.

Lin Laozhuang, Lao Song, and other senior pavilion elders.

As well as Yan Shaozhe, Qian Duoduo, Cai Meier, Xian Liner and others

Everyone looked serious. It seemed like they were discussing something important.

"We must participate in this continent-wide elite soul master competition, and we must win the championship with an overwhelming attitude to shock other forces in the continent and let them know that our Shrek Academy has not weakened. On the contrary, we have become stronger this time. The beast tide has become stronger.”

"I agree," a cabinet minister seconded.

"Me too, our Shrek Academy is powerful and cannot be destroyed. In this competition, we will prove to all the forces in the mainland that we are still invincible."

"Okay, Le Xuan, what do you think?" Mr. Song asked

"This is a good thing, and I naturally agree. Is this the lineup selection this time?"

"This continent-wide elite soul master competition, naturally we want to win the beautiful one. In this case, we have to use all the strength of the inner court. The previous first team, the rest of the people remain unchanged, Xixi and Ling Luochen become the second team. For the second team, remove Xiaoxiao and He Caitou."

"For the first team, join the two brothers Zhang Toushu and Zhang Toumu. This time, our Shrek Academy will send out four soul emperor level students to suppress everyone." At this time, Mr. Xuan, who had been silent all the time, spoke.

"Yes, I agree." As soon as he said this, all the elders agreed.

At such a critical moment, it is natural to be absolutely sure.

At this point, Shrek Academy’s participating teams have been completely established.

a team:

Captain Ma Xiaotao, Level 68 Attack System Soul Emperor, Martial Soul Evil Fire Phoenix

Vice-captain Zhang Toushu, level 68 power-attack war soul emperor, martial soul-swallowing sky rat

Team member Zhang Toumu, level 68 power-attack war soul emperor, martial soul swallowing sky rat

Team member Chen Zifeng, level 57 attack type warrior soul emperor, martial soul chasing soul sword

Team member Yao Haoxuan, level 58 attack spirit king, martial spirit

Team member Gong Yangmo, level 59 auxiliary soul king, martial soul colorful dragon

Second team

Captain Huo Xingling, level 49 attack-type fighting soul sect, martial soul three-eyed brilliant dragon, ice jade emperor scorpion

Beibei, level 45 attack-type fighting spirit sect, martial spirit blue electric tyrannosaurus.

Xu Sanshi, level 44 defensive war sect, Wuhun Xuanming turtle armor shield

Jiang Nannan, level 43 agility-based combat spirit master, martial spirit soft-bone rabbit

Wang Dong, level 29 attack-type fighting spirit sect, martial spirit light goddess butterfly, Haotian Hammer

Xixi, level 53 agility attack spirit king, martial spirit lightning leopard

Ling Luochen, the fifty-fourth level control-type war soul king, has a martial soul ice staff.

Among them, Huo Xingling's strength is the most shocking. In just one month's leave, he transformed from a great soul master to a soul sect. He also gained two thousand-year soul rings and an ultimate ice martial soul. , which shocked everyone in Poseidon Pavilion, and even held a Poseidon Pavilion meeting for her.

Huo Xingling's potential is undoubtedly very powerful. Coupled with her extremely terrifying mental detection and mental sharing, Mr. Xuan even wants to put her into the first team.

"The above is the arrangement for this continent-wide elite soul master competition. Is there anything else you would like to add?" After getting a signal from Mr. Xuan, Zhang Lexuan sorted out the participants and then read them out.


Xuanzi smiled slightly

"That's good. This time, I will personally lead the team. With me here, nothing will go wrong."

A few days later, in the Mingdou Mountains, the Death Thief camp.

Shrek Academy established the largest inspection team in the mainland to monitor the mainland. The cruel forces of the Death Thieves were naturally targeted by Shrek Academy. In order to train the students, Xuanzi decided to personally take charge of the two teams that had been working together for several days to provide They saw blood and experienced the cruelty of the soul master world.

At this moment, all the students in Shrek Academy are fighting hard.

Xuanzi was observing from a distance, and when he saw that the highest cultivation being in the dark was only the Soul King, he relaxed his vigilance a little and continued to drink a little wine.

After months of recuperating in the golden tree, he had already suffered from suffocation.

Whenever I have time, I will give myself a few sips.

