Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 157 Shrek Academy’s combat arrangements

Chapter 157 Shrek Academy’s combat arrangements

The continent-wide elite soul master competition, which is held every five years and takes twenty years to reach an empire, is finally the turn of the Star Luo Empire. The entire Star Luo Empire attaches great importance to this competition. The venue for the competition is even set to be in Star Luo. In Xingluo Square in front of the Imperial City.

Xingluo Square is very large and can accommodate the largest number of spectators. It is said that for this competition alone, 30,000 soldiers were mobilized in the city to maintain order. Among them, 10,000 soldiers are responsible for duty in Xingluo Square.

Not far from the east side of Xingluo Square, there is a seven-story hotel.

This grand hotel called Star King is owned by the royal family. This time it was specially set aside to receive contestants from advanced soul master academies or soul master academies from various countries.

As the defending champion and the number one soul master academy in the mainland, the participating team members of Shrek Academy were arranged in the luxurious rooms on the top floor. Not only does each person have a bedroom, there is also a dedicated conference room for them to use.

At this time, all eleven team members plus the teacher Wang Yan who led the team were sitting in the conference room, holding a pre-game mobilization meeting.

They arrived in Star Luo City yesterday, which was considered very late among participating colleges. However, as the defending champion and the number one college in the mainland, in the eyes of others, this was just because of the pride of Shrek College.

Wang Yan was sitting in the first place, and on the left were Ma Xiaotao, Dai Yueheng, Ling Luochen and Xixi who were still pale. They all hurt the internal organs, despite medical treatment and self-recuperation. However, traveling quickly and using the flying soul guide made their injuries tend to worsen. The recuperation time may even be longer than expected.

To his right, several people from the Shrek Academy reserve team were sitting, while the two brothers Zhang Toushu and Zhang Toumu were sitting opposite him, looking like they looked down on everyone.

Wang Yan was too lazy to care, and had no way to care. After all, everyone else in the official team was seriously injured, and only these two brothers were fine.

However, Wang Yan usually felt unhappy with them, but at this time, he felt that these two brothers were particularly pleasing to the eye.

After all, although their character is not good, these two brothers really have nothing to say about their strength.

Whether Shrek Academy can successfully defend its title this time really depends on these two brothers.

The registration time for the academy ends today, and Wang Yan has already completed the registration with the competition organizer. However, there has been no news from the academy, and there is probably no plan to send reinforcements.

It seems that the college is planning to burn the boat.

But even so, he didn't panic at all. He already had a complete and bold plan in his heart.

Wang Yan calmed down his mind, with a smile on his face, and said, "How did everyone have a rest last night? The treatment in the Star Luo Empire is really good."

Beibei, who was sitting first on his right, said, "You're resting well. Teacher Wang Yan, did you call us here to discuss some tactics?"

From Beibei's point of view, although Ma Xiaotao and Dai Yueheng were seriously injured, there were still two strong soul emperors in the team with cultivation levels as high as level 68.

In this low-scoring game, isn't it just random killing?

As far as he knew, there were very few soul king level experts in many academy teams, let alone soul emperors.

After Senior Dai Yueheng and Senior Ma Xiaotao recover from their injuries, Shrek Academy will have four soul emperors again. How can this not directly overwhelm the entire field?

Wang Yan smiled lightly

"We'll talk about tactics and stuff later. Tomorrow's first game will be an exhibition match for our academy. This is the tradition of all continental elite soul master competitions in the past."

A hint of pride flashed in Wang Yan's eyes, and he continued:

"This is our privilege to win the championship again. It is the glory that belongs exclusively to our Shrek Academy. We must not only win, but also win beautifully."

Wang Yan's words were very provocative. After listening to them, everyone was excited, as if they had been honored.

At this time, even the two brothers Zhang Toushu and Zhang Toumu stopped being carefree and looked solemn. “Teacher Wang Yan, what is your plan?” Ma Xiaotao went straight to the point and asked the key question.

"Actually, it's very simple. In tomorrow's first match, the opponent will definitely not be too strong. The organizer will not get into a tense situation in the first showdown. It is estimated that there will be very few soul kings among the opponents, and this is exactly what happened. Our chance.”

"Opportunity?" Dai Yueheng asked doubtfully.

"Yes, it's an opportunity. It will take half a month for you and Xiaotao to recover from their injuries. This is our disadvantage, but we can completely shock all the contestants in tomorrow's game, making them fearful and even hostile to us. Fear, in this way, we can take the upper hand every time we fight."

"Teacher Wang Yan, how can we do it?"

"It all depends on our peerless genius." Wang Yan smiled slightly and turned his gaze to Huo Xingling. At this time, everyone followed his gaze and looked at Huo Xingling.

With so many people's eyes on him, Huo Xinglin felt very uncomfortable.

"Okay, I won't be too pretentious. My arrangement is this."

"Tomorrow, there will be a seven-man team battle. Brothers Zhang Toushu and Zhang Toumu will be at the front, acting as the main battlers and forwards. Ma Xiaotao and Dai Yueheng will also play, but you only need to release your martial souls and soul rings. The rest will be enough. The three of them are Huo Xingling, Wang Dong and Xu Sanshi arranged by me."

"Here, the star spirit is the key. Tomorrow, I need you to use simulated soul skills to simulate Xu Sanshi into a seven-ring soul saint with two yellow, two purple, two black and one red, and simulate Wang Dong into two yellow and two With the soul emperor cultivation level of purple and black, as for you, you are also the standard soul emperor."

"Then, next, Star Spirit, you have to use your mental detection and mental sharing to help the two brothers Zhang Toushu and Zhang Toumu kill the opposing team in an instant."

"My plan is to make all the participants firmly believe that our Shrek Academy has an all-soul emperor lineup led by a twenty-year-old soul saint this time. I want all the teams to hear that our Shrek Academy The academy's team became frightened upon hearing the news and even fled without a fight."


Wang Yan's words gave everyone present goosebumps.

However, Beibei reacted quickly and asked

"Teacher Wang Yan, you can fool me in the front, but what about the back? Wang Dong is a great soul master, and Xu Sanshi is also a soul sect."

As soon as Beibei said these words, Xu Sanshi immediately turned against him.

"What's wrong with you, Soul Sect? Are you eating your rice? Is it difficult to admit that I am excellent? In Teacher Wang Yan's heart, I am the only candidate to lead the team."

"Well, Sanshi, actually, I chose you to imitate the Soul Saint simply because you seem to be the most mature one among them. If Wang Dong is asked to imitate the Soul Saint, it would be a bit too fake, but you can barely do it."


As soon as Wang Yan finished his sentence, Jiang Nannan's clear voice rang out. Apparently, she was amused by Wang Yan's words. Not only her, but others also laughed out loud.

Xu Sanshi was immediately embarrassed, but Teacher Wang Yan's words actually made him laugh from the beauty, and he laughed along with him, not caring at all about being said to be old.

"Actually, the reason for choosing Wang Dong and Sanshi is very simple. Teacher, first of all, I want to say sorry to you here, because choosing you means that you will not be able to play in this competition, at least until the main players recover. Before, you two had to maintain a cold image to confuse your opponents."


 Tomorrow Shrek Pure Clown



(End of this chapter)

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