Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 156 The Eve of the Competition

Chapter 156 The Eve of the Competition

Wang Xianer is a Medical Immortal Douluo, so he naturally has two skills.

Her healing angel martial spirit is the ceiling of the healing martial spirit.

In Douluo Continent, if someone cannot be cured by Wang Xianer, they will have to wait for death.

Although Chen Zifeng's injuries were serious, they were mainly in his legs. One of his legs was blown off, so even if he recovers, he may not be able to use the sword normally in the future.

However, the soul guidance device is so advanced that it is easy to customize a soul guidance leg.

Regarding his situation, the fifth black soul ring behind Wang Xianer lit up, and a green-gold light suddenly appeared. Under Wang Xianer's control, it covered Chen Zifeng's thigh. Soon, the blood on Chen Zifeng's leg stopped. It stopped, and the green corpse poison at the wound began to be purified.

After dealing with Chen Zifeng, she turned her attention to Gong Yangmo.

This young man can be said to be useless.

Most of his internal organs were damaged. Although he was not dead, he was still close.

As a doctor, she does not recommend treating him, because even if he saves his life, he will be a useless person in the future.

This is also the reason why she chose to save Chen Zifeng first.

But since the commander-in-chief has spoken, he should be saved anyway.

Under the anxious gazes of everyone, the fifth, eighth, and eighth soul rings behind Wang Xianer lit up one after another.

"The light of healing blooms, and the holy healing heals the wounds."

"Healing light blooms, super-speed recovery"

"Healing light blooms, angelic light"

The three soul skills were released instantly, and Gong Yangmo's body was covered by several bright rays of light containing divine power.

The wounds on his body were repaired in an instant, and at the same time, the corpse poison on his body was also being slowly removed.

Everyone was shocked by Wang Xianer's move.

A strange color flashed in the eyes of Dai Yueheng and Ma Xiaotao.

If Medical Immortal Douluo Wang Xianer can treat them, will the chance of winning this competition be better?

However, after seeing the imposing commander, they suppressed their thoughts and just patiently watched Chen Zifeng and Gongyang Mo being treated.

After a moment, Wang Xianer shook her head helplessly and took back her martial spirit.

"Commander, your life is saved, but one leg is broken and the other is missing part of his internal organs. Although it is not fatal, he will be paralyzed in bed for the rest of his life."


Huo Yuhao nodded lightly.

He knew that this was the limit.

After Xuanzi heard the result, although he was disappointed, he was still very happy.

"My Shrek Academy will never forget your kindness today. I am in a hurry to send these children back to the academy, so I won't say more."

After saying that, Xuanzi dragged the two people who were still unconscious and turned around to leave.

"Taotie Douluo, go back and tell Zhang Lexuan that she owes me another favor. I will go to her to get it back."

When Xuanzi heard this, he was slightly startled, but without turning around, he disappeared from everyone's eyes in a flash.

Star Luo Empire, Starlight Auction House.

Star Dou City has been extremely busy during this period.

The players and spectators who came to participate in the Continental Elite Soul Master Competition had already booked their hotels a month in advance. Even in the basement, no room was vacant. The Star Luo Empire had not yet started the competition. A huge profit has been made.

All the residents of Xingluo City marveled that this year's competition was much more lively than previous ones. With more people, business will naturally improve. The residents of Xingluo City feel very happy. However, the Xingluo royal family is not relaxed at this moment.

The matter of the Snow Emperor's embryo was too big a fuss.

Xu Changsheng became much less angry because of this incident, and he looked only seven or eight years old.

"His grandma's. If I know who Shi Chui's Snow Emperor embryo is, I will have to have a fight with him."

Facing his ancestor's venting, Xu Jiawei did not dare to express his anger.

When Xu Chang was almost angry, he spoke carefully.

"Ancestor, the value of a hundred-thousand-year-old embryo turned into a Snow Emperor embryo will increase at least dozens of times. Shouldn't this be a good thing? Why are you so angry?"

After receiving the news, Xu Jiawei was shocked and even felt a little greedy.

If he could get the Snow Emperor's soul bone, then wouldn't he have hope of pursuing that realm? However, everyone knew about this auction. If he went back on his word, the Star Luo Empire would probably become the target of public criticism, and the gain would outweigh the loss.

Moreover, this soul bone belongs to the ancestor. If the ancestor doesn't want it, it will be his turn.

However, although he could not absorb it, he was still very excited. After all, the Snow Emperor's worth was several times higher than that of a hundred thousand year old embryo.

Although this incident caused a big fuss and put the royal family under great pressure recently, it was all a good thing. He really couldn't understand why the ancestor was so angry.

Hearing Xu Jiawei's words, Xu Changsheng's young face suddenly smiled.

"Jia Wei, how is your strength?"

Xu Jiawei was stunned for a moment, then quickly answered

"Back to my ancestors, I'm level ninety-two."

"No wonder, have you ever seen a group of Super Douluo fighting with all their strength? Ninety-eighth level Super Douluo? Extreme Douluo?"

Xu Jiawei could only shake his head repeatedly. It was obvious that Xu Jiawei couldn't answer Xu Changsheng's question. He had been in Xingluo Palace all the time and had no chance to witness such a scene.

"It doesn't matter if you haven't seen it before. You will be able to see it when the auction is over."

"Ancestor, do you mean that someone actually dares to rob something in Xingluo City?"

"What do you think? This is the Snow Emperor's embryo, which is of immeasurable value. In the current Xingluo City, as far as the auras I can sense now, there are ten that are not weaker than mine. When the time comes to take action, it is estimated that the entire planet Luocheng will be blown up."


Xu Jiawei finally understood the seriousness of the matter.

The stronger a soul master is, the less bound he is by rules.

The Protector Douluo of the Star Luo Empire were all willing to stay after being promised huge profits.

He knew that many strong men would come this time, but he did not expect that so many would come.

What kind of cultivation is the ancestor? He now actually said that the aura of the visitor was not weaker than his at all. If there was a fight, Xingluo City would be destroyed.

However, at this time, he suddenly thought of a figure.

He suddenly became confident.

"Ancestor, Huo Yuhao will be in Star Luo City during the competition. As long as he is here, no matter how many beings that are as strong as you come, he can suppress them with just a raise of his hand, whether it is the Starlight Auction or the Continental Elite Soul Master Competition. It’s absolutely foolproof.”

"Huo Yuhao?"

Xu Changsheng murmured to himself, and then said: "His strength is indeed good, but I am afraid that he is holding back something bad. This kid's strength is not normal, and his brain is not normal. This time, the Snow Emperor embryo incident, I am the first He was the only one who doubted it."

Xu Jiawei:

(End of this chapter)

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