But just when he relaxed his vigilance, an accident suddenly happened.

Everyone in Shrek Academy was excited to fight.

But at this moment, a sharp roar sounded from the depths of the cave, "Who dares to oppose the messenger of death? You will all die and become my corpse slaves." Hearing this sound, the bandits not only did not Excited, they quickly retreated, and each of them trembled all over.

"Be careful." Huo Xingling had the strongest mental power. She immediately sensed something was wrong and yelled fiercely.

Because during her mental detection, she was shocked to find that the dead bodies on the ground were growing larger and turning red at an alarming rate.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom" violent roars sounded one after another in the cave, and horrific explosions accompanied by flesh and blood were scattered in all directions in the cave.

Because the five people in the second team had just entered and they were within Huo Xingling's mental detection range, they reacted immediately and quickly threw themselves to the place where there was no body, without being affected at all.

However, the nine disciples of the inner courtyard who were in the middle of a fierce battle and had killed a large number of enemies were not so lucky. They were completely at the core of the explosion.

Fortunately, with Huo Xingling's reminder, everyone immediately defended themselves, but despite this, the power of the corpse explosion was too powerful. The bones, muscles, and blood of the dead corpses all became weapons after the explosion. The stronger the body was during life, the more powerful it would be when it exploded. Especially the soul king who had been torn apart by Dai Yaohengsheng, it even felt like the earth was shaking when it exploded.

The explosion lasted for more than ten seconds before gradually calming down. The Shrek supervisors never expected to face such a situation. How could a bandit group led by only the Soul King have such a skill? And the power is so great. This was beyond their judgment, and because of this, they suffered a huge blow.

Just as the explosion sounded, Xuanzi, who was sitting on the roof outside the cave and was drinking wine, was slightly startled. Then, he instantly turned into a stream of light and penetrated into the cave.

In his opinion, these bandits had no chance of resisting in front of the elite disciples of Shrek Academy. What's more, there is the mature and steady Wang Yan in charge of the overall situation. So he felt safe drinking outside. No one liked the taste of blood.

Mr. Xuan did not expect that such a drastic change would suddenly occur. The powerful explosion just now completely exceeded the attack power that the Soul King and Soul Emperor levels can produce.

"Quack, quack, quack, how does this messenger's corpse explosion taste? No matter how strong you are, you will definitely die in front of my serial corpse explosion. If you can't be killed by the explosion, you will be poisoned!"

The entire cave was filled with a strong smell of blood, and there was also a strong feeling of wetness. Almost everyone was covered with a layer of plasma. The bodies of the hundreds of bandits who had been killed before had all exploded violently.

This corpse explosion and lack of recognition not only hurt the students of Shrek Academy, but also killed a large number of the bandits who were still alive. But these bandits were obviously somewhat prepared, and some of them quickly hid in the depression under the cave wall, so that they were not all affected.

The most terrifying thing is that the liquid produced after the explosion is as violently corrosive as strong acid. From the cave roof to the cave wall, the "chichi" sound caused by corrosion is constantly heard everywhere. The hidden enemy not only caused the corpses to explode, but also made these corpses poisonous. How vicious.

When the corpse explosion occurred, Huo Xingling reminded everyone that everyone was trying their best to protect themselves. However, because of the different abilities of martial souls, the effects of protection were naturally different.

Ma Xiaotao and Dai Yueheng were blown to the side. Both of them vomited blood, but with the protection of their soul skills, they were not contaminated by the poisonous blood. The place where Ma Xiaotao fell was right in front of Huo Xingling. not far away.

The two brothers Zhang Toushu and Zhang Toumu ran the fastest, but they were not seriously injured.

Ling Luochen had ice that could protect her whole body. Although she was also blown away, she was already behind, and with the timely defense, the situation was not too bad. Like Ma Xiaotao and Dai Yueheng, she also vomited blood but There was no external injury.

However, Chen Zifeng was not as lucky as them. He was also an offensive spirit master. In terms of pure attack power, with the same spirit ring, he even surpassed Ma Xiaotao and Dai Yueheng. But how could his soul-chasing sword protect his whole body? At the critical moment, all he could rely on was his own soul power and the Shrek Supervisor's armor.

At this time, Chen Zifeng's entire body had been blown to the side, his right leg was missing, and he kept screaming amid the poisonous erosion.

