Douluo, I, Huo Yuhao, reject Tianmeng at the beginning

Chapter 158 Shrek VS Holy Spirit Cult

Chapter 158 Shrek VS Holy Spirit Cult

Not only Shrek Academy is having a meeting, but almost all the contestants are meeting at this time.

At this moment, in a very remote hotel in the Star Luo Empire, a conference room was full of seats.

A blood-red figure sat at the head, and a total of seven students took their seats. The team leader plus the students, there were only eight people in total, which meant that this team had no substitutes. What confidence this is!

However, their strength is indeed worthy of confidence.

Among the seven figures in the conference room, except for one Soul King, the rest are all Soul Emperor or above, and there is even a strong person with Soul Saint aura.

What a terrifying strength this is.

Among them, several obscene glances were cast on the beautiful figure at the head of the group from time to time. These students actually had lustful thoughts towards the leader. They were really audacious.

However, the red figure at the head did not care about their gazes.

They are just dead people anyway.

On weekdays, she and Long Xiaoyao stayed in the depths of the Holy Spirit Sect. Except for a few elders, very few people in the Holy Sect knew her, let alone these new generations of the Holy Spirit Sect?

Therefore, she didn't care at all about the offense of these little devils.

This time the Holy Spirit Cult was personally led by Ye Xishui under the pseudonym Shui Xiye.

Her only goal is Huo Yuhao.

A pair of beautiful eyes glanced at everyone coldly, and Ye Xishui's breathtaking voice suddenly sounded.

"In this competition, I have only one request, and that is to kill all my opponents, win the championship, and let the prestige of the Holy Cult resound throughout the continent."

The hotel where Tianhun Empire is located

In the luxurious conference room, members of the Royal Soul Master Academy of the Heavenly Soul Empire were holding a meeting.

A dark green figure sat at the front, and opposite him was the teacher dressed as the Tianhun Royal Soul Master Academy. Several people were forced to sit aside, but there was no dissatisfaction.

The leader is none other than Poison.

On the left hand side of Du Bushu, except for the two figures closest to him, which were relatively normal, the rest were all weird-looking beings, either with big heads or thick legs and thick arms, which were all weird shapes.

The poison on the right side is relatively normal.

They were all wearing the costumes of Tianhun Royal Soul Master Academy.

Obviously, in this continent-wide elite soul master competition, the Heavenly Soul Empire and the Noumenon Sect have joined forces.

The elites of the Noumenon Sect were the main force in this competition, while the students from Tianhun Royal Soul Master Academy became the substitutes.

But it seems that no one among the students is dissatisfied.

After all, the leader of the Noumenon Sect has won their respect with his strength.

"Master Poison, your sect has dispatched three soul emperors and a full lineup of soul kings this time. Isn't it possible to capture the championship of this competition? As far as I know, even Shrek Academy may not be as powerful as your sect's configuration."

"Teacher Zhao, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. I am not interested in the champion of this competition. The only purpose of my coming here is for the Snow Emperor's embryo."

"What about you, Poison Sect Master?" Zhao Shuhuang didn't believe it. With the configuration of the Noumenon Sect, he said he didn't want to win the championship, and he didn't believe it even if he was beaten to death.

"Humph, since my Noumenon Sect is going to be born, it is natural that it should be more prestigious. At the very least, it should surpass Shrek Academy."

When it comes to Shrek Academy, Poisonous Immortal's tone is much higher.

"Then I wish the sect master gets his wish!"

Zhao Shuhuang is the leader of this year's Tianhun Empire Royal Soul Master Academy.

But he knew that this time the Noumenon Sect was born, they were destined to become foils.

Tianhun Royal Soul Master Academy doesn't even have a Soul Emperor, how can it compare with the Noumenon Sect?

But this is good, after all, the Noumenon Sect is the representative of the Heavenly Soul Empire. If it really wins the championship in this competition, the Heavenly Soul Empire can also enjoy this honor.


In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight shone into Star Luo City, the capital of the Star Luo Empire revealed a serious atmosphere.

All the streets around Xingluo Square were blocked by soldiers in bright armor, especially near the Star Emperor Hotel, where thousands of soldiers were stationed. The streets leading from here to Xingluo Square were under complete martial law. Only the participating team members from each academy who walked out of the Star King Hotel can pass.

The competition stage used for this continental advanced soul master academy soul fighting competition is not built in the center of Xingluo Square. But in front of the main gate of the imperial city. In this way, His Majesty the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire and his civil and military ministers could watch the battle directly from the top of the imperial city. Not only does it have the best view, it's also safe and worry-free.

The entire competition stage is 100 meters long and 5 meters high. There are a total of 108 metal pillars around the competition stage. This is not a decoration, but a real protective soul guide. After the competition begins, one hundred and eight soul masters will be in charge of protecting the competition stage. These metal pillars will form a protective shield to block all soul skills inside from leaking out. To avoid damaging the imperial city or hurting innocent people.

