This game ended in such a devastating manner that it was really disappointing.

Although Wang Xian'er had expected it, she didn't expect it to happen so soon. At this moment, her beautiful eyes were a little shocked.

"The match between the Holy Law of the Dead and the Zhengtian Academy was won by the Holy Law of the Dead and advanced successfully."

Wang Xianer paused slightly, and after looking at the arrangements in her hands, she continued.

"The next competition is between the Star Luo Royal Soul Master Academy and the Battle Spirit Academy. Players from both sides are invited to come on stage."

Although her voice was small, everyone could hear her clearly.

The main players in the rest area of ​​Douling Academy began to stand up and slowly walked onto the competition stage under the leadership of the captain.

At this time, all the knowledgeable teams had a slight interest in this game. After all, Dou Ling Academy focuses on the research of soul guides. Several members of the Dou Ling team are basically soul guides, and their opponent, Xingluo Royal Soul The Mentor Academy is also the soul mentor team.

However, at this time, all the teams had a doubt.

"When did the Star Luo Empire have a soul mentor academy?"

The rest area of ​​the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy.

"Mr. Ma? How is the level of soul guidance in the Star Luo Empire?" Xiao Hongchen asked curiously.

It was only during this competition that he learned that the Star Luo Empire actually had a soul mentor academy.

So very curious.

He only knew that Shrek Academy had a soul guidance department, and that many colleges in the Dou Ling Empire were studying soul guidance devices. However, he had no impression of the Star Luo Empire.

When Mr. Ma heard this, his mouth suddenly showed disdain.

"The Xingluo Royal Soul Master Academy has been established for a very short time, and the things they teach are definitely not very advanced. In my opinion, there are very few fourth-level soul masters among them, so it is not a cause for concern."

"So that's it?"

Xiao Hongchen suddenly realized, and his face suddenly showed deep disdain for the Xingluo Royal Soul Engineer team that was about to take the field.

It turned out that they were just a bunch of low-class people, and they actually dared to make a fool of themselves in the continent-wide elite soul master competition.

There was also the leader of the Star Luo Royal Soul Engineer Academy, who actually looked several years younger than him. In his opinion, he must be a weakling.

Xiao Hongchen's envious and jealous eyes were looking at Huo Yuhao who stood up happily.

After watching it for a long time, Huo Yuhao had long wanted to stretch his muscles.

It was a coincidence that it happened to be his turn.

Although with his strength, participating in this kind of competition is indeed a bit excessive.

However, although this is unethical, he does meet the competition standards.

However, since he was participating in the competition as the leader of the soul guidance system, he naturally relied on the soul guidance device to fight.

That's right, in this continent-wide elite soul master competition, Huo Yuhao is not going to use his soul master cultivation to fry fish.

He wants to use the soul guide to reach the finals.

Seeing Huo Yuhao stand up, the golden figure beside him also stood up suddenly, but was pushed back by his hand.

"Classmate Ye Guyi, if your hands are itchy, you will have fun later. This game is a duel between soul masters. Just watch the show down below!"

Huo Yuhao's words made Ye Guyi feel discouraged. He sat down again unhappily and continued to focus on the competition stage.

With a slight smile, Huo Yuhao stepped forward and led the students from the Xingluo Royal Soul Engineering Academy to the competition stage, slowly approaching the people from the Dou Ling Academy.

Because Huo Yuhao hid his cultivation, in the eyes of others, his aura was just like that of an ordinary person.

But being able to participate in the competition and being the captain of a small team, Huo Yuhao was definitely not as ordinary as he appeared.

The students from Xingluo Royal Soul Engineer Academy stood on the competition stage casually and did not deliberately support Huo Yuhao. Huo Yuhao also stood quietly with a smile on his eyebrows. He looked very easy-going and matched with his handsome appearance. His appearance even caused the girls in the spectator seats to scream in surprise from time to time.

And Xiao Hongchen's expression in the audience became even more unhappy because of these shouts.

Yes, he was unhappy just now because of Huo Yuhao's appearance.

Originally, he didn't care about this at all. After all, he already had two of the three rich and handsome men, and his soul guidance talent was the strongest in the entire Sun and Moon Empire, so he didn't care about his appearance even more. This kind of thing, not to mention he himself is not bad looking.

But since participating in the competition, he was called uncle by Wang Dong, ignored by Huo Xingling, and called ugly by his sister. He really couldn't bear it.

What's going on in this competition?

A big gathering of sissies?

One looks better than the other.

No one is going to survive this.

On the competition stage, the distance between Dou Ling Team captain Lone Bamboo Sword and Huo Yuhao was only one or two meters. Seeing Huo Yuhao's childish face, I still felt a little incredible.