He was not the only one who suffered heavy losses. Gongyang Mo was not much stronger than him. He was a super auxiliary soul master, but he was not good at defense! What's more, the group of corpses exploded so suddenly. Although Ling Luochen beside him helped to defend himself, his chest, abdomen, and legs were still covered in large areas of blood and flesh. There was even smoke coming out of his body, and he had already fallen into a coma.

Yao Haoxuan was in the same tragic situation. His body was the largest and he withstood the strongest explosion force. Half of his body was blown away, and he obviously could not survive.

Xixi's situation was slightly stronger than him. She had lightning protection and was fast, so only her back was hit by the blast. But it was also a bloody mess, and he fell to the ground to endure the pain.

All nine disciples in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy were seriously injured to varying degrees, and one of them died in battle. What was originally an overwhelming situation has turned into such a tragic situation.

All this happened so suddenly. Everyone in the outer courtyard was not affected because they were on the periphery, but they were all dumbfounded.

"Asshole." An old roar suddenly sounded, causing the entire cave to tremble violently. Intense white light instantly filled every corner of the cave, and all the corrosive poisonous blood evaporated and disappeared in an instant.

The old and slovenly figure arrived. Old Xuan raised his right hand and made a pulling motion towards the cave in front. Suddenly, a terrifying suction force came from his palm. I saw a figure instantly photographed in the cave. Head straight in his direction.

Elder Xuan's mood at this time could no longer be described as grief and indignation. With him leading the team, such huge damage occurred, and the ones injured were all the new generation of Shrek's Seven Devils from Shrek Academy! In a few days, they will represent the academy to participate in the Continental Senior Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition. But at this time, one person died in the battle and all the others were seriously injured.

The figure that Mr. Xuan grabbed out of the cave out of thin air was a man whose whole body was shrouded in black robes. He looks very thin, but his appearance is not visible. Only the three yellow and two purple soul rings on his body could be seen shining brightly. He is indeed just a soul king. However, it was this Soul King who caused the tragedy that shocked the entire audience just now!

Being caught by Mr. Xuan, he suddenly screamed again in fear. Struggling desperately. But what kind of cultivation level does Mr. Xuan have? How can he be able to compete with him? He was caught close by before he could see it.

At this moment, suddenly, Yao Haoxuan, who had collapsed to death after half of his body was blown off, grew bigger again.

"Mr. Xuan, be careful." Huo Xingling exclaimed.

Mr. Xuan's perception is not weak at all. Compared with the evil soul master, the disciples are obviously more important! There had already been such tragic injuries, how could he tolerate any more casualties.

He raised his hands suddenly, and a solid white light instantly enveloped Yao Haoxuan's body. At the same time, he flicked his fingers, and the guy with five soul rings flashing on his body suddenly felt like he had been struck by a giant hammer. However, a strange scene happened at this moment. The fifth purple soul ring on his body suddenly lit up, and his whole person turned into a wisp of smoke. Instead of running away directly, he pounced on Huo Xingling like lightning.

Although Huo Xingling turned on the mental detection, the opponent's speed was too fast, giving her no time to react. Immediately afterwards, she felt the world around her spinning, and there was Old Xuan's roar. As soon as his feet were empty, he sank instantly.

A violent roar followed, and Yao Haoxuan's body exploded, leaving no bones. But all the explosions in his body were controlled by Xuan Lao. But because of this, Mr. Xuan's action to rescue Huo Xingling was a little slow. His palms were only grasped on the re-turned stone slab. Huo Xingling and the evil soul master were already very close.

"Bastard." Mr. Xuan roared angrily. He was obviously really angry. He punched the ground suddenly and smashed the upturned stone slab into pieces.

But at this moment, an extremely terrifying coercion surged up from all directions in the evil soul master's passage, and soon, three figures appeared in front of the embarrassed and panicked crowd.

The leader of the Hand of Death lay on the ground with a look of despair, like a dead dog.

A black figure slowly flew up holding Huo Xingling.

It was Huo Yuhao wearing a mask.

Huo Yuhao glanced at Xuanzi teasingly and said mockingly:

"Taotie Douluo of Shrek Academy, this is the second time you've made a mistake while drinking. You are such a waste!"

(End of this chapter)

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