Just building this competition stage cost a huge amount of money, plus mobilizing soul masters to serve the competition for more than a month. Without national-level strength, it is really difficult.

At this time, Xingluo Square was empty except for the soldiers in the distance. The square was deserted.

The last time the Star Luo Empire held the Continent-wide Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition, there was a stampede incident. This time, the Star Luo Empire royal family attached great importance to it. Not only did they dispatch an army to maintain order, but they also came up with many new methods.

There are many iron fences in the square. These iron fences with a height of about 1.5 meters will not affect the sight of most people, but they divide the square into different areas. There are different entrances and exits for spectators entering and exiting. Thus. It was much easier for the soldiers to maintain order. There will also be clear limits on the number of people allowed in each area.

The Imperial City is on the north side, facing south, and a luxurious rest area is also built on the west side of the competition stage, specially provided for the participating members of each academy. However, the seating area can only accommodate about seventy colleges. There was clearly no preparation for a spot in a college that was eliminated in the first round. This is not wasted. At the same time, it can also stimulate the fighting spirit of the participating students.

Since the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition switched to the current format, apart from the finals, the most exciting thing is actually the first round of knockout matches, which are far more exciting and even tragic than the ones that follow. Round robin.

The round robin can also have tactical arrangements and even tactical failures. But this first round is a direct elimination round. If you lose, you will leave. Any participating college must pass this level. Even the previous champion Shrek Academy is the same. There is a bye in the competition, but no college can directly enjoy the bye privilege. Early in the morning, the leading teachers from each college had already arrived at the Imperial City to draw lots based on the competition number plates they received when registering.

At this time, the lottery ceremony has been completed. Star Luo Empire has its own officials to calculate the results of the lottery. Once the order of the competition is announced, the final preparations for the early stage of the competition will be completed.

The sun slowly rose into the sky from the distant east, and a sense of warmth suddenly rose in Xingluo City, which was located in the middle of the continent.

As soon as the time came, Xingluo officials immediately allowed the public to enter, and the participating teams also entered the arena through special passages arranged in advance.

More than a hundred teams entered the venue, and the stadium was filled up immediately.

After the guards guided them to their respective rest areas, the referee on the stage began the final mobilization introduction.

rest area.

Everyone in Shrek Academy looked excited.

Shrek Academy is the uncrowned king of all time, and everyone will only remember who is number one, not number two.

The entire audience was chanting the name of Shrek Academy, which pushed the prestige of Shrek Academy to its peak.

"Everyone, don't be nervous. Everything will go according to plan. Let us give the competition a bit of shock that belongs to Shrek Academy and let other academies know that we are invincible."

Fortunately, Ma Xiaotao and Dai Yueheng had participated in the Continental Elite Soul Master Competition as a reserve team in the last edition, so they both performed relatively calmly.

But everyone else was shocked by this huge scene, especially the loud shouts, which made Huo Xingling, Wang Dong and others look nervous.

Wang Yan saw it and spoke to comfort him.

In his opinion, his plan is foolproof, and the real strategy is to attack the heart first.

The academy's reputation was there, and Wang Yan could see the nervousness of the other teams.

He was certain that the other teams were silently thinking not to be matched with Shrek Academy.

They are already so afraid of them now. If the plan in the first game is successful, they will definitely save a lot of effort in the subsequent battles.

The opponent may be too frightened to take the field and surrender directly.

Wang Yan looked confident. He had never considered losing. If the lineup with two soul emperors could lose in the first game, then there would be no need to start this competition.

Except for Shrek Academy, other rest areas are basically divided according to countries.

It is basically divided into four regions: the Sun Moon Empire, the Heavenly Soul Empire, the Dou Ling Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

The Royal Soul Master Academy team of the Sun Moon Empire is undoubtedly the strongest team in the Sun Moon Empire. The Mingyu Sect and the Sun Moon Soul Master Academy team have to stay back. Therefore, the rest area of ​​the Sun Moon Empire is occupied by the Soul King. Naturally, no one cared about the team that led the team to draw lots.

As the host, the Star Luo Empire officially dispatched three teams this time.

Star Luo Royal Soul Master Academy team.

Star Luo Royal Soul Engineer Academy team.

The Holy Law of the Dead Academy team.

Almost all the contestants' eyes will be cast on the rest area of ​​the Star Luo Empire from time to time. After all, the three official teams dispatched by the Star Luo Empire are too weird.

The team leader of the Star Luo Royal Soul Master Academy is actually just a kid of seven or eight years old, and he is also carrying a silver coffin, which is really eye-catching.

The leader of the Xingluo Royal Soul Engineering Academy team was not much better, looking like he was only eleven or twelve years old.