The team leader of the Star Luo Royal Soul Engineer Academy in front of me is only in his teens. Is the Star Luo Empire simply recruiting a soul engineer team to increase the number of people?

Just as he was deep in thought, Wang Xianer's voice rang out.

"Both sides retreated and prepared to play."

Hearing this, Lone Bamboo Sword suddenly had a fighting spirit in his eyes.

"No matter your age, I will not take it lightly and I will give it my all."

After saying that, he began to retreat slowly.

While retreating, he controlled the team and adjusted the formation.

Huo Yuhao smiled slightly and said nothing. There was a strange look in his eyes, and he also retreated back.

Compared to the Dou Ling Team, their positions were more casual, just scattering back aimlessly.

When the two sides retreated to a certain distance, Wang Xianer, who was standing in the middle, waved his hand.

"Game start."

In an instant, everyone in the Dou Ling Team began to release their martial spirits.

The Dou Ling team has five soul kings, which is enough to rank among the top ten teams among the previous teams.

The captain of the Dou Ling Team, the martial spirit of Lone Bamboo Sword is Zihuangzhu, the fifty-seventh-level assault-type battle soul king, the deputy captain Qian Yuan, the fifty-third-level assault-type battle soul king, and the martial soul Terrorclaw Bear, capable of both offense and defense. , infinitely powerful.

The person with the same level as him is a thin little madman. His soul power is also level 53. His martial soul is the Pearl of Mystery. He is the only control and auxiliary soul master of the Dou Ling Team.

The three of them are the core figures of the Spirit Fighting Team.

In addition to them, there are two soul kings, namely the fifty-level defensive battle soul king Chi Hengyu, and the fifty-level agility attack battle soul king Han Ling'er.

Although the remaining two soul sects, Tang Niuniu and Qing Feng, are not strong, they are good at other aspects, and their status in the spirit fighting team is no worse than anyone else. Once the martial spirit was released, Chi Hengyu, the owner of the defense-type Diamond Shield Spirit, immediately released his huge Diamond Shield Spirit.

The huge shield has a rectangular upper part and a triangular bottom. The total height of the shield is more than two meters and the width is about one and a half meters. With such a huge shield, even a strong figure like Chi Hengyu must tilt upward. To get the shield off the ground.

After releasing the diamond shield, Chi Hengyu's first action was to insert the shield into the ground. Immediately afterwards, the fifth soul ring on his body lit up, and a strong white light shone on his purple fifth soul ring. The soul ring blooms in brilliance.

The originally huge diamond shield expanded instantly, split into two, then two became four, and four became eight. Almost instantly, it turned into a large shield wall, blocking everything in front of it.

Each diamond shield is filled with powerful and dazzling white light, and it feels solid, as if it were coated with a layer of diamond.

This is Chi Hengyu's fifth soul skill, Diamond Barrier. Incomparably powerful defensive soul skills.

He was not the only one who launched the attack at the same time. Tang Niuniu, a control-type war soul sect and an auxiliary weapon soul sect named Qingfeng, also took action at the same time.

Tang Niuniu has a petite figure. When she shakes her body, her ears become furry and cute. She even becomes a little fatter. Her face is chubby. When she puts her hands together in front of her body, her third soul ring lights up. stand up.

A ray of green light shines straight on Qing Feng. Her martial spirit is raccoon, a pure auxiliary martial spirit. The soul skill she is performing at this time can amplify all the soul power she outputs to the soul skill her partner is about to use. Enhance the power of your partner's soul skills by a certain percentage.

As for the degree of increase, it depends on the comparison of the two people's cultivation. The smaller the difference in cultivation, the higher the increase ratio.

What lit up Qing Feng's body was his fourth soul ring, and a layer of earthy brown light spread from his feet. Then, the entire competition stage began to shake violently.

With a loud rumbling sound, a huge earth wall appeared instantly like a wave, connecting with the Vajra Barrier and sealing the giant shield wall he had created.

Not only that, in front of Chi Hengyu's Vajra Barrier, earth thorns emerged one after another, facing the outside in unison. Together with the thick earth wall, it assisted Chi Hengyu's defense like a copper wall and an iron wall.

The Dou Ling Team built such an impregnable barrier in a very short period of time. Firstly, it blocked other people's sight and prying eyes, so that people could not see what they were preparing inside. Secondly, it also played a very important role. Good defensive effect.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Dou Ling team set up such a formation and used this tactic as soon as they came up, and it looked like they were holding some big move inside the barrier.

The preparations that would allow the seven of them to give up the team fight and make a desperate effort were definitely not too weak.

Countless people in the audience have already begun to speculate.

On the competition stage, Huo Yuhao's actions towards Team Dou Ling were a little funny.

The other side seems to have built a barrier for itself, but in fact, it has built a tomb for itself in advance.

With a little mental awareness, he knew that the opposite side was assembling a semi-finished soul guide of about level seven, which was also a one-time consumable.

Thinking of this, Huo Yuhao suddenly had some ideas in his mind.

His voice sounded faintly.

"Get ready to throw the materials. I'm going to start showing off. I hope this time, your throwing speed can catch up with my speed."

Huo Yuhao smiled slightly, and all the members of the Xingluo Royal Soul Engineer Academy understood it.

He mobilized his soul power into his hands and looked solemn. It seemed that collecting things from the soul guide had become a very serious matter.

Xu Jiaxin, the vice-captain of the Star Luo Royal Soul Engineer Team, had a look of helplessness on his face.

She was a level 55 soul engineer and a level 5 soul teacher. She was originally the captain of the team appointed by the academy. However, Huo Yuhao suddenly parachuted in and took everything away from her.

Moreover, the way it was taken away was still so humiliating.

Huo Yuhao made a bet with her that as long as the material thrown by Xu Jiaxin from the storage soul guidance device could appear before the previous material was carved into the soul guidance core, she would win.

Of course she didn't believe she would lose such a ridiculous competition, but the speed with which Huo Yuhao carved the soul core in that second really overturned her three views.

How many seconds does it take for her to use her soul power to take out the materials from the storage soul guidance device, but it only takes Huo Yuhao one second to carve the core of the soul guidance device?

In the end, she lost the game, and Huo Yuhao successfully became the captain of the Star Luo Royal Soul Tutor Team.

Now that everyone heard Huo Yuhao's words, they knew that he was going to start printing soul guides again.

Everyone in the team was very interested and wanted to see what level of soul guide Huo Yuhao wanted to make to deal with this game.

At the same time, they were highly concentrated and threw rare metals into the air crazily. Their hand speed was so fast that afterimages even appeared.

These rare metals, after being thrown out, were quietly held up by a force and suspended in the air.

As they were thrown, more and more.

Seeing that on the competition stage, everyone from the Xingluo Royal Soul Engineer Academy not only did not release their martial souls, but instead took out a lot of rare metals from their storage soul guides, all the contestants and the audience were stunned.

The audience just likes to watch the excitement. As a result, the people from the Dou Ling Team just built a big box to cover themselves and secretly did something inside so that they could not see anything.

Forget it, at least they had a look at the gorgeous martial arts spirit.

As a result, the people from the Xingluo Royal Soul Engineer Academy were even more stingy, and they didn't even show their martial souls, so that was nothing to see.

The rest area of ​​the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy.

Everyone stood up and looked at the guys throwing rare metals on the competition stage as if they were fools.

"I said, they took out so many rare metals, don't they want to make a high-level soul guide on the spot?"

"It looks like I just don't know what gave them the courage to be so arrogant." Ma Rulong looked disdainful.

Their Sun Moon Empire Royal Soul Engineering Academy is the expert in researching soul guidance devices, and it can be said that they are far ahead.

None of them can improvise soul guidance devices during the competition, let alone others.

The outer shell, core, and inner shell of a soul guide are all indispensable.

To say that the outer shell and inner shell are fine, there is not much requirement for accuracy, but if you want to carve a soul guidance core, even the simplest first-level soul guidance core, you need a quiet environment, unless you are a soul guidance master, but Could that be that young guy on stage? Absolutely impossible.

Moreover, according to his observation, the rare metals on the competition stage are basically the materials used to carve soul guidance cores above level five.

Such a large amount of rare metals can be used to carve dozens of soul guidance cores. Moreover, the actions in the hands of everyone at the Star Luo Royal Soul Guidance Academy are still going on, and this number will increase.

Therefore, the guy on the stage is definitely sensationalizing.

All the students and teachers at the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy had the same idea as Ma Rulong, including the Hongchen brothers and sisters.

However, guesses are guesses, and what you see with your own eyes is the truth. At this moment, their eyes were all focused on the handsome figure on the competition stage.

All speculations are meaningless.

Because Huo Yuhao started to move.

Seeing that the material was barely enough for the bottom, Huo Yuhao smiled slightly, narrowed his eyes, and released his mental power instantly.

Thirty-two palm-sized, crystal-sharp tiger-killing flying knives suddenly appeared in the air

under his control

The next moment (end of this chapter)

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