Is there no one left in the Star Luo Empire?

Are the Boy Scouts all arranged?

Compared to these two teams, the team from the Necronomicon Academy is more eye-catching.

The leader of the Holy Order of the Dead is a stunning beauty with white hair and black dress. People will fall in love with her beauty just by looking at her.

And that cold temperament is matched with the pure white Questioning Heart Jade on her forehead.

It's really like white moonlight.

It's a pity that he is an evil soul master.

Everyone sighed and expressed deep regret. Although they all know that the evil soul masters of the Holy Law of the Dead are not really evil, there is still an invisible threshold in people's hearts.     This is what is called a stereotype.

But no one from the Holy Law of the Dead cared about it, Ling didn't even care. In her eyes, she only saw the figure from the Star Luo Empire Soul Master Academy.

"Xu Changsheng, you are quite shameless. A man who is thousands of years old comes here to pretend to be young and bully a child."

"Huo Yuhao, you are a strong man who has surpassed the strength of Ultimate Douluo. If you sneak into the soul guidance academy, do you know how to make soul guidance tools? It is quite shameless to come here to fry fish."

"At least I'm the right age! My strength is beyond the limit, can you blame me?"

Xu Changsheng: "..."

What Huo Yuhao said did make sense, and he had no way to refute it.

Only then did he remember that Huo Yuhao's official age seemed to be only twelve years old.

It's so terrifying!

This is the first time Huo Yuhao and Xu Changsheng have met, but they both know each other's existence.

Huo Yuhao found out from Wang Xianer's mouth that Wang Xianer was, after all, the deputy hall master of the Judgment Hall of the Star Luo Empire, and had met Xu Changsheng several times.

Later, after being controlled by Huo Yuhao, he told Huo Yuhao all the news about the palace master, Xu Changsheng.

Only then did Huo Yuhao realize that there was a weirdo like Xu Changsheng in this world. When he met him here today, he lamented how shameless Xu Changsheng was.

In the center of the arena, the host was still giving a passionate speech, introducing the rules of the competition and general information about the hundreds of contestants.

In the imperial city, Xu Jiawei and a group of officials were also watching the competition stage seriously.

Behind Xu Jiawei, a black figure knelt respectfully on the ground.

"Your Majesty, Shrek Academy has drawn the team of the Holy Law of the Dead. What do you think we should do?"

"Oh?" Xu Jiawei's eyes lit up.

After all, both the Shrek Academy team and the Necromancer Holy Law team are the favorites to win the championship.

One is the uncrowned king, and the other has the most powerful Huo Yuhao’s confidants.

The outcome is unpredictable,

It would really not be good if the opening scene was so exciting.

"In that case, let's change the lottery. Which team is the weakest in the Sun and Moon Empire?"

After Xu Jiawei thought for a moment, he decided to give Shrek Academy some face and find a weak team to shine for them.

The Star Luo Empire's team is definitely not good, and it would not be good to sacrifice teams from other native continents, so the only option is the Sun and Moon Continent.

"Your Majesty, this generation of teams in the Sun and Moon Empire are all of very high standard. Among them, the team led by the Holy Light Advanced Soul Master Academy whose leader is only a Soul King should be the lowest."

"Okay, that's them."


In the center of the competition stage, the host's loud voice sounded again. "According to the competition rules of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition, the first round will be an elimination round. There are a total of 135 senior soul master and soul master academies registered for this competition. After drawing lots, one will be ranked first. One round of byes. A total of sixty-six games will be played. The first round is a knockout system. The loser will directly end the journey of this competition. Next, the first game will start immediately. The two sides of the game are from Japan. The Holy Light Advanced Soul Master Academy representative team of the Moon Empire. And the Shrek Academy representative team, which is the No. 1 college in the mainland, has countless honors and has won almost all competition championships in the past nearly a thousand years."

With this announcement from the host of the competition, the atmosphere in the entire Xingluo Square suddenly boiled to its peak.

"Shrek, Shrek, Shrek"

The shouts of Shrek Academy resounded from almost every corner of the square.

Under the arrangement of the host, the Holy Light Advanced Soul Master Academy team from the Sun and Moon Empire has already appeared on the stage.

Although they are called Holy Light, everyone in the Holy Light Team wears black robes, covering their faces and skin.

No useful information can be obtained except that the gender can be determined based on the body shape.

However, what surprised everyone at Shrek Academy was that no one in the Holy Light Team felt afraid of the heavy responsibility of the competition and the powerful intimidation of Shrek Academy.

Just calmly waiting for the opponent to take the stage.

Teacher Wang Yan clearly said that the leader of the Holy Light Team is just a Soul King.

However, the competition started immediately, and Ma Xiaotao didn't have time to think too much. With a big stride, he led the team and slowly climbed onto the competition stage under the gaze of everyone.

Seven people from both sides gathered in a corner of the competition stage, looking at each other from a distance.

The referee said solemnly: "The first round, elimination round. Team battle. Both sides can use most of the soul guides to compete. But during the battle, if one party admits defeat, the other side is not allowed to continue attacking. Soul guides cannot use fixed equipment. Fight with highly lethal equipment such as soul guides. Do you understand?"

"Understood." Ma Xiaotao responded first.

The captain of the Holy Light Team is a short young man. His age cannot be seen, but since he appears on this battlefield, he must not be more than twenty years old. His voice is a little evil, and he agrees with Ma Xiaotao.

The referee nodded and said: "Okay, both sides retreat to both sides of the field. Follow my order to start the game. Before I announce the start. No one is allowed to release the martial spirit in advance. Otherwise, he will be sentenced to lose."

The two sides slowly distanced themselves. Shrek Academy arranged their positions according to Wang Yan's deployment and plan.

the other side. The Holy Light Team remained motionless, just watching Shrek Academy constantly adjust their positions.

Their actions aroused dissatisfaction among some viewers. After all, Shrek Academy, the Uncrowned King, did not dare to drag them down like this. The Holy Light Team of the Sun and Moon Empire was really a bit ignorant.

The referee standing in the center of the field slowly raised his right hand. At this moment, Xingluo Square, which was filled with hundreds of thousands of people, suddenly became quiet. Everyone stared at the wide competition stage with wide eyes.

This is the first game, the first knockout round, and it is also a game with the participation of the first college in mainland China! Shrek Academy's elite came out together, and everyone could feel their strength and confidence.

They represent Shrek's glory. Everyone wants to see what they will show.

The referee raised his hand. Players from both sides immediately began to take positions. At the same time, the one hundred and eight Star Luo Empire soul masters who had been prepared in the audience all pressed down on the metal pillars in front of them.

One hundred and eight metal pillars shined brightly at the same time, and suddenly, white lights rose into the sky, drawing arcs and converging into the sky. Finally gathered in the air twenty meters above the top of the competition stage.

When the one hundred and eight rays of light gathered together, a white light curtain suddenly swayed down, covering the entire competition stage. The shield is complete. This also means that the first competition of this year's Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition is about to begin.

"Both sides adjust their positions for the last time." Seeing that everything was ready, the referee began the final arrangements.

Hearing the referee's voice, everyone in Shrek Academy began to take action.

Brothers Zhang Toushu and Zhang Toumu stood at the front.

Ma Xiaotao and Dai Yueheng were on the two wings, and Xu Sanshi stood happily in the center of the team with his arms folded, as if he didn't care about anyone.

Wang Dong and Huo Xingling were at the end.

There was still no movement from the other side, and the referee had nothing to say about it.

This Holy Light Team must have been frightened by Shrek Academy. It seemed like it was another boring game.

"Referee, haven't you announced the start of the game yet?"

Xu Sanshi seemed a little impatient and urged.

When the referee came to his senses, he realized that he could no longer wait for these idiotic students from the Holy Light Team. After they came on stage, they were as motionless as wooden stakes. He must have been really frightened.

Then he lowered his raised right hand and shouted, "The game begins."

Following the referee's loud shout, the students from Shrek Academy immediately released their martial arts spirits.

The martial spirits of Ma Xiaotao, Dai Yaoheng, Zhangtoushu and Zhangtoumu did not need to be simulated, but were released directly. The powerful martial spirits and the best soul ring ratio appeared in front of everyone's eyes instantly.

The four soul emperors made the whole place excited. Shrek Academy actually took action and it was four soul emperors.

This is too powerful.

However, the next scene made everyone in the audience stand up in shock, especially the contestants.

It can be seen that the figure surrounded by everyone actually has seven soul rings on his body.

The seven soul rings are yellow, yellow, purple, black, black and red.

Soul Saint, Shrek Academy actually has a Soul Saint under twenty years old.

Is this the strength of Shrek Academy?

With the last two soul emperor figures, Shrek Academy actually dispatched an all-soul emperor team led by the soul saint?


On the competition stage, Shrek Academy's terrifying momentum pressed against the Holy Light Team.

Everyone began to mourn for this unlucky team.

Seeing the ratio of soul rings in Shrek Academy, the Holy Light Team not only had no fear, but also became more excited.

The short man at the head took off his black robe, stared at the people at Shrek Academy with sick eyes, and said excitedly

"Shrek Academy is indeed interesting. It's interesting to kill with such strength."

After that, their martial spirits and soul rings were slowly released.


The whole place was shocked!

 I just lost half of it, and now I’ve added it. You should be able to see the whole thing by quitting and rewatching. I’m really sorry.



(End of this chapter)

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